Course reference collection

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Special literature and copies are compiled by lecturers for specific courses. These are so-called course reference collections listed together in one place. Printed titles and copies are placed together in the library and specially marked. Printed media cannot be borrowed during this time. They can only be used in the library or scanned if necessary. Electronic media from the course reference collections can be accessed at any time from home. 

Lecturers who would like to set up a course reference collections can find further information on our intranet page.

To learn more about course reserves, read the FAQ.

On this page you will find the semester reserves of all three libraries, sorted by the last name of the lecturer and the name of the semester reserve.

Course reference collection FAQ

What are course reference collections?

Lecturers put together the books (print and e-books) and teaching materials (e.g. scripts) that are most important for their courses in a course reference collection and make them available together in the library.


Can media be borrowed from the SemApp?

The books, folders and photocopies cannot be borrowed (exception: short-term borrowing until 9 a.m. on the next opening day) and thus allow different students to access them at any time. You can use it to work at workstations in the library and scan with the reflected light scanner. The books in a course reference collection are noted in the catalog with the status “Presence”. In addition to print media, many course reference collection also contain e-books. E-books can be read online at any time and can sometimes be downloaded in their entirety or chapter by chapter. E-books can also be accessed from the comfort of your home and no VPN access is required.

Where are the course reference collections?

In the library, course reference collections are kept separate from the other books, sorted numerically by department and lecturer. If you do not know where the course reference collection is located, please ask at the service desk. The books in a course reference collection are identified by a yellow stripe with a number at the top of the spine. First is the department, e.g. 07 for the textile department. Second is the number of the semester number.

Please contact library staff if you have any further questions.

How do I find SemApps in the DigiBib?

Course reference collections can be viewed on the Course reference collection website ( or can be found using the title of the Course reference collection in the DigiBib using the call number field in the advanced search. You will receive a complete list of print copies and e-books in the respective Course reference collection.
