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Hochschule Niederrhein

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

(Kopie 1)

From now on, citizens will find the university's services that they can use as external users in a central location under a separate menu item.

Offers of the HSNR for citizens - now centrally visible on homepage

More orientation for citizens: The Hochschule Niederrhein's (HSNR) offerings, which are also aimed at the general public, are now easier to find. On the HSNR homepage, they are now centrally summarized under the heading "Hochschule" (University) in a separate menu item "Angebote für Bürger:innen" (Offers for Citizens). Interested parties can also go directly to the overview at

General information on regular events, seminars and publications is now available in separate short descriptions with links to the relevant pages on the homepage.

These include the "Design Discussion," which the Faculty of Design organizes together with the Cultural Office of the City of Krefeld and focuses on a talk with experts at Fabrik Heeder. The multigenerational magazine "Zwischentöne" and the FAUST guest lecture program, with more than 200 seminars and lectures on topics such as Psychology, Sociology, Nutrition and Business Administration and Economics, are also aimed at target groups outside the university.

Also active are the W3 House of Knowledge and Business association, which invites informative exchange and constructive networking, and the Center for Continuing Training, which is open to professionals with and without university degrees. Personal key competencies are taught in the winter and summer academies. Also listed is information on the dining halls, university libraries, language centers, and the campus store.

With the improved visibility on the homepage, the HSNR is taking another step to become even more present in the general public and to seek dialogue with citizens. Under the title "Third Mission", the HSNR takes care of the exchange of science with society in addition to the traditional tasks in studies and teaching as well as research and transfer. This includes various activities in the areas of knowledge and technology transfer, continuing education and social commitment. Interested parties can participate, for example, as guest students, as participants in lectures or as students in workshops.

Appendix: Photo: From now on, citizens will find the university's offerings that they can attend as external participants in a central location under a separate menu item.
