Activities Surrounding your Studies
University Life at the HSNR

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

University life

The university also has a lot to offer beyond the lecture hall. Whether it's language courses, inexpensive lunches or a large leisure program, The Hochschule Niederrhein offers a wide range of opportunities to meet, exchange ideas and continue your education.

Students have access to modern libraries at all three campuses in Krefeld (Campus South and Campus West) and Mönchengladbach. Students who would like to learn a foreign language or improve their knowledge are offered a wide range of courses at the Language Centre. There is a canteen at all three locations, where students receive discounted prices. In addition to two main courses and side dishes, there is a large selection at the salad bar, a Green Corner and a cafeteria in the morning.

University sports, the choir and the commitment of the AStA and the faculty student bodies provide plenty of variety after lectures. University sports has a large program and offers over 20 different sports, from badminton to quidditch, volleyball and yoga. The university's AStA organizes quiz nights, lectures, auditorium cinema and games evenings.

The AStA
The General Student Committee

The AStA is the university-wide representative body of the student body and represents it as a managing executive body.

Among other things, it advises students on social and financial issues, university, environmental, gender and anti-discrimination policy, and is involved in cultural work and student sports. More information about the work and offers of the AStA can be found on the AStA website. Current information are also being communicated via the AStA's Instagram channel.

The work and offers of the AStA are financed from the student body's budget, which is administered by the AStA and fed from the student fees each semester. The AStA uses these funds for the financing of projects, purchases, and to pay the volunteers with an expense allowance to compensate them for their commitment.

The AStA consists of the chairperson, their deputy and a large number of volunteers and employees.
In principle, students can come to the AStA with any concerns. The AStA team, which consists almost exclusively of students from the university, is always open to students who want to get involved in the AStA and give it a face with their ideas, visions and actions.

With offices in Mönchengladbach and Krefeld, the AStA is represented in both locations of the university.


What the AStA offers

Student counseling

The AStA helps with fears, problems and worries. It mediates between authorities, insurance companies or landlords and provides support when dealing with the government offices and looking for housing or a job. For international students, the AStA can also help with translation.  It is there to answer questions about financing your living expenses during your studies, e.g: Questions about BAföG, or about credits and loans. In financial emergencies, there is the possibility of an interest-free loan. The AStA supports victims of discrimination and helps with questions about LGBTQIA+ issues.


Leisure activities

In the AStA-Keller and the Waldhausen Astoria, the student event locations, the AStA organizes concerts, film evenings, parties, readings, art and culture. You can find out what's going on on the Instagram pages of the AStA, the AStA-Keller, the Waldhausen Astoria and Beers 4 Queers.

Together with the university, the AStA organizes a wide range of sports activities that students can use without any extra costs.

Through a cooperation between the AStA and the Theater Krefeld and Mönchengladbach, students can attend all regular performances and symphony concerts of the Niederrheinische Sinfoniker free of charge. Further information and schedules can be found on the theater's website.

With the student e-mail, Nextbike gives you the first hour of every rental free of charge as well as other discounts.

Check Mönchengladbach:

With, the Marketing Association Mönchengladbach has created a new city website for young people, which was developed as part of a project idea with students and the university. Getting young people interested in our city is more important than ever, against the backdrop of demographic change. As a university location and a city undergoing structural change, Mönchengladbach has a lot of potential - especially for the students at our location and for those who can still decide to study here. is intended to be the "appetizer" for students, apprentices and young people for our city - whether they have just arrived or have outgrown their parents home. Designed as a platform, the new website is intended to do one thing above all: give young adults an orientation as to why Mönchengladbach is or should be their "place to be". It is well known that this discerning target group attaches great importance to a city as a place to live and work, that not only offers optimal conditions for studies or a job, but also fits in with their personal lifestyle. This approach is the common thread that runs through the website and presents the city's wide range of offers for young people - as easily digestible snack content with plenty of room for personal discoveries. Check your lifestyle, check Mönchengladbach!

To make you feel right at home in your new university city, there are lots of vouchers, discounts and offers to get to know Mönchengladbach: https: //

The University Choir

The university has a mixed choir consisting of soprano, alto, tenor and bass voices. The members come from all areas of campus life - but external choir members are also welcome.

Together they work on exciting choral literature, supplemented by voice and ear training. Usually, there are fixed semester programs that invite participation and are presented at concerts at the end of each semester. The repertoire includes both religious and secular pieces.

Rehearsals usually take place on *Wednesdays*, 6 to 7 pm in the *Audimax - Krefeld South Campus*. Our offer is aimed at students and personnel of our university as well as their friends and families and those outside the university who are interested in exciting choral music. To get to know us: just drop by - to sing along: please contact the choirmaster Karlheinz Schüffler (email karlheinz.schueffler(at) After the summer break, we will start again at the beginning of the winter semester 24/25 - if choir work is possible.


Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Karlheinz Schüffler
Students, KICK-OFF
What actually is HONOUR?

Students who are identified by outstanding academic achievements, special social commitment or above-average motivation are to be sponsored by the HONOUR program.

In the HONOUR program, support is defined as the promotion of interdisciplinary cross-sectional competencies, so-called future skills, i.e. skills that are becoming increasingly important for professional life and social participation, such as judgment, sustainability and reflection competencies, the ability to collaborate and work in a team.

Scholarship Advice
How does the HONOUR program work?

The HONOUR program usually runs for one year and starts annually in November with a kick-off event.

The following program contents are run through:

  • December: Participation in the team building day for the service learning project (one day).
  • February/ June: Participation in a seminar as part of the Winter Academy (optional Summer Academy) and participation in a World Café (one day)
  • March: Work on a concrete service learning project (2 weeks in the lecture-free period) incl. design thinking workshop
Name badges
How do I register for it?

Students with outstanding studies will receive an invitation to the program from the faculty.

In addition, all students at HSNR with a high level of social commitment or with a strong motivation to take on social responsibility and participate in the program can apply.

Formula Student at the HSNR

Here is a YouTube video. Click on it to watch. The data protection regulations of google apply!

As part of the racing series Formula Student, international universities compete against each other with self-built cars on professional race tracks.

Founded in September 2011, the interdisciplinary team of students has been regularly taking part in races since 2012.

Even though the team has grown considerably in the meantime, motivated students who want to take part in this exciting project are always being sought.

In addition to the technical tasks relating to the design and construction of the vehicle, there are also opportunities for students from other faculties to get involved in the organization.

Contact Person

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Julia Kessler
Additive manufacturing

The LAKUM at The Hochschule Niederrhein

LAKUM is a meeting place for everyone at the university, first and foremost for students of course, but university teachers / lecturers and all other members of staff are just as welcome! LAKUM is represented at both university campuses. LAKUM means 'to stand up'. The word comes from Hebrew. It is a language rich in imagery and is not just about getting out of bed in the morning, but also about finding a starting point, coming alive, (re)starting, getting going.


As a pacesetter, the Hochschule Niederrhein offers many paths and opportunities for its members. With "PrideProgress@HSNR", the university creates space for all employees and students who are part of the LGBTQIA+ community.

The "PrideProgress@HSNR" network connects employees and students across the university. It offers a platform and safe space for sharing experiences and mutual support. The initiative aims to represent the LGBTQIA+ community inside and outside the university and sees itself as a mouthpiece for queer issues. The surname "PrideProgress" also stands for the representation of the queer BIPOC community.

All employees and students who feel addressed by this offer are invited to join the network via the contact form and help shape it.
We, the project group consisting of employees and students, have brought the network to life. We are where the threads come together. We also see ourselves as contact persons for this network.

Room of silence

The room is intended to be a place of individual retreat for all students and staff of The Hochschule Niederrhein; a place of prayer, meditation and personal devotion, accessible to members of all religious communities and worldviews.

Room of Silence in Mönchengladbach
R building, room K 03 (AStA store). During the lecture-free period until the end of March 2023, it is open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays.

Room of Silence in Krefeld (Krefeld South Campus)
I-Building, Room I K 10


Entrance to Building R in Mönchengladbach

Hochschule Niederrhein continues to improve qualifications

The Summer Academy / Winter Academy offers the opportunity to strengthen and optimize personal skills in order to continue your education and be up to date in your studies and career in the future. A variety of seminars from very different areas of the so-called key competencies invite you to acquire methodical, communicative and social skills. Experienced speakers, small seminar groups and participant-activating methods guarantee personal added value.

Tutoring program

Tutors support teaching education in all faculties at the university and accompany students as they embark on their studies. In order to avoid "jumping in at the deep end", they are methodically and didactically prepared for their work in the university-wide tutor program. This qualification also offers the opportunity to acquire the certificate for tutors.

The individual seminars in the tutor program are tailored to the relevant target groups. For example, first-semester tutors are trained to ensure a successful induction week; subject tutors receive valuable methodological and didactic tips on how to design their subject tutorials. Revision tutors acquire important tools for advising and supporting learning groups. An exchange of experiences is guaranteed in every seminar.


Regular events take place at the university throughout the year.

There is always the big campus festival in Krefeld South Campus on the day before Ascension Day, the first-year student festival at the Mönchengladbach campus in September and various other formats, such as award ceremonies, AStA parties, the scholarship award ceremony and much more. Stay up to date via niuswoche and our social media channels!

If you would like to organize something yourself, e.g. with your faculty student body, get in touch with us - we will be happy to help!

Contact person

Maike Eufinger, Dipl.-Des.
Event Management Deputy Head of University Communications Head of Third Mission Team

Living during your studies

Here you will find an overview of student dorms and housing associations in Krefeld and Mönchengladbach as well as private providers. If you have the opportunity to look around the campus locations before you start your studies, it is always worth taking a look at the notice boards at the Infopoints and the canteens. Available rooms are also regularly posted on the ASTA website.

Dorms of the Studierendenwerk Düsseldorf Düsseldorf

Residences of the Studierendenwerk Düsseldorf AÖR
The Studierendenwerk Düsseldorf rents out accommodation in four residences in Krefeld and Mönchengladbach.

Studierendenwerk Düsseldorf
40225 Düsseldorf
Phone +49 211 81-15777
E-mail: info(at) Krefeld

Vennfelder Straße 10
47805 Krefeld Mönchengladbach

Rheydter Straße 254 a
41065 Mönchengladbach

Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 233
41236 Mönchengladbach

Private accommodation and shared flats Krefeld and Mönchengladbach

Shared flats
It is possible to find a room in a shared flat (WG for short) with other students. Please refer to the notices at the university.

Private accommodation
The Hochschule Niederrhein's AStA provides addresses of private accommodation:

AStA der Hochschule Niederrhein in Krefeld
Adlerstraße 35
47798 Krefeld
Phone: +49 2151-822-3660 / +49 2151-822-3661

AStA of The Hochschule Niederrhein in Mönchengladbach
Webschulstraße 20
41065 Mönchengladbach
Phone: +49 2161 - 23552

Privately run dorms Krefeld

Leyentalstr. 103
47799 Krefeld

Provider: Leyental 103 Immobilien GmbH
Phone: +49 176 75882908
immobilien(at) Mönchengladbach

41068 Mönchengladbach

Provider: Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Annette Jansen-Winkeln
Winkeln 66
41068 Mönchengladbach
Phone: +49 2161 - 952767

41065 Mönchengladbach
41236 Mönchengladbach

Provider: Gemeinnützige Kreisbau AG
Nellessenweg 10
41238 Mönchengladbach
Phone: +49 2166 - 98510

Housing advice from the ASTA

The ASTA of the HSNR supports students in their search for accommodation.
