The Hochschule Niederrhein hosted the Chancellors' Conference of the Universities of Applied Sciences in North Rhine-Westphalia today. Prof. Dr. Fabienne Köller-Marek welcomed the chancellors in the Shedhalle of the Faculty of Design on the Krefeld West campus.
The meeting focused on current higher education policy issues such as the Higher Education Strengthening Act and reports from the IT/Digitalization and Finance specialist groups. During the lunch break, participants were given a tour of the Faculty of Design to gain an insight into its creative working methods.
About the HAW NRW Chancellor's Conference
The Chancellors' Conference has been an association of chancellors and vice presidents responsible for business and personnel administration at universities of applied sciences in North Rhine-Westphalia since 2001. It serves the exchange of expertise, the coordination of joint strategies and the development of practical solutions for administrative challenges in everyday university life.