Dear parents (to be), dear family caregivers,
successfully balancing your studies / your job and a family requires a lot of reflection, organization, communication and mutual understanding. A strong network can help you on this journey.
The AStA and the family service of the Hochschule Niederrhein invite you to share your experiences with other members of the Hochschule who are facing similar challenges in their day-to-day life. Take the opportunity to receive valuable tips, discover new perspectives, generate ideas and get to know people in an informal atmosphere. Family members are welcome as well! Exciting play opportunities for children will be available.
When? Tuesday, 22 October 2024, 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Where? HSNR Campus Mönchengladbach, building Z, room ZE 36
In order to make planning easier, we ask you to try to register for the event by 08 October 2024. Please register by email to .
We are looking forward to seeing you!
Alexander Wilke
AStA der Hochschule Niederrhein
Referent für die Vereinbarkeit von Studium und Care-Aufgaben
Email: alexander.wilke(at)
Wiebke Weissinger
Familienservice der Hochschule Niederrhein
Here you can find my contact details and information on the other services offered by the family service such as daycare places or parent-child workrooms: