S. Gellner, A. Schwarz-Pfeiffer and E. Nannen, "Textile-Based Battery Using a Biodegradable Gel-Electrolyte", Proceedings 68, 1, 17 (2021).
E. Nannen, J. Frohleiks and S. Gellner, "Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells Based on Color-Tunable Inorganic Colloidal Quantum Dots", Adv. Funct. Mater. 30, 33, 1907349 (2020).
J. Frohleiks, S. Wepfer, G. Bacher and E. Nannen, "Realization of Red Iridium-Based Ionic Transition Metal Complex Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells (iTMC-LECs) by Interface-Induced Color Shift", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11, 25, 22612 - 22620 (2019).
J. Frohleiks, S. Gellner, S. Wepfer, G. Bacher and E. Nannen, "Design and Realization of White Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cell Hybrid Devices", ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces 10, 42637 (2018).
J. Frohleiks, F. Wefers, S. Wepfer, A.-R. Hong, H. S. Jang and E. Nannen, "CuInS2 -based Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells (QLECs)", Adv. Mater. Technol. vol. 2, 11, 1700154 (2017).
M. Di Marcantonio, J. E. Namanga, N. Gerlitzki, F. Vollkommer, A.-V. Mudring, G. Bacher and E. Nannen, "Green-Yellow Emitting Hybrid Light Emitting Electrochemical Cell", J. Mater. Chem. C, vol. 5, 12062 (2017).
S. Wepfer, J. Frohleiks, A.-R. Hong, H. S. Jang, G. Bacher and E. Nannen, "Solution-processed CuInS2 - based white QD-LEDs with mixed active layer architecture", ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces 9, 11224 (2017).
S. Daumann, D. Andrzejewski, M. Di Marcantonio, U. Hagemann, S. Wepfer, F. Vollkommer, G. Bacher, M. Epple, and E. Nannen, "Water-free synthesis of ZnO quantum dots for application as electron injection layer in light-emitting electrochemical cells", J. Mater. Chem. C, vol. 5, 2344 (2017).
J. Frohleiks, S. Wepfer, Y. Kelestemur, V. H. Demir, G. Bacher and E. Nannen, "Quantum Dot / Light Emitting Electrochemical Cell Hybrid Device and Mechanism of its Operation", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, vol. 8(37), 24692 (2016).
E. Neshataeva, T. Kuemmell, G. Bacher, "Light emitting devices based on direct band gap semiconductor nanoparticles".(invited book chapter) In: "Inorganic Nanoparticles - New Frontiers of Research: Synthesis, Applications and Perspectives", book edited by Dr. Altavilla, CRC Press, ISBN: 97814398176122011 (2011).
E. Neshataeva, T. Kümmell, G. Bacher, A. Ebbers, "All-inorganic light emitting device based on ZnO nanoparticles". Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 94(9), 091115 (2009).