KAMU - Competence center
for Applied Mycology and Environmental Studies

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Comp. center for applied mycology and environmental studies

Mushroom cultivation has a long tradition in the Lower Rhine region and the neighboring Netherlands. The same applies to the scientific expertise in this field, represented by the Society for Applied Mycology and Environmental Studies (GAMU) in Krefeld.

The Hochschule Niederrhein has set itself the goal of promoting social, structural and economic development, particularly in the "linker Niederrhein" region, and contributing to the national and international reputation of the campus in science and research.

The industry is facing major economic and ecological challenges, but new opportunities are also arising due to the increasing demand for a greater variety of edible mushrooms, new findings on the health benefits of medicinal and edible mushrooms and the ecological importance of useful mushrooms for closed material cycles. An efficient, flexible organizational structure is needed to bundle this potential and translate it into sustainable results for science and practical application. The decisive milestones in establishing such an organizational structure were GAMU's cooperation with the food technology department at The Hochschule Niederrhein in 2011 and the acquisition of third-party funding via the Interreg project "FooDS" of the Euregio Rhine-Meuse North in 2013.

Key features of KAMU

The main characteristics of the  Competence Centre for Applied Mycology and Environmental Studies (KAMU) are:

  • the bringing together of the fields of mycology of beneficial fungi (macromycetes) and biotechnology
  • its interdisciplinary core group in the field of fungal research
  • an efficient network group with relevant expertise
  • from colleges, universities, companies and associations
  • graduate and post-graduate training options

KAMU as a cooperation partner

The KAMU is recommended as a cooperation partner for:

  • mushroom producers in commercial cultivation
  • Food companies in the "Healthy Nutrition" business area and product innovations with added health benefits
  • Biotechnology companies in the field of food and natural substances

KAMU is aimed at all sectors of industry

Regardless of the industry, we are aimed at all

  • companies with tasks relating to the recycling of organic residues in terms of closed cycles  and biotechnological conversion.


Food biotechnology and product development


22 Kalitukha, L., Bleha, R., Synytsya, A., Kraska, J., Sari, M. Hydrocolloids from the Mushroom Auricularia heimuer: Composition and Properties. Journal of fungi, 2023, 9, 681.

21 Dicks, L., Jakobs, L., Sari, M., Hambitzer, R., Ludwig, N., Simon, M.C., Stehle, P., Stoffel-Wagner, B., Helfrich, H.P., Ahlborn, J., Rühl, M., Hartmann, B., Holst, J.J., Ellinger, S.: Fortifying a meal with oyster mushroom powder beneficially affects glucagon-like peptide-1, non-esterified free fatty acids and hunger sensation in adults with impaired glucose tolerance - a double-blind randomized controlled crossover trial. European Journal of Nutrition, 2021. doi.org/10.1007/s00394-021-02674-1.

20 Dicks, L. & Ellinger, S.: Effect of the Intake of Oyster Mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) on Cardiometabolic Parameters- A Systematic Review of Clinical Triple. Nutrients, 2020, 12: 1134.

19 Sari, M.; Toepler, K.; Roth, C.; Teusch, N.; Hambitzer, R.: The Birch Bracket Medicinal Mushroom, Fomitopsis betulina (Agarycomycetes) - Bioactive source for beta-glucan fraction with tumor cell migration blocking ability. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 2020, 22 (1), 1-13.

18 Schlösser, I. & Prange, A.: Antifungal activity of selected natural preservatives against Aspergillus westerdijkiae and Penicillium verrucosum and the interactions of these preservatives with food components. Journal of Food Protection, 2019, 82 (10), 1751-1760.

17 Schlösser, I. & Prange, A.: Effects of selected natural preservatives on the mycelial growth and ochratoxin A production of the food-related molds Aspergillus westerdijkiae and Penicillium verrucosum. Food Additives and Contaminants, 2019, 36 (9), 1411-1418.

16 Prange, A.; Sari, M.; von Ameln, S.; Hajdu, C.; Hambitzer, R.; Ellinger, S.; Hormes, J.: Characterization of selenium speciation in selenium-enriched button mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) and selenized yeasts (dietary supplement) using X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy. Journal of Trace Elements, 2019, 51, 164-168.

15 Sari, M.; Toepler, K.; Nickisch-Hartfiel, A.; Teusch, N.; Hambitzer, R.: Aqueous Cold Water Extracted Lentinus edodes (Agaricomycetes) Cross Flow Ultra Filtration Fractions Exhibit Apoptosis in Tumor Cells. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 2018, 20 (11), 1107-1119.

14 Lelley, I.J.; Sari, M.; Hambitzer, R.: Cultivated edible mushrooms. ErnährungsUmschau special issue Food 2018, pp. 18-27.

13 Etter, D.; Rupp, A.; Prange, A.; Drissner, D.: Inactivation of mold spores in a model system on raisins by low energy beam. Food Control, 2018, 92, 357-361.

12 Schlösser, I.; Prange, A. : Antifungal activity of selected natural preservatives on the foodborne molds Penicillium verrucosum and Aspergillus westerdijkiae. FEMS Microbiology Letters 365, 2018, 1-8.

11. von Ameln, S.; Dicks, L.; Prange, A.; Ellinger, S.: Dietary supplements made from mushrooms. An overview of health-related aspects with a focus on cardio-metabolic effects and an overview on food law regulations. Nutrition Review-International, 2018, 65 (6), 92-99.

10. von Ameln, S.; Prange, A.: The new Swiss food law - an overview. DLR - German Food Review - Analysis, Research, Processes, Law 114, 06/2018, 263-268.

9 Schlösser, I.; von Ameln, S.; Prange, A.: Naturhemmstoffe- eine Alternative für chemische Konservierungsstoffe im Kampf gegen Mimmelpilze? Review of meat hygiene and food monitoring. 2018, 1: 18-22.

8 Sari, M.: Biofunctional ingredients (beta-glucans) in medicinal and edible mushrooms. Dissertation, 2017. Witten/Herdecke University.
(awarded the Lower Rhine Dissertation Prize 2018)

7 Sari, M.; Hambitzer, R.: Versatile Mushrooms. A Key Driver for Culinary and Health Innovations. G.I.T. Laboratory Journal. 2017, 1-2: 36-38.

6 Sari, M.; Prange, A.; Lelley, J.; Hambitzer, R.: Screening of ß-glucan contents in commercially cultivated and wild growing mushrooms. Food Chemistry, 2017, 216: 45-51.

5 Sari, M.; Hambitzer, R.; Lelley, J.; Toepler, K.; Teusch, N.; Nickisch-Hartfiel, A.:Characterization of cross flow ultra filtration fractions from Grifola frondosa (Agaricomycetes) reveals distinct cytotoxicity in tumor cells. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 2016,18 (8): 671-680.

4 Grube, S.: Development of a multiplex real-time PCR detection system for the simultaneous detection of food-relevant mold genera. Dissertation, 2015, University of Witten/Herdecke.

3 Grube, S., Schönling, J.; Prange, A.: Comparison of different methods for the recovery of DNA from spores of mycotoxin producing molds in spiked food samples. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 2015, 60: 524-530.

2 Grube, S.; Schönling, J.; Prange, A.: Development and evaluation of a triplex-real-time PCR system to detect the plant-pathogen molds Alternaria spp., Fusarium spp. and C. purpurea. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 2015, 119: 180-188.

1 Lelley, J.; Sari, M,; Hambitzer, R.: Cultivated edible fungi. Ernährungs Umschau, 2015, 62: 352-362.

Poster presentations

15. Sari, M.Lindek, M.  Potential of Fungi Mycelium for the Development of an enriched Plant-Based Burger Patty.15.08.2024. 12th International Mycological Congress, Maastricht.

14. Dissemond, M., Sari, M. Development of a Sustainable Bio-Based Substitute for Peat from Agricultural residue Streams for Agaricus bisporus Cultivation. 12.08.2024. 12th International Mycological Congress, Maastricht.

13. Lindek, M., Kox, K.A., Sari, M . Edible mushroom mycelium as a component of innovative foods using the example of a plant-based burger patty. 60th DGE Congress, Bonn, 15.03.2023, Proceedings of the German Nutrition Society, p. 62.

12. Sari, M., Kox, K.A., Löw, J., Schoob, J., Hambitzer, R.: Screening of light effects on mushroom mycelia. ISMS congress 2021, virtual, 14-17.09.2021.

11. Sari, M.; Hüsgen, S.; Löw, J.: Fomitopsis betulina mycelia as a source of biofunctional substances. 57th DGE Congress, Jena, 18-20.03.2020, Proceedings of the German Nutrition Society, p. 12-2, p. 103.

10. Sari, M.; Knedlik, R.; Hambitzer, R.: Potential of sensory active substances in low-molecular mushroom extract. GDL Congress, Bremerhaven, 11-13.10.2018, GDL abstract volume p. 90.

9. Prange, A.; Sari, M.; von Ameln, S.; Ellinger, S.; Hambitzer, R.; Bovenkamp-Langlois, G.L.; Hormes, J.: Chemical speciation of selenium in selenized yeasts (dietary supplements), food contaminating molds and button mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) 70. Annual Conference of the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM), Bochum, 19-21.02.2018, DGHM_Abstractband 308/LMP.

8. Hasselbusch, J.; Sari, M.; Hambitzer, R.: Extraction of a novel hydrocolloid from Lentinula edodes. 55th DGE Congress, Hohenheim, 07.-09.03.2018, Proceedings of the German Nutrition Society, P9-3, p. 79.

7 Schlösser, I.; Prange, A.: Antifungal activity of selected natural preservatives against the foodborne molds Penicillium verrucosum and Aspergillus westerdijkiae under different pH and aw values. 70th Annual Conference of the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM), Bochum, February 19-21, 2018, DGHM_Abstractband 309/LMP.

6 Sari, M.; Roth, C.; Hambitzer, R.: Piptoporus betulinus- a new promising source for beta-glucans? IMMC9 Congress, Palermo, 24-27.09.2017, Abstract-Band, EP_41, p. 176.

5 Etter, D.; Rupp, A.; Prange, A.; Loessner, M.; Schuppler, M.; Drissner, D.: Inactivation of spore-forming microorganisms using Ebeam technology. 137th Symposium of the Food Microbiology Section of the VAAM/DGHM, Landshut, 03.-05.04.2017, Abstract volume, P23, p. 65.

4 Schlösser I, Prange A.: Antifungal activity of Origanum vulgare, carvacrol, thymol, eugenol and trans-cinnamaldehyde and its combinations against Aspergillus westerdijkiae and Penicillium verrucosum. 25th ICFMH Conference Food Micro, Dublin, 19-22.7.2016.

3. Sari, M.; Hambitzer, R.; Lelley, J.: Screening study of ß-glucans in commercial and wild mushroom species. 19th ISMS Congress, Amsterdam, 29.5.-02.06.2017.

2. Sari, M.; Hambitzer, R.: Influence of maturity stages and post-harvest treatments on the beta-glucan content of Lentinula edodes. 52nd DGE Congress, Halle (Saale), March 11-13, 2015, Proceedings of the German Nutrition Society, P 10-1, p.82.

1 Sari, M.: Influence of ripening stages and time of storage on beta-glucan content in Shiitake mushrooms. 3rd Kiel Food Science Symposium, Kiel, 20-21.05.2014, Abstract-Band, P8, p.3 36.

Completed doctorates

Dr. rer.nat. Schlösser, I. (2020)
Antifungal Effect of Selected Natural Preservatives on Food-Relevant and Mycotoxin-Producing Molds

Dr. rer.medic. Von Ameln, S. (2019)
Food supplements in a legal comparison of German, Swiss and US law and classification of the practical examples "medicinal and edible mushrooms" and "selenium-enriched mushrooms"

Dr. rer.medic. Sari, M. (2017)
Biofunctional ingredients (beta-glucans) in medicinal and edible mushrooms

Master theses

16. Langen, L. (08/2024)
Potential of edible mushroom mycelia: Influence of defined light waves on biomass and specific glucan contents of the submerged cultivated mycelium of Flammulina velutipes

15. Hilles, L. (08/2024)
Potential of biotechnological cultivation of edible mushroom mycelium of Agaricus bisporus

14. Lindek, M (02/2024)
Potential of edible fungal mycelia for the development of innovative and healthy foods based on a plant-based burger patty

13. Kox, K.A. (02/2022)
Development of a recipe for vegan burger patties based on plant-based and fungal beef ingredients

12. Jansen, K. (08/2021)
Beverage innovations based on medicinal and edible mushrooms using Agaricus bisporus as a model

11. Löw, J. (08/2021)
Extraction and characterization of exo-polysaccharides in submerged cultures of basidiomycetesions base

10. Bitting, L. (07/2021)
Standard Operation Procedure for functional ingredients from edible and medicinal mushroomsof basidiomycetes

9. Atug, H. (08/2018)
Development of submerged mycelial cultures - Fomitopsis betulina as an innovative source of biofunctional substances

8. Knedlik, R. (07/2018)
Potential of sensory active substances in low-molecular mushroom extract

7. Kalisch, L. (02/2018)
Development, analysis and evaluation of quality criteria for mushroom preparations - protection against adulteration

6. Seidler, L. (10/2017)
Microencapsulation of functional ingredients from medicinal and edible mushrooms

5. Roth, C. (10/2017)
Piptoporus betulinus as a promising source of beta-glucans - importance of growth stage, size and solubility

4. Schoemackers, S. (08/2017)
Effect of the volatile phase of selected natural inhibitors in vitro and in situ on food-relevant molds

3. Fuchs, F. (01/2017)
Study on a gel-forming hydrocolloid from shiitake (Lentinula edodes) - isolation, characterization, applications

2. Zimmermann, B. (04/2016)
Investigations on beta-glucan contents in wild mushrooms

1. Rabe, J. (02/2016)
Minimum inhibitory concentrations of eugenol, oregano oil and cinnamaldehyde in selected molds

Bachelor theses

15. Jansen, A. (08/2024)
Circular use of side and residual streams in coffee production - demonstrating innovative applications in the food sector

14. Dünker, A. (08/2024)
Beta-glucans from edible mushrooms: Consideration of the structure-activity relationship and their influence on the human gut microbiota

13. Pätschke, S. (03/2024)
Development and analysis of a sustainable textile-mycelium composite material and the development and demonstration of application examples

12. Fleischer, S. (02/24)
Use of residual materials from the regional agricultural and food industry to cultivate edible mushrooms for a sustainable circular economy

11. Kollmer, M (02/24)
Edible mushroom consumption in Germany: A consumer survey and practical trials

10. Özkaya, M. (02/24)
Development of innovative beverages: Fermentation of vegan milk alternatives with basidiomycete mycelium

9. Feldkamp, M. (08/23)
Edible and medicinal mushroom mycelium as a novel component in product developmentcreening of basidiomyce

8. Schoob, J. (03/2021)
Screening of basidiomycete species in solid-state culture to investigate the growth kinetics and formation of biofunctional substances under the influence of special light waves

7 Losberg, H. (03/2021)
Inactivation of pathogenic bacteria and mold spores using moist and dry heat: process validation using the example of a meat matrix

6 Delbeck, D. (05/2020)
Fungal protein - practical applications and potential

5. Löw, J. (07/2019)
Effect of defined light sources on growth kinetics and formation of biofunctional substances in mycelial cultures of basidiomycetes

4 Zink, T. (07/2019)
The potential of Pleurotus ostreatus as a medicinal and edible mushroom

3. Thommes, L. (02/2019)
Process for the production of aroma-neutral products from medicinal and edible mushrooms with health-relevant ingredients

2. Störing, L. (12/2017)
Studies on the reduction of enzymatic browning of Agaricus bisporus

1. Kalisch, L. (01.2016)
Enrichment of beta-glucans from macromycetes via ethanolic precipitation
