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Hochschule Niederrhein

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

(Kopie 1)

Professor Dr. Bernd Müller from the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics of the HSNR (from left) with the two award winners Maren Maike Kühn and Saskia Mejias Hintzen as well as the Savings Bank Director Antonius Bergmann from Mönchengladbach. Copyright: Stadtsparkasse Mönchengladbach

Sparkasse honors female university students for their excellent theses

Very good grades, the degree in the bag - and now 1500 euros on top: That is the reward for the meticulous diligence that two students of the Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) have put into their Bachelor's theses. For their excellent achievement Maren Maike Kuehn and Saskia Mejias Hintzen were distinguished on Wednesday by the city savings bank Moenchengladbach. The prize, endowed with 1500 euros each, was presented by Prof. Dr. Bernd Müller of the Hochschule Niederrhein and Savings Bank Chairman Antonius Bergmann. The two women studied business administration at the HSNR on a career-integrated basis. While Kühn works at Sparkasse Neuss, Mejias Hintzen is employed at Stadtsparkasse Mönchengladbach.

"I am very pleased that the effort and time invested has been honored. The honor means a high level of appreciation for me," says Saskia Mejias Hintzen. In her thesis, she compared the financial performance of conventional and sustainable investment funds. The 27-year-old now wants to invest the prize money in a trip or sustainable investment funds.

The endowment also comes at the right time for Maren Maike Kühn: She plans to use some of the money to buy new work clothes and save for a trip to Australia next year. "I am very happy about the appreciation that Stadtsparkasse Mönchengladbach and the Hochschule Niederrhein have shown me. That can't be taken for granted," says the 24-year-old.

The topic of her thesis: financial derivatives as a means of managing risk in cryptocurrencies. It's about the question of what can be done to turn a high-risk crypto investment into a lower-risk investment option. What risks and opportunities do different derivatives offer?

Antonius Bergmann, CEO of Mönchengladbach Sparkasse, was visibly pleased with the success of the two graduates. "Our cooperation with The Hochschule Niederrhein is a prime example of a practical orientation linking banking-related topics, from which all those involved benefit. The transfer of knowledge opens up new opportunities for the students. With their outstanding work, Ms. Kühn and Ms. Mejias Hintzen are deserving award winners."

In 2012, Stadtsparkasse Mönchengladbach honored outstanding bachelor's and master's theses from the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics dealing with banking and finance for the first time.
