The "Heimspiel Wissenschaft" project of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) brings scientists from rural regions back to their home towns. It also introduces those who live in the neighborhood, village or (small) town for professional reasons to lecture events. There they talk about their research and teaching education. Why they do research and how it affects all of our lives. In this way, science in teaching education and research is made tangible for local people. The Hochschule Niederrhein, as a regionally anchored university, is participating in this campaign with three events in the Viersen district.
To the prelude on Wednesday, 16 August (beginning 18:30 o'clock) in co-operation with the open air museum of the circle Viersen in Grefrath (stadium road 145) the first meeting of the up-to-date three-part series takes place. The professor Dr. Lena Evertz (Faculty of Business Administration and Economics), who was born in Kempen and lives in Grefrath, will give a lecture entitled "Ab heute trainiere ich dann mal meine Resilienz. Why resilience training has a lot to do with brushing your teeth and everyone can benefit from it", she will provide exciting insights into her research and present current scientific findings as well as practical everyday tips on the subject of resilience. Resilience is also referred to as the "immune system of the soul." It helps to overcome crises and challenging times. Research has now proven that resilience can be trained. Anke Petrat, director of the open-air museum, will lead through the evening.
The second part of the series will take place on Wednesday, September 27 (6:30 p.m.) at Obsthof und Quartier Selders, Am Diepenbroich 58, 47877 Willich-Schiefbahn. There Prof. Dr. Claus Brell (Faculty of Business Administration and Economics), who lives locally in Schiefbahn, will present his work on experience-oriented beekeeping, which is facilitated by networked sensors, carried out in projects in partnership.
Important to him is the statement that "the sensor technology must fit the biology of the bee and the requirements of beekeeping." Initial results have already been achieved in the Biene4.0 research project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL): Simple temperature and sound sensors provide information on whether, for example, the bees are too warm or whether the winter food is running out. Remote swarm detection also seems possible. The sensor technology can also be used to monitor heating gas consumption. The lecture will show how this can be done.
Prof. Dr. Claus Brell, himself a hobby beekeeper, is a physicist and teaches business informatics at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at the Hochschule Niederrhein. His research interests include the use of Internet-of-Things to support nature observation.
The current degree is on October 18, 2023 at 18h30 the evening with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Brandt, who lives in Viersen, who will present his appointment in terms of content in the event room of the Verein für Heimatpflege e. V. Viersen, Gerberstraße 20a, 41747 Viersen under the title "Artificial Intelligence: Do I have to understand it?".
Even though the field of Artificial Intelligence has existed for more than 50 years, it is taking more and more influence on our everyday life, especially in the last years - sometimes more and sometimes less obvious. We should therefore take a closer look at what is behind the buzzword AI and what opportunities and risks are associated with its use. Because similar to other technical advances, a basic understanding is important to be able to shape the world of tomorrow in a meaningful way. This talk aims to contribute to this: it will first take a brief look at the development of the field over the past decades. Then, different AI techniques and their use will be outlined with examples. Finally, the relevance of the field to our life today will be discussed.
Prof. Dr.- Ing. Jens Brandt, currently Dean of his faculty, teaches at the FB 03 - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Hochschule Niederrhein; he represents the field of teaching Digital Systems and Embedded Programming, researching, among other things, AI in industry and everyday life.
"Heimspiel Wissenschaft" is a project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in cooperation with the German Rectors' Conference (HRK), the science communication agency con gressa and the #WisskommLab at Heidelberg University.
Prior registration by e-mail is required for all three events: veranstaltung(at) - admission is free.