Women and Cars

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Competence Centre: Women and Cars

Logo of the Competence Centre: Women and Cars

The Competence Centre: Women and Cars is an interdisciplinary research group that investigates the wishes and needs of female drivers from the perspective of the fields of Marketing / Market Research, Design, Applied Social Sciences, Manufacturing and Design Engineering.

In addition to the "Men's Car" and "Women's Index" studies, which provide representative data on the product and communication wishes of female customers in the automotive industry, handbag hooks and nets were implemented as design engineering solutions at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, for example.

Members of the competence center:

  • Prof. Dr. Marion Halfmann, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
  • Dipl-Geront., Dipl.-Soz.Arb. Sigrid Verleysdonk-Simons, Faculty of Applied Social Sciences
  • Prof. Angelika Roesner, Faculty of Design
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Heber, Faculty of Mechanical and Process Engineering
  • Dipl. Kaufm. André Denneburg, MSR Consulting


Cover: New dimensions of mobility

Kortus-Schultes, Doris: Partner ecosystems open up data-driven smart mobility services and create value;

in: Proff, Heike (ed.): New dimensions of mobility. Conference proceedings: 11th Science Forum Mobility;

SpringerGabler Verlag 2020; here pp. 127-139

ISBN 978-3-658-29745-9

Cover picture "Ladies Drive" No.47

Kortus-Schultes, Doris: Between Fridays for Future and exhaust gas scandals; A column in: Ladies Drive. The business magazine for ladies with drive; issue 47; fall 2019; p. 90

Publisher: Swiss Ladies Drive, Lutzenberg/CH 2019

ISSN 1662-5757


Cover picture "Ladies Drive" No.46

Kortus-Schultes, Doris: Paradox: Comfort versus ecologyA column in: Ladies Drive. The business magazine for ladies with drive; issue 46; summer 2019; p. 83

Publisher: Swiss Ladies Drive, Lutzenberg/CH 2019

ISSN 1662-5757


Cover picture "Ladies Drive" No.44

Kortus-Schultes, Doris: Building trust - and gambling it awayA column in: Ladies Drive. The business magazine for ladies with drive; Issue 44; Winter 2018; p. 85

Publisher: Swiss Ladies Drive, Lutzenberg/CH 2018

ISSN 1662-5757


Cover image "Loved. Used. Hated. The Germans and their cars"

Doris Kortus-Schultes: Cars and women. Women as drivers and buyers. in: Geliebt. Used. Hated. The Germans and their cars. Edited by: House of the History of the Federal Republic of Germany;

Sandstein Verlag Dresden 2017; pp. 116-129

ISBN 978-3-95498-298-1 (museum edition)

ISBN 978-3-95498-285-1 (book trade edition)

Cover picture "Publication series of the Competence Centre: Women and Cars", Volume 13

Görnemann, Esther; Haack, Marcus; Hermes, Simone: Doppelt mobil - Berufstätige Mütter mit Kindern unter 12 Jahren. Focus group interviews to analyze demand and derive corresponding value propositions in an innovative business model for software manufacturers.

Volume 13 Publication series of the Competence Centre: Women and Cars

Cuvillier publishing house Göttingen 2014

ISBN 978-3-95404-777-2

Kortus-Schultes, Doris; Laufner, Wolfgang; Hadry, Amirah; Hasler, Daniel; Markes, Nimmy; Powalka, Verena; Stähler, Lisa: Das Auto als Smartphone: Konvergenz von Geschäftsmodellen der Automobil-Hersteller und der Telekommunikationsanbieter.

in: Proff, Heike (ed.): Radical innovations in mobility. Technical and business aspects;

SpringerGabler Wiesbaden 2014; here: S. 117-142

ISBN 978-3-658-03101-5

Cover image "Steps towards future mobility"

Kortus-Schultes, D.; Lankes, B.; Meese, R.; Pauwels, K.; Xhaferaj, E.: Mobile Connectivity. Target group female drivers and their preferences for smartphone-based infotainment solutions.

in: Proff, H.; Pascha, W.; Schönharting, J.; Schramm, D. (eds.): Schritte in die künftige Mobilität. Technical and economic aspects

Springer Gabler Wiesbaden 2013; here: S. 317-330

ISBN 978-3-8349-4307-1

Cover image "Future developments in mobility"

Kortus-Schultes, Doris: 'Green' showrooms - design components of a retail concept for electromobility.

in: Future developments in mobility. Business and technical aspects, ed.: H. Proff; J. Schönharting, D. Schramm; J. Ziegler

Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden 2012; pp. 343-352

Volume 15 of the publication series of the Competence Centre: Women and Cars

Krause, Vanessa: Opportunities for a leading German car manufacturer's own operating system: The migration of the car to an innovation platform;

Volume 15 of the publication series of the Competence Centre: Women and Cars; Edited by Prof. Dr. Doris Kortus-Schultes

Cuvillier Publishing House Göttingen 2020 ISBN 978-3-7369-7294-0

Cover picture "Ladies Drive" No.48

Kortus-Schultes, Doris: Dispute about the car; A column in: Ladies Drive. The business magazine for ladies with drive; Issue 48; Winter 2019; p. 90

Publisher: Swiss Ladies Drive, Lutzenberg/CH 2019


Cover image "Mobility in times of change"

Kortus-Schultes, Doris: Convergence of ecosystems - Indirect network effects and monetization models on digital platforms for mobility;

in: Proff, Heike (ed.): Mobility in times of change. Conference proceedings: 10th Science Forum Mobility;

SpringerGabler Verlag 2019; here pp. 93-107

Cover picture "Ladies Drive" No.45

Kortus-Schultes, Doris: Emotions, thoughts and consumption; A column in: Ladies Drive. The business magazine for ladies with drive; issue 45; spring 2019; p. 83

Publisher: Swiss Ladies Drive, Lutzenberg/CH 2019

ISSN 1662-5757


Cover image "Innovative products and services in mobility"

Kortus-Schultes, Doris: The car as another 'device' in the cloud. Big data, business models and cooperation in new/novel ecosystems.

in: Proff, Heike; Fojcik, Thomas Martin (eds.): Innovative products and services in mobility. Technical and business aspects.

SpringerGabler Wiesbaden 2017; here pp. 101-117

ISBN 978-3-658-18612-8

Cover picture "Publication series of the Competence Centre: Women and Cars", Volume 14

Lehrenfeld, Stefanie; Piekarski, Camilla; Schlemmer, Oliver: Making better use of mobility time in the rush hour of life. Innovative business models from the perspective of Google Self-Driving Car.

Volume 14 Publication series of the Competence Centre: Women and Cars

Cuvillier publishing house Göttingen 2015

ISBN 978-3-7369-9070-8

Cover picture "Publication series of the Competence Centre: Women and Cars", Volume 12

Kortus-Schultes, Doris; Laufner, Wolfgang; Hadry, Amirah; Hasler, Daniel; Markes, Nimmy; Powalka, Verena; Stähler, Lisa: Das Auto als Smartphone: Konvergenz von Geschäftsmodellen der Automobil-Hersteller und der Telekommunikationsanbieter.

Volume 12 Publication series of the Competence Centre: Women and Cars

Cuvillier Publishing House Göttingen 2014

ISBN 978-3-95404-636-2

Cover picture "Publication series of the Competence Centre: Women and Cars", Volume 11

Kortus-Schultes, Doris; Lankes, Birgit; Meese, Raphael; Pauwels, Katrine; Xhaferai, Ervin: Mobile Connectivity. Target group female drivers and their preferences for smartphone-based infotainment solutions.

Volume 11 Publication series Competence Centre: Women and Cars

Cuvillier Publishing House Göttingen 2013

ISBN 978-3-95404-544-0

Cover picture "Publication series of the Competence Centre: Women and Cars", Volume 9

Laufner, Wolfgang; Kortus-Schultes, Doris: Women and cars. Results of empirical studies from 2005 and 2010.

Volume 9 Series of publications Competence Centre: Women and Cars

Cuvillier Publishing House Göttingen 2012

ISBN 978-3-95404-120-6


Cover picture "Publication series of the Competence Centre: Women and Cars", Volume 8

Kortus-Schultes, Doris; Laufner, Wolfgang: Drivers of luxury and luxury class cars.

Volume 8 Series Competence Centre: Women and Cars

Cuvillier Publishing House Göttingen 2011

ISBN 978-3-86955-763-2
