Good university lecturing does not happen by itself. Rather, a great deal of heart and soul and commitment must be invested by all stakeholders in order to develop outstanding and innovative teaching concepts, events and curricula (syllabi). Lecturers at the Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) have now participated in the network project "WeiL - WeiterLehreN" of the association "LehreN-Netzwerk e.V." and successfully participated in the nationwide call for proposals "Fokus Netzwerke. Strengthening networks as innovation-promoting actors" of the Foundation Innovation in University Teaching (StiHL) attended. Teaching-related networks consist of people who meet across universities over longer periods of time and exchange ideas on teaching-related issues.
A total of 120 network projects were submitted, of which 22 will be funded after evaluation by reviewers and the jury. The total funding volume of the foundation amounts to nine million euros, which will be distributed in the funding period from 2023 to 2026. The network project "WeiL - WeiterLehreN", in which lecturers from the HSNR have participated, will receive 400,000 euros from the network sponsorship. Professor Dr. Berthold Stegemerten, Vice President for Studies and Teaching, is enthusiastic about the positive funding decision: "This is a good and important signal to all lecturers who work tirelessly for good teaching. I am very pleased that colleagues from HSNR are also involved in the project."
The association "LehreN-Netzwerk e.V." is a nationwide association of 120 university lecturers who jointly develop outstanding and innovative teaching concepts, events and curricula to ensure good teaching education through the interaction of several actors. The Hochschule Niederrhein is represented in the association by Prof. Dr. Dagmar Ackermann (Faculty of Health Care), Prof. Dr. Marion Halfmann (Faculty of Business Administration and Economics), Prof. Dr. Christof Menzel (Faculty of Food and Nutrition Sciences) and Dr. Sylvia Ruschin (University Didactics).
In the future, the association with 120 members from 81 universities would like to further expand its network "Community of Professionals" and intensify the collegial exchange with other committed to teaching education.