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Hochschule Niederrhein

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

(Kopie 1)

Photovoltaic systems, such as those installed on the new Chemistry Technical Center in Krefeld West, will in future also contribute to other HSNR buildings on the way to climate neutrality by 2035. Copyright: Thomas Lammertz/HSNR.

The Hochschule Niederrhein aims for climate neutrality by 2035

The Hochschule Niederrhein wants to become climate-neutral by 2035. In order to achieve this goal, a concept with various packages of measures has been developed.

The Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) wants to reduce its emissions as quickly as possible in order to counteract climate change and constantly rising temperatures. The aim is to become climate-neutral by 2035. In order to achieve this ambitious goal, HSNR has developed a climate protection concept.

This concept results from an objective of the sustainability strategy and presents the initial situation, including the HSNR's carbon footprint. It defines the university's goals, shows how these goals can be achieved and ensures compliance with the controlling concept.

CO2 emissions are to be significantly reduced through short and long-term climate protection measures. HSNR aims to achieve climate neutrality both in the area of building supply with heat and electricity and in the area of the university vehicle fleet. The Hochschule Niederrhein would also like to reduce other emissions caused by commuter mobility, for example.

As a milestone, the university plans to achieve a 40% reduction in emissions caused by the energy supply and fuel emissions of the vehicle fleet by 2030. Selected measures are being implemented in close coordination with the Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrieb (BLB) NRW, which is the landlord of most of the university buildings.

The recently evaluated figures show where there is a need for action: In 2022, the three locations in Krefeld and Mönchengladbach had a total energy consumption of 19.8 gigawatt hours (GWh) - 10.1 GWh of which was gas, 7.3 GWh electricity and 2.3 GWh district heating. By way of comparison, this corresponds to the electricity consumption of 1,800 single-family homes and the heat consumption of 600 single-family homes.

In total, HSNR emitted 9,854 tons ofCO2 equivalents- 2,000 tons from gas purchases alone and 7,000 tons from commuter mobility. In total, this is equivalent to theCO2 footprint of 800 people in Germany.

Because HSNR has been using green electricity certified by TÜV SÜD (electricity generated from 100% renewable energy) since 2020, this has already saved around 3,200 tons ofCO2 per year. Irrespective of this, electricity consumption is to be further reduced by switching to LED lighting and installing photovoltaic (PV) systems on the roofs.

Package of measures 1: Photovoltaic systems

HSNR has already commissioned a planning company and a structural engineer to carry out a potential and feasibility analysis. These are to determine where and to what extent PV systems are suitable on university buildings. Both service providers have experience with monument protection, so they are well versed in the special regulations of historic buildings, such as those on the Mönchengladbach campus.

The recently opened chemistry technology center at the Krefeld West site serves as a concrete example. Several photovoltaic systems were installed on the green roof. The building was also constructed with foresight in accordance with the KfW (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau) 55 energy standard, which is not yet mandatory. With the BNB (Assessment System for Sustainable Building) silver standard, the HSNR fulfills further sustainability aspects - above all with regard to the environmental impact of building materials over the life cycle of the building, a high quality of building technology and health aspects such as thermal comfort and the safety of people.

The university has thus implemented more than the energy regulations applicable to new buildings. In this way, an additional 27 percent less energy is consumed at the Chemistry Technology Center than under normal regulations.

Much more will be done in this respect at the textile campus in Mönchengladbach: A few weeks ago, the ground-breaking ceremony took place for the replacement of the new textile hall (Building H). Like the chemistry technology center, this will be significantly better insulated. PV systems on the roof will further reduce energy consumption in the long term. These are also planned for Building W.

Package of measures 2: Energy-saving contracting

At the Krefeld Süd university site, SU building renovations are to be carried out via energy-saving contracting. The aim here is also to save electricity and heat. To this end, external specialists inspect the HSNR buildings and building technology in advance, develop cost-effective energy-saving measures and then implement them.

Package of measures 3: Heat conversion at the Krefeld West campus

The two gas boilers at the Krefeld West campus are to be replaced by climate-neutral alternatives. Due to the existing district heating network in Krefeld, the university is aiming in particular to cooperate with Stadtwerke Krefeld (SWK AG).

However, many smaller steps are also helping to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase sustainability: Flower meadows have been planted at two of the three sites to promote insect and species protection. Two electric vehicles have replaced company cars with combustion engines since this year, with more to follow. Drinking water dispensers and standardized waste separation systems will be installed shortly.

"Achieving climate neutrality by 2035 is an ambitious goal, as large-scale projects in particular cannot be implemented overnight. But we want to show how much the HSNR cares about climate protection. Together with all members of the university, we must already try to save every possible gram ofCO2. That is why we are launching many smaller climate protection measures in addition to large-scale projects. It is important to us that university operations are not impaired in any way," says HSNR Climate Protection Manager Kevin Kaiser.
