Under the motto "KunstImPuls, Museum live erleben" (ArtInPulse, experience the museum live), the Art museums Krefeld offer a diverse program every 1st Thursday of the month with music, guided tours, performances, art and design workshops, short tours and more in the Lange and Esters houses. The occasion for the activities is the 650th birthday of the city of Krefeld.
The Hochschule Niederrhein is also taking part: Students from the Department of Design will present their "showwalk Körpererweiterungen" (showwalk Body-extensions) on Thursday, June 1st, as part of the "Productive Spaces" exhibition. It starts at 6 p.m. on the terraces of the park of Haus Lange, Wilhelmshofallee 91-97. Admission is free.
On display are the designs that the public voted for at the Show-Walk in the Shedhalle in mid-April. The works are the results of a project in the first semester of design taught by Prof. Susanne Specht, Prof. Thomas Klegin and subject teacher Mathias Lanfer.
The focus of the experiment with different materials was a meaningful self-staging through body transformations. The goal was a body-oriented device that should have an unusual effect on movement and senses.
On the catwalk on June 1st, these inventions and apparatuses, which the students attach to their own bodies, will now be on display in the open air. The show walk will be complemented by individually created sound collages.