for students who want more...

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.
Students, KICK-OFF
What actually is HONOUR?

Students who are identified by outstanding academic achievements, special social commitment or above-average motivation are to be sponsored by the HONOUR program.

In the HONOUR program, support is defined as the promotion of interdisciplinary cross-sectional competencies, so-called future skills, i.e. skills that are becoming increasingly important for professional life and social participation, such as judgment, sustainability and reflection competencies, the ability to collaborate and work in a team.

Scholarship Advice
How does the HONOUR program work?

The HONOUR program usually runs for one year and starts annually in November with a kick-off event.

The following program contents are run through:

  • December: Participation in the team building day for the service learning project (one day).
  • February/ June: Participation in a seminar as part of the Winter Academy (optional Summer Academy) and participation in a World Café (one day)
  • March: Work on a concrete service learning project (2 weeks in the lecture-free period) incl. design thinking workshop
Name badges
How do I register for it?

Students with outstanding studies will receive an invitation to the program from the faculty.

In addition, all students at HSNR with a high level of social commitment or with a strong motivation to take on social responsibility and participate in the program can apply.

Introduction to and overview

The HONOUR scholarship program is planned and implemented by the HNX team, the contact point for business start-ups and entrepreneurship, and the Student Degree Programme Counselling. The main goal is to support students in their future skills by using activating and target group oriented methods. In this way, knowledge from the studies can be applied in real contexts. Students from different disciplines work together and use their individual and professional perspectives profitably in discussions and project assignments.

Against this background, HONOUR students are introduced to the innovative and target group-oriented method of "Design Thinking" and work actively and largely self-directed on a service learning project. Service Learning is the core of the HONOUR program. It combines social commitment ("service") with the training of professional, methodological and social skills ("learning") beyond the boundaries of the university. Questions from practical application are taken up and scientific findings are directly transferred into practice through cooperation with stakeholders from business and society. Project partners are organizations and institutions that are active in society.

Group discussion
  • 11-23 September 2023: Summer Academy
  • September 20, 2023: Presentation of certificate/ degree HONOUR program
  • November 23, 2023: Kick-off meeting
  • January and June 2024: World Cafés
  • February/March 2024: Service Learning Project incl. Design-Thinking Workshop
  • February 2024: Winter Academy
  • March 2024: Presentation of project results
Two people, cards

Please only fill out the application form below if you have received an email/letter from your faculty inviting you to the HONOUR program or if you have received a positive response to your application to participate in the HONOUR program and attended the kick-off event. (Form will only be activated afterwards).


Group picture KICK-OFF event
Target group

Participation in the HONOUR program is possible in two ways:

Students are selected through a central ranking by the faculties. The ranking is based on the following criteria:

  • Students from the 3rd semester onwards.
  • Best ranking according to grade point average and the number of examinations passed.

If you meet these criteria, you will be contacted by your Dean and the Examinations Board.


  • 2. enrolled students of the university can apply themselves, i.e. propose for the HONOUR program. This is done via the following application form(link).
    When selecting the incoming unsolicited applications, the following criteria are positively evaluated, which must be presented in the application: High motivation for social commitment, interests in practice-related project assignment in interdisciplinary team, special skills, achievements/successes.


Certificate requirements

The HONOUR scholarship program is rounded off with an individual certificate. It certifies your participation in the program and offers great added value for your later applications.

The certificate not only represents your achievements, but also distinguishes you as an outstanding student of the Hochschule Niederrhein.

Prerequisite for receiving the HONOUR certificate is the participation in the following three events:

  • Participation in a service-learning project including a design-thinking workshop + the final presentation (Feb. 27-March 10, 2023).
  • Participation in a workshop of the summer or winter academy
  • Participation in a HNX World Café

Contact persons

Gabriele von Contzen
Assistant Vice President for Studies and Teaching Education
Stefanie Kutsch, MA (on parental leave)
Project Management GetUp_MeetUp_StartUp Department of the Vice President for studies and teaching education - on parental leave-
Steffen Pabst, MA
Academic staff for the promotion of entrepreneurship education in the project GetUp_MeetUp_StartUp
Research assistant