Information for schools

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Dear teachers,

we are very pleased about your interest in the Faculty of Food and Nutrition Sciences at the Hochschule Niederrhein. With about 800 students, we are one of the largest faculties of Food and Nutrition Sciences at German universities of applied sciences.

We offer two Bachelor's degree programmes and the Master's degree programmes: Food Science and Nutritional Science.

In addition to a labor market and practice-oriented approach to teaching, we also place great emphasis on practical relevance and close cooperation with partners from universities and industry in our research and transfer activities, in order to strengthen innovation in the region.

Would you like to get to know us better? Great! We will be happy to arrange an individual appointment with you to visit us. In addition to the presentation of our Degree programmes, there is always a practical part in our laboratories. If you are interested, we can also give you a guided tour of the campus, including a visit to the library and the cafeteria.

Please feel free to contact Mrs. Sibum, she is looking forward to meeting you and your pupils.

Best regards,

Prof. Dr. Georg Wittich (Dean)


Lara Sibum, Dipl. Oecotroph.
Research Assistant; Communication

You can study the two Bachelor's degree programmes Nutritional Sciences & Food Science as well as the Master's degree programmes. You can find more information about our programmes under Prospective students on our homepage.

If you would like to get to know our faculty better, please feel free to visit us during class time. We will organize a varied morning for you and your pupils.

The program could be like this:

  • 08:45 - Arrival in the foyer of building O (Rheydterstr. 277)
  • 09:00 - Presentation of our Degree programmes
  • 09:45 - Guided tour through our faculties and the campus MG
  • 10:30 a.m. - Workshop
  • 12:30 pm - End of the event

Please send your request with suggested dates to:

A very special insight into our research.

Are you and your pupils interested in what nutrition and food sciences master's students in the Faculty of Food and Nutrition Sciences are currently researching and working on?

  • Developing vegan spreads with a positive Nutri Score.
  • Discovering the potential of edible mushrooms to develop innovative foods
  • What is the cost of a balanced diet?

This is just a small sample of the lecture topics at our House Colloquium, to which we hereby cordially invite you and your high school pupils. The 20-minute lectures by our master's students will be followed by a scientific exchange in which you are welcome to actively participate.


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