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Hochschule Niederrhein

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

(Kopie 1)

Prospective students can apply for around 90 Bachelor's and 30 Master's degree programmes at the Krefeld and Mönchengladbach sites.

Application start for the winter semester 23/24

Prospective students can now apply for the winter semester 2023/24 at the Hochschule Niederrhein. The application deadline for the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes with restricted admissions is July 15th, and for the degree programmes with open admissions the deadline for applications is September 15th. The Hochschule Niederrhein is offering a total of almost 90 Bachelor's degree programmes and around 30 Master's degree programmes in ten faculties for the coming winter semester. The winter semester officially begins on September 1st, with lectures starting on September 25th, 2023.

The majority of the Bachelor's degree programmes are open-admission. This applies in particular to the technical degree programmes such as Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Industrial Engineering. Almost all dual degree programmes - for which a training contract with the company is required - and the majority of part-time degree programmes are also free of admission. A new addition is the Bachelor's degree programme in Digital Forensics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Degree programmes with restricted admissions are mainly from the Faculties of Applied Social Sciences and Economics. There are individual aptitude tests for the Degree programmes Communication Design, Product and Object Design and Design Engineer (Textile and Clothing Technology).

"The NC´s (restricted admissions) shouldn't scare anyone off, however," explains Kirsten Möller-Mevissen, Head of Central Student Advice at the Hochschule Niederrhein. "They were introduced to prevent Degree programmes from becoming overcrowded. As a rule, they are between 2.0 and 3.0."

The application takes place online. The important entry in the application mask is the final average grade of the entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences or the Abitur. Study places are allocated after July 15th, either directly by The Hochschule Niederrhein or via Hochschulstart, a central allocation office in Germany. The programmes for which applications are made via Hochschulstart are listed on the homepage: https: // along with a wealth of other information.

Questions about the application and registration under 02151 822-2288 (student office). Questions and advice on Degree programmes at 02151 822-2777 (Central Student Advice).
