As part of their master's studies in computer science, Willy Fritzsche,
Nils Schuch and Marco Russinski carried out a project
on 3D city modeling at the iPattern Institute of the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences
in the past winter semester and summarized the results in a scientific publication
. This was accepted by the international conference on
pattern recognition and artificial intelligence (ICPRAI 2022) in Paris
, so that the three students could present there about their work on 01.06.
before researchers from all over the world. The topic was
intelligent filling of hidden areas in facades on
oblique aerial images used for 3D modeling of cities
. This data was made available to the
project by the cadastral office of the city of Krefeld.
Marco Rußinski about his impressions from Paris: We got a lot of contacts to other young scientists at the conference
and are enthusiastic about
the atmosphere at the conference, the city of Paris and the French
Link to pubication: