The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics of the Hochschule Niederrhein invites you to the next expenditure of the Forum Banking & Finance. On Wednesday, June 7, starting at 6 p.m. in the main auditorium at the Mönchengladbach campus, Webschulstraße 41-43, the focus will be on foreign exchange and markets in times of war. Admission is free.
The guest speaker this time will be Uwe Erbs, Director of Treasury Solutions at Santander Consumer Bank in Frankfurt.
The war events in Eastern Ukraine are causing problems for companies and private households in Germany due to rising producer and energy prices, rising interest rates, supply chain disruptions and high inflation. Financial markets are also in turmoil, as evidenced primarily by volatile foreign exchange rates.
Because both investors and companies involved in cross-border trade are affected, the Forum Banking & Finance on June 7 will take a concrete look at the reasons for exchange rate fluctuations, their impact on a wide range of markets such as oil and gas, precious metals or cryptocurrencies, and venture an outlook on future developments.
This expenditure of the forum is organized by Prof. Dr. Bernd R. Müller, Professor of General Business Administration, in particular Finance.
External participants are asked to register at forum-bankingandfinance(at)