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Hochschule Niederrhein

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

(Kopie 1)

he Head of the HSNR International Office, Sebastian Sabas (right), presented Karl Pegguy Zangue Kouakekang (left) with the DAAD prize. Copyright: HSNR/Thomas Lammertz

Cameroonian student distinguished with DAAD prize

Karl Pegguy Zangue Kouakekang has been awarded the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) prize for his outstanding academic achievements and voluntary work. The Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) awards the prize annually to international students in recognition of outstanding achievements and exceptional commitment. The distinction, endowed with 1,000 euros, was presented by Sebastian Sabas, Head of the HSNR International Office, at the Senate Award Ceremony.

Kouakekang left his home country of Cameroon for his Bachelor's and Master's degree in Computer Science at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. "Despite the certainly difficult starting conditions he faced as an international student with a foreign mother tongue, he completed both his Bachelor's and Master's degree with good grades. He did not shy away from challenging topics in his theses, which allowed him to impressively demonstrate his academic abilities," says Professor Dr. Jens Brandt, who nominated Kouakekang for the DAAD prize.

In addition to his studies, he actively supported other students by helping them to cope with their studies. He was involved as a tutor in various basic programming courses. "That's always a challenge with around 250 students with different levels of knowledge," explains Brandt. He is also part of the study room team at the LAKUM Catholic University Center in Krefeld, where students receive support, particularly during the examination and written exam phases.

The prize money is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service. The prizewinner is selected within the university. The DAAD prize helps to make international students at German universities more visible and to connect their stories. Each international student takes a piece of Germany back home with them and leaves something of themselves here - an enrichment for both sides.
