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Hochschule Niederrhein

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

(Kopie 1)

The participants of the Le/Ni: Teaching Forum 2024 at The Hochschule Niederrhein.

Le/Ni: Teaching Forum 2024 - Thinking university together

On June 20, 2024, the annual Le/Ni: Teaching Forum took place at The Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) on the Mönchengladbach campus. Under the motto "Thinking university together: What does the teaching and learning of the future at The Hochschule Niederrhein look like for you?", 30 participants developed and discussed visions together.

After a welcoming address by host Professor Dr. Berthold Stegemerten, Vice President for Studies and Teaching Education, Professor Dr. Matthias Barth (President of the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development) provided inspiration in his keynote speech on the topic of "Competence orientation in university lecturers - transformative learning in times of sustainability and digitality".

With the help of a thought experiment, these impulses were taken up and discussed with regard to the challenges for teaching and learning at The Hochschule Niederrhein. At three stations, visions for the HSNR were developed in the fields of social transformation, sustainable teaching development and shaping teaching and learning together.

Professor Dr. Gudrun Stockmanns rounded off a successful Le/Ni: Teaching Forum 2024 with conclusions for her future term of office as Vice President for Studies and Teaching Education at The Hochschule Niederrhein.
