Dual studies and other programmes of study
The Hochschule Niederrhein

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Please note:

Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences does not currently offer any dual study programmes in English.
You can find an overview of the full-time degree programmes in English via the following link.

Dual Study at The Hochschule Niederrhein

Studies or apprenticeship? The Hochschule Niederrhein has been offering a simple solution since 1982 with its dual studies in accordance with the Krefeld Model: both at the same time!

As pioneers and trailblazers of dual studies, we can look back on over 30 years of tradition.

Krefeld Model

Here is a YouTube video. Click on it to watch. The data protection regulations of google apply!

Advantage triangle

Dual degree programmes - overview

The degree programme overview of the dual degree programmes provides information about

  • Facts about the Degree programme
  • admission requirements
  • the application
  • partner companies
  • the content of the Degree programme
  • the content of the examination regulations


Studies & practical phase

Training on the job

The trainee program for the Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Mechatronics and Process Engineering degree programmes combines academic studies with regular practical phases in the company without accompanying vocational training.

The trainee phases are individually designed in the company according to specializations relevant to the course of study. A systematic apprenticeship and flexible, intensive familiarization with sometimes very complex topics over the entire duration of the course enable qualified employees to be hired quickly and remain with the company throughout.


Studies & apprenticeship diploma & master cra

"Triple qualification to the p

The trial study format Skilled Trades Management - Business Administration enables you to qualify and secure the next generation of specialists and managers in the skilled trades sector.

During the studies, trade and business management skills are taught in equal measure. The aim is to obtain three degrees (apprenticeship diploma, master craftsperson's certificate, Bachelor's degree B.A.) in just one degree programme. In this way, specialists in the trade are apprenticed while at the same time mastering extensive business management knowledge.

In addition, an early commitment to the training company is achieved. Triple studies are primarily designed to be combined with vocational training as a carpenter, electronics technician, automotive mechatronics technician and HVAC plant mechanic. It is also possible to combine it with other apprenticeships.

Info & facts

Admission requirements and structure

Prerequisite for dual studies:

  • Entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences (school and practical part) or A-levels
  • Training contract

The standard time to degree (in semesters) is usually two semesters longer than the full-time degree program. This is because dual students study two days a week at the university in the first semesters and complete their apprenticeship in the company on three days.

The study structures vary depending on the subject area. You can find out the respective study structure of your desired dual degree programme from your contact in the faculty.

Attendance at a vocational school is not required. The content of the studies compensates for the knowledge to be imparted within the apprenticeship. Exam preparation for the written examinations for the apprenticeship is sometimes offered by the IHK.


  • One year before leaving school: Application for a training place
  • Beginning of May: Start of online application for admission-restricted and admission-free degree programmes (no documents)
  • Degree programmes without admission restrictions: After successful online application, you will be taken directly to online registration.
  • 15 July: End of the application deadline (admission-restricted degree programs)
  • Beginning of August: Acceptance/rejection by email (admission-restricted degree programmes)
  • Mid-August: Digital registration (Degree programmes with restricted admission)
  • September 15: End of the application period (open-admission Degree programs)
  • Mid-September: Induction week, start of semester
  • September 30: End of training contract submission deadline
  • Beginning of October: Start of lectures
Central Student Advisory Service

Enable young people to have a future!

Your advantages of dual studies

Your steps as a dual pathfinder

Expand your possibilities with us

Become a network partner

The high practical content of our Degree programmes and the networking of the Hochschule Niederrhein, especially with the regional economy, is our trademark. Companies and the university have always maintained an intensive dialog. And we would like to expand this further.

Especially in times of demographic change and a shortage of skilled workers, companies can present themselves as interesting employers to young academics at an early stage. One thing remains certain in our future, which continues to be shaped by multimedia: a good image among prospective students and graduates will have an ever greater influence on their choice of employer when looking for a job. In this context, it is also worth mentioning that sponsoring universities is also becoming increasingly popular in Germany as part of education and knowledge sponsoring. It is a fact that two thirds of our graduates already choose an employer during their studies. For this reason, we are happy to support you as a company in employer branding as well as in recruiting highly qualified junior staff.

As a partner of the business community, The Hochschule Niederrhein continuously adapts its training programs to new economic developments and the needs of the company. It is a personal concern of ours to provide practical orientation for apprenticeship in our laboratories and workshops. Our students gain extensive insight into research and development during their studies. They learn to successfully develop their skills and abilities by working on practical problems. This expertise is complemented by internships and internship semesters as well as theses with our business partners. We lay the foundation for optimal preparation of our students for their future careers. Of course, this is best achieved by networking with strong partners in the business world.

Reach out to us!

Have we convinced you of us? Then take the chance to get to know us better! Simply fill out our contact form. We look forward to hearing from you!

Frequently asked questions


Ellen Gerarts
Department IV - Student Services and Academic Affairs

Contact Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Member ILOC Institute

Contact Electrical Engineering Computer Sci.

Contact person

Degree programme Electrical Engineering: Mr. Göttert

Degree programme Computer Science: Mr. Rethmann

Degree programme Mechatronics: Mr. Ahle

Environmental technology, biosensor technology, sensor technology, microtechnology Head HIT
Practical computer science
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Elmar Ahle

Contact Mechanical Engineering

Angelika Grahl, M.A.
Program development and department management

Contact Applied Social Sciences

Contact Textile & Clothing Tech.

Francesca Corradi, M.A.

Contact Business Administration & Economy

Contact persons

Degree programmes BBWD: Mr. Pagonas

Degree programmes BSWD BWID, BFD (tz)

Degree programme BHM (trial): Mr. Steinwartz

René Steinwartz, M.A.
Classification and recognition, Program Coordination BBFD / BBFT / MBA, Contract lecturer bank management & risk management, scientific work, learning methods
Andreas Pagonas
Program Coordination BWI, MWI, MWIT, BBS, BBWD und BHM

Contact Industrial Engineering & Management

Ernst Gebler, Dipl.-Betriebsw.
Assistant to the Dean and Student Advice.

Contact Health Care

Contact person

Degree programme ATW: Mrs. Schmidt

Degree programme Medical Computer Science: Mrs. Hoppmann

Degree programme Nursing: Mrs. Hayder-Beichel

Annette Schmidt, M.Sc.
Teaching Education Applied Therapy Sciences and Student Advice
Nora Hoppmann, M.A.
Student Advice Medical Informatics
Dipl.-Ges.oec. Heike Koß-Hülsen
Teaching Education Support, Student Advice Bachelor HCM, Coordination Dual Studies HCM