As part of the research projects "R(h)einTex - Recycling through innovation in the textile industry on the Lower Rhine" and "KlarTEXT", the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology has now invited various players from the textile and clothing industry to exchange ideas. The aim is to transform the industry in the Middle Lower Rhine region and beyond into a real and practicable circular economy.
Around 50 participants accepted the invitation to Mönchengladbach. The regulars' table format offered an opportunity for an exchange on the topic of textile recycling and the associated challenges as well as practical solutions. By building a network of textile experts from industry, science and society, circular economy models are to be established in the long term against the backdrop of changing political framework conditions.
The NRW region has an excellent starting point for establishing a textile hub with the aim of reintegrating high-quality textile raw materials as part of a circular textile economy. The agenda for the regulars' table included a short series of presentations on the progress of the project, the status quo of textile recycling and a keynote speech by Alberto GmbH & CO. KG.
This was followed by a round table discussion on issues relating to future legal requirements. Sandra Dumsch, Head of Procurement & Production at Alberto: "I am very enthusiastic about the commitment of the participants and it shows that a network of practical partners can help us find solutions together."
The next meeting of this regular format is planned for the first quarter of next year.
In the "R(h)einTex" project, the textile "black box" is being analyzed and economic potential for the region identified with a broad-based quantification and qualification of waste streams. Relevant circular economy approaches are being developed on a company-specific basis, right through to the closed loop. Following on from this, stakeholder networks will be established in order to develop a regional economic impact.
The textile and clothing industry continues to shape regional specialization in the Middle Lower Rhine region. With innovative companies, The Hochschule Niederrhein, Europe's largest study location for the industry including specialized research institutes, as well as the Textile Academy NRW, the region has a unique technology and knowledge base.