At the beginning of June, students from the Hochschule Niederrhein met for the interdisciplinary event " Is AI writing my term paper now? - Opportunities and risks in dealing with generative language models such as ChatGTP and Co. The university team of the project "Public Understanding of AI through transdisciplinary teaching education" had invited to the online information event.
More than 80 students from all faculties participated in the format. They followed with interest the contribution of the substitute professor for artificial intelligence, Dr. Michael Gref, on the classification of benefits and risks of generative AI language models. He emphasized the importance of sound knowledge in formulating target-oriented input commands (prompt engineering). Pascal Quindeau, academic staff member at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, used interactive practical examples to show the students how they can use ChatGPT in writing processes in a meaningful way. Johanna Bulthaupt, Master's student at the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology, said after the event: "I think it's important that universities integrate AI into teaching education so that fears of contact are taken away and AI is seen as an opportunity."
The event marked the start of the "Social Aspects of Artificial Intelligence" roundtable. Topics include autonomous driving, sustainability of AI systems and AI in Health Care. In addition to students, guest students and members of the public interested in the topic are invited to attend the individual events. Interested parties are welcome to contact Dr. Christina Grieb-Viglialoro by e-mail for further dates: ringveranstaltung-KI(at)