The Krefeld South Campus (Reinarzstr. 49, 47805 Krefeld) is all about technology on Monday, May 22nd. Between 3 and 6 p.m., young people aged twelve and over are invited to look at the subject of technology from different angles. A special highlight: The information truck of the metal and electrical industry will open its doors on the grounds of the Hochschule Niederrhein. The event is initiated by the MINT in Mind project, which aims to get young people excited about technology and science.
Young people can explore the "fascination of technology" in a practical and intuitive way at experiment stations and actively try their hand at CNC milling, electronic circuits and elevator controls. Virtual participation in the production process of a car is also on the agenda.
Afterwards, the racing car of the HSNR racing team will be presented. Students from the university design, build and market their racing car on their own. They invite the participants to take a closer look at the racing cars and even take a seat.
And finally, as part of the Info Day, there will be a chance to stroll around the campus and take a look at various workshops and laboratories.
Anyone interested in joining this journey through the world of technology, please register at mint-in-mind(at) by May 12th, 2023. Participation is free of charge.