From Sunday, April 2nd, around 70 works from the Krefeld Graphic Edition of the Faculty of Design at the Hochschule Niederrhein will be on display in the exhibition "Traditional - Current" at the Krefelder Kunstverein.
Many years ago, Professor Jochen Stücke at the Faculty of Design of the Hochschule Niederrhein began to establish the teaching education of artistic printmaking. Today, a well-equipped workshop offers students the opportunity to learn the classic techniques of wood/linocut, etching, screen printing and lithography.
Right at the beginning the idea was born to archive exemplary works from edition prints in the "Krefelder Grafik Edition". Sheets from this collection have already been shown at trade shows, galleries and other exhibition venues. "We are grateful that the Krefelder Kunstverein has given us the opportunity to present an overview of student printmaking of the last fifteen years to the public in our house," says Stücke.
On the one hand, the title of the exhibition makes it clear that a current generation is still using artistic means for its pictorial inventions that go back to centuries-old traditions. On the other hand, of course, modern media are also integrated into the work processes, thereby experimentally complementing the classical forms of expression. "With approximately 70 works that we have selected for the exhibition at the Kunstverein, it is possible to study technical features and, above all, an impressive artistic diversity," explains Stücke.
The vernissage will take place on March 31, 2023 at 7 pm. The artworks can be viewed during the exhibition period from April 2 to May 7, 2023. The Krefelder Kunstverein is located at Westwall 124 in 47798 Krefeld. Admission is free of charge.
For more information about the event, contact Danny Eickemeyer, Faculty of Design, by phone at 02151 822-4371 or by email at Danny.Eickemeyer(at) Information can also be found at