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Hochschule Niederrhein

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

(Kopie 1)

The Hochschule Niederrhein will hold an open day at its Mönchengladbach campus on May 31.

Open House: Get to know the Faculties in Mönchengladbach Campus

Laboratory and campus tours, workshops, lectures, advice on Degree programmes and a good start to your studies: anyone who wants to get to know the wide range of courses offered by the Hochschule Niederrhein now has the opportunity to do so. At the open house on Wednesday, May 31, interested parties can take a look behind the scenes of faculties with a practical emphasis / orientation at the campus in Mönchengladbach.

Starting at 9:00 AM, the four Faculties of Food and Nutrition Sciences, Social Sciences, Textile and Clothing Technology, and Business Administration and Economics will welcome visitors to the campus in Mönchengladbach (Rheydter Straße, Richard-Wagner-Straße, and Webschulstraße).

From the program:

At the Faculty of Food and Nutrition Sciences, those interested will learn more about the sustainable cultivation of mushrooms, vegan snacks with fruits and vegetables, the shelf life of food, technologies and sensor technology in product development or food analysis. In addition, there will be hands-on sports and nutrition, as well as tips for creating your own startup.

At the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, students report on the projects they are currently working on or how their semester abroad went. Visitors can get a taste of a law lecture using the case study "Child Vaccination against Corona" or watch an open rehearsal of the budding cultural educators. In addition, the Bachelor's degree programmes will be presented.

At the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, there will be taster lectures and short talks on marketing, taxes or soft skills, workshops on investing and building up assets, and a stay abroad in Finland.

And at the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology, things get very practical. Workshops are offered there (prior registration required at studinfo-07(at) entitled "What does a textile lab technician do?", "From fiber to yarn", "Who sews the label into my T-shirt" or "T-shirt printing". In addition, numerous taster lectures and exhibitions await. There will be demonstrations in the Color Measurement, Finishing and Garment Production Technology Laboratories.

More program details including times can be found at
