The Hochschule Niederrhein and the city administration have jointly signed the climate protection agreement of the Krefeld Climate Pact. This means that the university is now not only the initiator of the climate pact, but also a climate partner. Dr. Thomas Grünewald, the university's president, signed the agreement on behalf of the university, while Sabine Lauxen, Krefeld's head of environmental affairs, signed the agreement on behalf of the city. The university is also one of the initial partners that launched the alliance with the city of Krefeld. Together, the path to climate neutrality is now to be filled with life. The Hochschule Niederrhein defines climate neutrality as a lead project in its sustainability strategy and wants to prioritizeCO2-saving measures.
Dr. Thomas Grünewald: "The university likes being a climate partner because it wants to show how seriously it takes climate protection. With the climate partnership, it is committing itself to the goals and requirements of the climate pact that it itself helped to set in motion - so we are taking a good look at ourselves. This is important and also leads to a better understanding of the challenges of the other climate partners." Sabine Lauxen: "We are looking forward to the now even more intensive cooperation with such an important partner as the university. It has a special significance as a pioneer in the topics of climate protection and sustainability."
The city of Krefeld would like to support local companies in becoming more climate-friendly by offering various consulting and information services. Together with the other initial partners of the climate pact, it supports the climate partners in implementing their corporate climate protection measures. In this way, the climate pact offers an opportunity to all Krefeld companies. The city of Krefeld also offers free advice on climate protection concepts for small and medium-sized companies based in Krefeld.
The climate protection agreement has also already been signed by C.C. Umwelt GmbH, Kulturfabrik Krefeld e.V., van Acken Druckerei & Verlag GmbH / van Acken Fundraising GmbH, schröter managed services GmbH and Andreas Pavel Dachdecker GmbH & CO. KG / Soklar Photovoltaik GmbH were signed. For more information, visit