Competence Centre

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Novel Electronics and Advanced Materials

The competence centre focuses on the development of flexible organic and nanostructure-based electronics. The development and progress in flexible electronics requires close interdisciplinary cooperation between experts from the fields of chemistry, materials science, electronics, mechatronics and computer science in order to create innovative solutions and meet the diverse requirements of this emerging technology.

Materials for flexible electronics often include bendable substrates like polyimide or PET, conductive polymers such as PEDOT:PSS as well as conductive inks and pastes and nanostructured materials, i.e. luminescent quantum dots.

Flexible electronics are often fabricated by printing techniques like inkjet printing or roll-to-roll processes, or thin-film processes (for example dip and spin coating), which enable electronic components to be fabricated directly on flexible substrates.

Devices in flexible electronics can include bendable transistors, conductive inks, stretchable sensors and flexible displays that are specially designed to adapt to different shapes.

The analysis of flexible electronics by methods like various microscopy and spectroscopy techniques helps to examine the composition and structure of the flexible materials and evaluate the quality of the manufactured devices.

Flexible Electronics and Wearables

Flexible electronics and wearables represent innovative technologies that push the boundaries of traditional electronics. Flexible electronics uses bendable materials such as polyimide, enabling the production of electronic components on flexible substrates. This technology allows the development of wearables, smart devices that can be worn in clothing or on the body.

Wearables integrate flexible electronics to provide a variety of functions, from fitness trackers to smart watches and biomedical sensors. By adapting to the shape of the body, wearables not only provide comfort, but also open up new possibilities for monitoring health parameters, tracking activity and interacting with digital information. The combination of flexible electronics and wearables therefore promises an exciting future for wearable technologies that can be seamlessly integrated into our everyday lives.

The interdisciplinary research work with the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology can be found at: Smart Textiles

Textile Batteries

The growing interest in smart textiles is leading to the need for a local, textile-based power supply. This should be flexible and compact so that there are no restrictions on the look and feel of the textiles. There are two approaches to realize textile batteries: firstly, in a layered structure in which textile electrodes are used or, secondly, conductive yarns can be coated with a gel-like electrolyte. Both variants have already been successfully implemented at Hochschule Niederrhein using gel electrolytes based on gelatine.

Especially when textile batteries are to be used close to the body, it is important to use non-toxic and environmentally friendly materials. We were able to develop a prototype of a textile-based battery with a biodegradable gel electrolyte. By inserting a textile separator, the battery can be bent without creating a short circuit.

Nanostructure-based Light Emitters

Nanostructured materials have become increasingly important in recent years, especially in the field of light emitters. These highly developed materials offer the possibility of creating components that are not only extremely efficient but also extremely versatile.

Nanostructures form the foundation for these light emitters. Colloidal, semiconducting quantum dots (QDs), for example, are used in QD-LEDs as a light-emitting medium (known from QLED TVs or monitors), as their emission color can be precisely adjusted by the size of the nanoparticles. These tiny structures not only enable precise control of the optical properties, but also open up the possibility of producing devices that can be used either flat or in the form of individual yarns. This flexibility opens up new horizons for the integration of light emitters in a wide variety of applications.

The nanostructure-based components can be operated with both alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC), which further increases their adaptability and applications, whether in lighting technology, architecture or the automotive sector.


Are you looking for a thesis, practical phase or project assignment? Then take a look at our Moodle room for advertised topics.

Nacht der Biosignale
Presentation by our working group at the Night of Biosignals 2024

As part of the Night of Biosignals 2024, which took place simultaneously in several cities on November 15, 2024, our working group had the opportunity…

Herr Gierschner auf der BMT
Presentation of Our Research Results at BMT 2024 in Stuttgart

This year’s BMT 2024, held from September 18 to 20 at the University of Stuttgart, provided our research group with an excellent opportunity to…

Booth of the working group
Smart City Day: Integrating flexible electronics and smart textiles into everyday urban life

Our group was delighted to take part in the Smart City Day in Krefeld city center on August 31, 2024 and used this opportunity to showcase its…

"Freiraum": young engineers learn new skills in teamwork

In the "Freiraum" project, students work on interdisciplinary projects across all modules in order to be optimally prepared for their future careers.

Voltera Nova Dispersionsdrucker
“Freiraum” Project at Hochschule Niederrhein: Voltera Nova Enables Innovative Student Projects

As part of the “Freiraum” project, Hochschule Niederrhein has acquired a Voltera Nova, a state-of-the-art device for prototyping electronic circuits.…

Group picture
Successful Participation of Our Working Group at LOPEC 2024 in Munich

Our working group enthusiastically participated in LOPEC 2024 and considers the event a complete success. LOPEC (International Exhibition and…

Head of the Competence Centre

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ekaterina Nannen

Ekaterina Nannen received her doctorate in electrical engineering from the University of Duisburg-Essen in 2012, where she worked on the realization of inorganic ZnO nanocrystal LEDs in Prof. Bacher's group. She then headed the joint research group "Solid State Lighting" of OSRAM GmbH and the University of Duisburg-Essen for 6 years until she was appointed Professor of Electrical Engineering and Electronics at The Hochschule Niederrhein in 2018. Her research interests include the application of nanostructures in electronic components for flexible, organic and textile electronics.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ekaterina Nannen
Electrical engineering, electronics

Ph.D. Students

Sandra Gellner, M.Sc.
Julia Demmer, M. Eng.
Textile Electronics" Project
Lars Gierschner


Dipl.-Ing. Rainer Kufferath
High Frequency Technology, Electrical Engineering, Optical Technologies

Current projects

Finished projects

Textile Electronics

Development of a new master's program

Funding: Stifterverband NRW,
Duration:10/20 - 09/23
Contact: Julia Demmer

In order to keep pace with the digitalization and development of the fashion industry, The Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) is developing a new, interdisciplinary specialization for Master's degree programmes: Textile Electronics. The new specialization combines the most important skills from the Faculties of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science as well as Textile and Clothing Technology. The aim is to train specialists in the field of smart textiles for the industry of the future and prepare them for the challenges of the industry.



Improving cross-institutional care in the field of diabetic foot syndrome through eHealth

Funding: EU EFRE / State of NRW,
Project duration: 01/2019 - 12/2021
Contact: Lars Gierschner

The iFoot project aims to improve cross-institutional care in the field of diabetic foot syndrome (DFS) through eHealth. The project involves the development of an intelligent bandage equipped with sensor technology and a cloud-based software solution based on eHealth standards that enables all those involved in the healing process to exchange information in an optimal manner. With iFoot, an optimized approach for the medical and nursing care of DFS will be implemented, which takes individual treatment needs into account and enables patients to play an active role in the healing process.

Smart Electronic Textiles

Preparation of the joint, interdisciplinary Master's compulsory optional course "Smart Electronic Textiles"

Funding: Stifterverband NRW
Duration: 01/20 - 12/20
Contact: Sandra Gellner

Prof. Dr. Ekaterina Nannen from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Prof. Dr. Anne Schwarz-Pfeiffer from the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology have been awarded a tandem fellowship of 100,000 euros for their joint project "Smart Electronic Textiles". The two professors are designing a Master's module in which students from both faculties will develop smart electronic textiles. The students will develop digital teaching content in a blended reality internship that combines e-learning and classroom teaching. Augmented reality technology is used to work interactively and in interdisciplinary teams, regardless of location. The students' results will be published in video blogs.


ERDF Poster Duck

Fiber optic dew sensor with temperature measurement

Contact: Rainer Kufferath

State-of-the-art resistive or capacitive sensor solutions for the electronic measurement of humidity, condensation and temperature are problematic for applications in potentially explosive and highly electromagnetically contaminated areas due to their electronics.

The sensor patented by the applicants solves these problems through the purely optical detection of condensation on the optical surface of a small sensor head with simultaneous optical determination of the temperature on the optically active surface. The sensor head has no electrical or metal components. The very high response speed, the insensitivity to contamination and easy cleaning, the possibility of use in potentially explosive and electromagnetically contaminated areas, as well as the expected low-cost production underline the functionality of the invention.

The aim of this project is to develop the optical materials to be used, the design of the sensor head as well as the necessary hardware and software up to the prototype stage and to validate the performance in a field test.

Laboratories for flexible electronics and nanotechnology

Nanotechnology - Thin film preparation
  • Centrifugal coating
  • Dip coating
  • Gold sputtering
  • Glovebox (Inert Gas System)

With the help of special microscopes, we can examine the structures and materials of our components at different size scales:

  • Stereoloupes (with digital camera)
  • Reflected Light Microscopes
  • Fluorescence Microscope
  • Confocal 3D color Laser Scanning Microscopes
Characterization of Optoelectronics
  • Current-voltage source, 100fA, 210V, 3A DC/10.5A pulsed
  • Photodiode + power meter
  • Spectroradiometer, contrast 100,000:1, wavelengths from 380 - 780 nm,
  • AC/ DC power supply unit, 350V/ 10A, 999Hz, 1000VA
  • Standardized PC control
Characterization of Batteries
  • Potentiostat
  • Galvanostat
  • ZRA for charge and discharge curves
  • Cyclovoltammetry
  • Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS), ±100mA, ±21V, 10µHz - 250kHz

For circuit boards and small housings

  • Circuit board router
  • Soldering station
  • 3D printer
Characterization of Sensors
  • Tip measuring station
  • Pressure measuring station
Production of flexible Electronics

Among other things, our laboratories have state-of-the-art printing technologies with which we can precisely apply conductive inks and organic semiconductors to flexible substrates in order to realize complex circuits and components. We use the following equipment to manufacture flexible electronics:

  • Voltera V-One dispersion printer
  • bonding machine

S. Gellner, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer and E. Nannen, "Textile-Based Battery Using a Biodegradable Gel-Electrolyte", Proceedings 68, 1, 17 (2021).

E. Nannen, J. Frohleiks and S. Gellner, "Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells Based on Color-Tunable Inorganic Colloidal Quantum Dots", Adv. Funct. Mater. 30, 33, 1907349 (2020).

J. Frohleiks, S. Wepfer, G. Bacher and E. Nannen, "Realization of Red Iridium-Based Ionic Transition Metal Complex Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells (iTMC-LECs) by Interface-Induced Color Shift", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11, 25, 22612 - 22620 (2019).

J. Frohleiks, S. Gellner, S. Wepfer, G. Bacher and E. Nannen, "Design and Realization of White Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cell Hybrid Devices", ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces 10, 42637 (2018).

J. Frohleiks, F. Wefers, S. Wepfer, A.-R. Hong, H. S. Jang and E. Nannen, "CuInS2 -based Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells (QLECs)", Adv. Mater. Technol. vol. 2, 11, 1700154 (2017).

M. Di Marcantonio, J. E. Namanga, N. Gerlitzki, F. Vollkommer, A.-V. Mudring, G. Bacher and E. Nannen, "Green-Yellow Emitting Hybrid Light Emitting Electrochemical Cell", J. Mater. Chem. C, vol. 5, 12062 (2017).

S. Wepfer, J. Frohleiks, A.-R. Hong, H. S. Jang, G. Bacher and E. Nannen, "Solution-processed CuInS2 - based white QD-LEDs with mixed active layer architecture", ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces 9, 11224 (2017).

S. Daumann, D. Andrzejewski, M. Di Marcantonio, U. Hagemann, S. Wepfer, F. Vollkommer, G. Bacher, M. Epple, and E. Nannen, "Water-free synthesis of ZnO quantum dots for application as electron injection layer in light-emitting electrochemical cells", J. Mater. Chem. C, vol. 5, 2344 (2017).

J. Frohleiks, S. Wepfer, Y. Kelestemur, V. H. Demir, G. Bacher and E. Nannen, "Quantum Dot / Light Emitting Electrochemical Cell Hybrid Device and Mechanism of its Operation", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, vol. 8(37), 24692 (2016).

E. Neshataeva, T. Kuemmell, G. Bacher, "Light emitting devices based on direct band gap semiconductor nanoparticles".(invited book chapter) In: "Inorganic Nanoparticles - New Frontiers of Research: Synthesis, Applications and Perspectives", book edited by Dr. Altavilla, CRC Press, ISBN: 97814398176122011 (2011).

E. Neshataeva, T. Kümmell, G. Bacher, A. Ebbers, "All-inorganic light emitting device based on ZnO nanoparticles". Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 94(9), 091115 (2009).
