Wanka, Anna; Lasser, Nathalie & Hess, Moritz (2024): The in/visibilisation of education and care: University staff’s perceptions of, experiences with, and reaction to the needs of care-giving students. In: Access: Critical Explorations of Equity in Higher Education, 12(1), 48–60.
Vanella, Patrizio; Wilke, Christina & Heß, Moritz (2024): Long-Term Care in Germany in the Context of the Demographic Transition—An Outlook for the Expenses of Long-Term Care Insurance through 2050. In: Econometrics, 12(4), 28.
Hess, Moritz; Zörlein, Nicolas; Grates Miriam & Wanka, Anna (2024): Pflegende Studierenden. Herausforderungen und Belastungen. Ergebnisse eine Umfrage. In: Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, 70 (3), 249-270.
Wiegelmann, Henrik; Hess, Moritz; Domhoff, Dominik; Heinze, Franziska; Schmidt, Annika; Seibert, Kathrin; Stolle, Claudia; Preuß, Benedikt; Rothgang, Heinz & Wolf-Ostermann, Karin (2023): Die Situation pflegender Angehöriger unter 65 Jahren in der Corona-Pandemie – Ergebnisse einer Online-Befragung in Deutschland. In: Bundesgesundheitsblatt, 66: 265–274.
Hess, Moritz, Schmitz, Wiebke; Naegele, Laura & Stiemke, Philipp (2023): You will take care of me when I am old: Norms on children’s caregiver obligations - An analysis with data from the European Values Study. In: Journal of Family Research, 35, 196–211.
Wazinski, Karla; Knopf, Lea; Wanka, Anna & Hess, Moritz (2022): Invisible caregivers: The ‘hidden lives’ of German university students with care responsibilities. In: Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung, 17(4): 217–233.
Kärnä, Eija; Aavikko, Lotta; Rohner, Rebekka; Gallistl, Vera; Pihlainen, Kaisa; Müller, Claudia; Ehlers, Anja; Bevilacqua, Roberta; Strano, Stefano; Maranesi, Elvira; Cerna, Katerina; Hengl, Lisa; Kolland, Franz; Waldenberger, Franz; Naegele, Gerd; Park, Sieun; Hess, Moritz; Reuter, Verena; Frewer-Graumann, Susanne & Korjonen-Kuusipuro, Kristiina (2022): A Multilevel Model of Older Adults’ Appropriation of ICT and Acquisition of Digital Literacy. In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(23).
Pihlainen, Kaisa; Ehlers, Anja; Rohner, Rebekka; Cerena, Katharina; Kärnä, Eija; Hess, Moritz; Hengl, Lisa; Aavikko, Lotta; Frewer-Graumann, Susanne; Gallist, Vera & Müller, Claudia (2022): Older adults´ reasons to participate in digital skills learning: An interdisciplinary, multiple case study from Austria, Finland and Germany. In: Studies in the Education of Adults, 55(1): 101-119.
van Hoof, Joost; van den Hoven, Rudy F.M.; Hess, Moritz; van Staalduinend, Willeke H.; Hulsebosch-Janssene, Loes M.T. & Dikken, Jeroen (2022): How older people experience the age-friendliness of The Hague: A quantitative study. In: Cities, 124: 103568.
Knopf, Lea; Wazinski, Karla; Wanka, Anna & Hess, Moritz (2022): Caregiving students: A systematic literature review of an under-researched group. In: Journal of Further and Higher Education, 46(6): 822-835.
Stiemke, Philipp & Hess, Moritz (2022): Determinants of (in-)voluntary retirement – A systematic literature review. In: Journal of European Social Policy, 32(3): 348-358.
Mäcken, Jana; Präg, Patrick, Hess, Moritz & Ellwardt, Lea (2022): Educational Inequalities in Labor Market Exit of Older Workers in 15 European Countries. In: Journal of Social Policy, 51(2): 435 - 459.
Hess, Moritz; Naegele, Laura; Becker, Lena, Mäcken, Jana & De Tavernier, Wouter (2021): Planned retirement timing in Europe: Are European adapting to the policy of extending working lives?. Frontiers in Sociology, 6:691066
Hess, Moritz; Bauknecht, Jürgen; Naegele, Gerhard & Stiemke, Philipp (2021): German pension and labour market reforms and the potential rise of social inequality amongst older workers and pensioners. In: Publikation Public Sciences & Policies, 6(2): 99-117.
Schmidthuber, Lisa; Fechter, Charlotte; Schröder, Heike & Hess, Moritz (2021): Active ageing policies and delaying retirement: comparing work-retirement transitions in Austria and Germany. In: Journal of International and Comparative Social Welfare, 37(2): 176 - 193.
Hess, Moritz; Naegele, Laura & Mäcken, Jana (2021): Attitudes towards working in retirement: a latent class analysis of older workers’ motives. In: European Journal of Ageing, 18: 357–368.
Hess, Moritz; De Tavernier, Wouter & Naegele, Laura (2020): Culture Matters – Normen, Erwerbstätigkeit und informelle Pflege von älteren Frauen in Europa. In: Sozialer Fortschritt, 69: 667–685.
Stiemke, Philipp & Heß, Moritz (2020): Der Zusammenhang zwischen Bildung und der Freiwilligkeit von Erwerbsaustritten. In: WSI Mitteilungen, 4: 238-246.
Naegele, Laura; De Tavernier, Wouter; Hess, Moritz & Merkel, Sebastian (2020): Do young people stand alone in their demand to live alone? The intergenerational conflict hypothesis put to test in the housing sector. In: Intergenerational Justice Review, 6(1): 14 -23
Merkel, Sebastian & Hess, Moritz (2020): The Use of Internet-Based Health and Care Services by Elderly People in Europe and the Importance of the Country Context: Multilevel Study. In: JMIR Ageing 3(1).
De Breij, Sascha; Mäcken, Jana; Yogachandiran-Qvist, Jeevitha; Holman, Daniel; Hess, Moritz; Huisman, Martijn & Deeg, Dorly (2020): Educational differences in the influence of health on early work exit among older workers. In: Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 77:568–575.
Vanella, Patrizio; Hess, Moritz & Wilke, Christina B. (2020): A probabilistic projection of beneficiaries of long-term care insurance in Germany by severity of disability. In: Quality & Quantity, 54(3): 943-974 .
Marques, Sibila; Mariano, João; Mendonça, Joana; De Tavernier, Wouter; Hess, Moritz; Naegele, Laura; Peixeiro, Filomena & Martins, Daniel (2020): Determinants of Ageism against Older Adults: A Systematic Review. In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(7): 2560.
Holman, Daniel; Foster, Liam & Hess, Moritz (2020): Inequalities in women's awareness of changes to the State Pension Age in England and the role of cognitive ability. In: Ageing & Society, 40(1): 144-161.
Ehrlich, Ulrike; Minkus, Lara & Hess, Moritz (2020): Einkommensrisiko Pflege? Der Zusammenhang von familiärer Pflege und Lohn. In: Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 53(1): 22-28.
Naumann, Elias; De Tavernier, Wouter; Naegele, Laura & Hess, Moritz (2020): Public support for sanctioning older unemployed – a survey experiment in 21 European countries. In: European Societies, 22(1): 77-100.