Institutes and competence centres

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Think tank of the region

Under the umbrella of The Hochschule Niederrhein , research, development and know-how are transferred in the region.

The potential, the range and the volume of application-related scientific services will not be found again like this in the region.

Evidence of this are the successes in research and innovation competitions, the highly regarded projects and networks in the Euregio, the progressive establishment of affiliated institutes and in-institutes, the increase in contract research and, last but not least, the examples of successful cooperation.

In the following, we present our institutes and competence centres and their range of services.

Our affiliated institutes

  • DTNW - German North-WestTextileResearch Centre e.V.: The DTNW is a research center where both basic and application-related research is carried out that is related to the production, processing and usage properties of textiles →
  • FKuR Kunststoff GmbH: The FKuR Group is a medium-sized, privately managed group of companies that focuses on the development, production and distribution of high-quality specialty compounds and the distribution of specialty plastics →

