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Hochschule Niederrhein

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

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Most recycled paper-friendly university: (from left to right: Marc Gebauer, IPR spokesperson; Verena Villain, Head of Internal Services/HSNR; Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke) © BMUV/Annette Riedl

HSNR is Germany's "most recycling-friendly university"

The Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) has been distinguished as the "most recycling-friendly university" in Germany. Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke presented the award for outstanding commitment to the use of recycled paper with the Blue Angel to Verena Villain, Head of Internal Services, at the Federal Environment Ministry on Tuesday. The HSNR came top in the Paper Atlas University Competition 2024 organized by the Initiative Pro Recycling Paper (IPR). An outstanding result in view of 54 participating universities with an average recycled paper quota of 69 percent.

The HSNR consistently uses 100% Blue Angel paper in administration and other areas, thereby making an important contribution to climate and resource protection. Compared to virgin fiber paper, the university saved over 416,000 liters of water and almost 94,000 kilowatt hours of energy in 2023. The water savings correspond to the daily needs of more than 3,400 people. The energy saved could cover the annual electricity requirements of 26 three-person households.

Marc Gebauer, spokesperson for the IPR, praises the commitment: "The Hochschule Niederrhein is a pioneer in the use of recycled paper with the Blue Angel and thus achieves measurable ecological savings. By making its sustainable paper procurement transparent in the Paper Atlas, it is also encouraging other universities to follow suit."

HSNR Chancellor Prof. Dr. Fabienne Köller-Marek is delighted with the distinction: "In the current university development plan, we have set ourselves the goal of making The Hochschule Niederrhein more sustainable. Of course, this also includes the responsible use of paper. The fact that we have now been recognized as the most recycling-friendly university shows that we are on the right track."

The Paper Atlas has been documenting paper consumption and recycling paper rates in German cities every year since 2008, in universities since 2016 and in rural districts since 2018. Cooperation partners are the Federal Environment Ministry, the Federal Environment Agency, the German Association of Cities, the German Association of Towns and Municipalities, the German Association of Counties and the German Association of Universities. This year, the Paper Atlas achieved increased recycling paper rates and a new record participation of 244 municipalities and universities.
