Laboratory and campus tours, workshops, lectures, advice on degree programmes and a good start to your studies: anyone who wants to get to know the wide range of courses on offer at The Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) now has the opportunity to do so. At the Open Day on Wednesday, May 15, interested parties can take a look behind the scenes of the faculties in Mönchengladbach.
From 9 a.m., the four Faculties of Food and Nutrition Sciences, Applied Social Sciences, Textile and Clothing Technology and Business Administration and Economics will be welcoming visitors to the Faculties in Mönchengladbach (Rheydter Straße, Richard-Wagner-Straße and Webschulstraße).
From the program:
At the Faculty of Food and Nutrition Sciences, those interested can learn more about the sustainable cultivation of mushrooms, vegan snacks with fruit and vegetables, edible packaging, quality management or food analytics. There will also be hands-on sports and nutrition and tips for founding your own start-up.
The SO.CON Institute of the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences will be presenting its current research projects. Visitors can get a taste of a legal lecture using the case study "Childhood vaccination against coronavirus" or watch an open rehearsal by budding cultural educators.
The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics offers taster lectures and short presentations on marketing, taxes and soft skills as well as workshops on investing and wealth accumulation. Interested parties can also gain an insight into the work of the NIERS institute, which deals with issues of regional structural change, regional sustainability and future viability.
And the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology offers a practical approach. Workshops (prior registration required at studinfo-07(at) are offered there entitled "Hangtags - Is this important or can it go?", "Shank weaving" or "Against fast fashion - dealing with clothing yesterday, today and in the future". There will also be numerous taster lectures and exhibitions. There will be demonstrations in the laboratories for Colour Measurement Laboratory, Finishing and Technical Textiles.
More program details including times can be found at
Prospective students can now apply to HSNR for the winter semester 2024/25. The application deadline for admission-restricted Bachelor's and Master's degree programs is July 15, while the deadline for admission-free programs is September 15. Applications can be made online.
In total, the HSNR offers almost 90 Bachelor's and around 30 Master's degree programmes in ten faculties. The Bachelor's degree programme in Applied Psychology is brand new.
The majority of Bachelor's degree programmes, almost all dual degree programmes and the majority of part-time degree programmes are admission-free. Admission is restricted for degree programs in the Faculties of Applied Social Sciences and Business Administration and Economics.
There are individual aptitude tests for the Communication Design, Product and Object Design and Design Engineering (Textile and Clothing Technology) degree programmes.
Further information on the programmes can be found at: https: //