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Hochschule Niederrhein

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

(Kopie 1)

At the first "Parti Contest" of the Hochschule Niederrhein, the winning teams were chosen (some people are missing in the photo).

HSNR students and lecturers win prize money with creative teaching education ideas

Three teams of students and lecturers have won an ideas competition organized by the Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) and won prize money. With their creative posters and videos, which dealt with the further development of teaching education and learning at the HSNR, they convinced the six-member jury.

In the very first "Parti Contest - New Ideas for Your University", a total of eleven teams with 37 people from seven different faculties submitted their proposals. The jury members - three students, three lecturers - emphasized the great added value of the winning applications submitted: the ideas could easily be transferred and applied to other courses and faculties and could help to involve the students even more.

In the case of "form follows reality," Joshua Korn, Elisabeth Wehmeyer, Jonathan Werner and Prof. Lisa Freyschmidt from the Faculty of Design in Krefeld have in mind a cross-semester business game in which real-life professional scenarios in product design are simulated. A good preparation for practical application.

The idea "Catch Them All" by Sven Thielen, Lara Mubarak, Michael Sojka and Prof. Jens Brandt comes from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in Krefeld. The quartet came up with an inter-semester bonus point system: Lecturers and students jointly develop tasks on current topics for bonus points, which are solved by student groups and made available as teaching material.

The cross-faculty teaching education and research project by Lorena Götzen, Martina Wintgen, Prof. Angelika Krehl and Prof. Moritz Heß is a joint submission of the Faculties of Applied Social Sciences and Economics in Mönchengladbach. It is about research-based and practical orientation in interdisciplinary teaching projects with mutual feedback and common goal formulation.

Each winning team receives 2,000 euros: 1,000 euros can be taken home by the students, 1,000 euros go to the lecturer team members for implementing the idea.

The "Parti Contest" took place for the first time this year and is a contribution of the department of studies and teaching education. Its vice president, Prof. Dr. Berthold Stegemerten, was enthusiastic about the large number of applications at the kick-off and announced a continuation next year. "We can only successfully shape the future of our university if we overcome divisions between lecturers and students and develop teaching education and learning together."

Support is provided for projects that motivate students and lecturers alike to address the issues of participation and teaching education.
