Project subject:
Design and realization of a non-invasive diagnostic system for patient screening for the early detection of vascular diseases by means of a simple eye examination.
Norbert Dahmen, Mike Schick, Peter Schillings, Georg Toszkowski, Reiner Wittenhorst; "Design and construction of a measurement system for the detection and evaluation of vascular structures in the central section of the ocular fundus (Retina Image Processing Project)"; Virtual instruments in practical application 2010, accompanying volume to the 15th VIP Congress, R. Jamal / R. Heinze (Eds.), VDE Verlag GmbH / Berlin, Offenbach, 2010.
Norbert Dahmen, Georg Toszkowski, Reiner Wittenhorst, Peter Schillings, Mike Schick: "Ein Blick hinter das Auge, Messsystem erfasst Gefäßstrukturen im zentralen Abschnitt des Augenhintergrundes"; Mechatronik, 10-11, 2010, 118. Jahrgang, ME110213 Verlag G.I.T. Informationsgesellschaft Technik GmbH, München.
Health, Accelerated and safe diagnostics, Resources efficiency.
Boundary conditions:
Interdisciplinary (medical technology, computer engineering, electronics development, optics), industrial cooperation (The Hochschule Niederrhein in Krefeld, Robin GmbH in Haan, Hellman Entwicklungsbüro in Solingen, RGB Elektronik in Solingen)
Project status:
Brief description (summary):
The subject of the research and development work is the non-contact digital photography of the arterial and venous vessels in the central section of the fundus of the eye, which can be carried out without artificial dilation of the pupil, and the provision of image processing algorithms for the automatic measurement of vessel diameters. Special image processing algorithms can be used to calculate the ratio of the diameters of the arterial and venous vessels observable in a defined image area in the form of a retinal vessel risk index AVR (Arteriole to Venule Ratio) from the fundus images obtained, in addition to other parameters describing the vascular system. As part of the extensive American research study Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC), it was shown that the AVR correlates with an increased rate of hypertension and strokes. This leads to the immediate conclusion that by analyzing the retinal vessels, conclusions can be drawn about the health of the vessels in other organs such as the heart and brain, and that in this way the eye can be regarded as a non-invasive diagnostic window. The result, presented in the form of simple risk indicators (such as AVR and Kinking), enables the doctor to recognize the first signs of possible vascular disease at an early stage and to act accordingly. Detailed documentation of the measurement and analysis results for further evaluation of the vascular images of the fundus of the eye should be possible at any time and help to refine the diagnosis. The overall aim of the planned research and development work is to contribute to the development of new computer-aided procedures for the non-invasive diagnosis of vascular diseases. The ultimate aim of the project is to develop and provide a simple mobile non-invasive diagnostic device which, like the stethoscope, could be part of the basic equipment of every general practitioner.
Project result / impact / sustainability:
- Autofocus recording technology in transition to prototype development.
- Automatic papilla detection validated.
- Automatic recognition of vessel types (venules, arterioles) in progress.
- Fundus segmentation (region of interest) and vessel measurement in progress.
Challenges in commercial implementation:
The project- and thus situation-related expansion of an R&D team is often cumbersome and cumbersome due to the lack of administrative business processes. Unfortunately, this always makes collaboration with cooperating industrial partners more difficult when the progress of the project indicates new findings with regard to the immediate implementation of the development approaches found in a marketable product. The R&D projects mentioned above have a certain random character with regard to their origin, implementation and follow-up as well as with regard to the implementation of project experiences in suitable teaching units, such as internship assignments, which is important for teaching and apprenticeships. Critical R&D projects are slow to come to fruition because the necessary specialist and expert staff first have to be acquired. All too often, follow-up projects have to be canceled for capacity reasons, so that insufficient continuity and sustainability is achieved in the cooperation with the project partners concerned and promising solutions come to nothing. Although regarded as particularly urgent, the formation of interdisciplinary project groups has so far proved to be particularly difficult. There is currently no corresponding culture in place. It is easier to hide behind individualized courses than to face the challenges and opportunities of interdisciplinary work in teaching education and research. In addition, the current and, in some cases, heavily schooled study program makes it very difficult for students to participate in projects - if at all - and rarely in the timely manner required for a project. The same applies to the integration of continuing education and employee qualification, although it is precisely this possibility that is now regularly requested by our cooperation partners and represents a future-oriented, attractive training option at the university. In summary, it can be said that a dynamic structure as shown in Fig. 1 ensures the transfer of existing skills and project experience into a continuous and sustainable solution, while at the same time guaranteeing the timely, practical implementation of practice-oriented teaching education and research.