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Hochschule Niederrhein

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

(Kopie 1)

Successful author Volker Kutscher comes to The Hochschule Niederrhein (Copyright: Anett Kürten)

The grand final: Volker Kutscher reads from the last Gereon Rath novel

In cooperation with the NS-Dokumentationsstelle Krefeld and Villa Merländer e.V., successful author Volker Kutscher will read from his new novel "Rath" on Thursday, January 23 (7:30 pm) at The Hochschule Niederrhein (Audimax, Reinarzstr. 49, 47805 Krefeld). The tenth volume in the Gereon Rath cycle is also the degree of the series. Admission is free, but the association would appreciate a donation for the redesign of the permanent exhibition in the Villa Merländer. Registration is required: ns-doku(at)

In the grand finale of the crime series, the Rath family is heading for a dramatic conclusion. After returning from the USA, Gereon has gone into hiding in Rhöndorf near Bonn and makes his way to Berlin to help Charly. She has to free Hannah Singer from the Wittenau sanatoriums and defend Fritze, who is suspected of murder. Hatred of the Jews grows and the Reichsprogromnacht culminates in a development that Charly had foreseen and Gereon had long denied.

Volker Kutscher was born on December 26, 1962 in Lindlar and grew up in Wipperfürth. After completing his studies (German studies, philosophy and history), he initially worked as a daily newspaper editor before turning to writing novels. Kutscher lives in Cologne and Berlin.

The novels from the Gereon Rath cycle form the foundation course for the cult series "Babylon Berlin". The Sky and ARD series is considered one of the most successful German television productions. Kutscher has received several distinctions, including the BZ Kulturpreis and the Berliner Krimifuchs.
