The Hochschule Niederrhein's Faculty of Design has been in existence for 120 years. During this time, the subject area and thus the students' apprenticeships have changed considerably. University professors and alumni of the faculty will now provide insights into how exactly and what exciting topics there are in two days of exciting short lectures.
On Thursday, July 25 (2 to 6 p.m.) and Friday, July 26 (2 to 4 p.m.), anyone interested can simply come to the pop-up event at the Future Work Lab (Petersstraße 122, near the Jazz Club) in Krefeld city center without registering and listen to the 30-minute presentations. The event is organized by the Faculty of Design and the Third Mission (linking research and teaching education with society).
Whether informative, historical, lyrical or topical - there is something for every taste. These include topics such as "Communication Design & K-Pop: An Unexpected Career", "The Cold War in Design: FRG-GDR", "Between Typography, AI and Gaming" and "No detour is for nothing - challenges and opportunities after studying design". Former design students will also report on their successful start-ups.
The complete program with all times can be found at:
The event is embedded in the anniversary week for "120 years of designkrefeld", which runs from July 23 to 27.