Career Service

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.
Dipl. Ped. Désirée Krüger
Head of Career Service
Graduate business economist (FH) Rike Orthen
Career Service NEXT STEP Niederrhein project

Krefeld advisory team

Dr. Marius Wallat
Employment Agency Krefeld

Internship/job search: only rejections so far

Why have I only received rejections in my internship/job search so far?

Maybe it's because of your application. Remember that you are advertising yourself with your cover letter. In addition to good grades and correct spelling, you should show in your cover letter that you have a clear idea of the job and that you are the right person for the position. The employer will also notice whether you have researched the company. Or if you send the same cover letter 50 times and only change the salutation.

Start looking for an internship?

When should I start looking for an internship?

The later you start, the less likely it is that you will get the internship you want. As a rule, you should start looking for an internship six months before it starts.

Companies that offer internships?

How do I find companies that offer internships?

If you are looking for internships, the job market is the right place for you. Here you will find current opportunities to get a taste of various professions and gain practical experience.

The Career Service will be happy to support you with your application for an internship or your search for a suitable company. You will be shown the most common search engines and introduced to the job exchange of the Federal Employment Agency.

Part-time job: Who can I contact?

I am looking for a part-time job, who can I contact?

The Career Service also offers support in this area. Both contacts with employers and suitable job offers can be sought.

Studies, then no entry?

Do I have to register as unemployed after my studies if I don't get a job straight away?

If you are not dependent on financial support from the Employment Agency, you are not obliged to register as unemployed. However, the employment agency can support you in your search for the right job. There is also the possibility that part of your application costs will be reimbursed.

Financial support ?

When do I have to register as unemployed if I am dependent on financial support and what entitlement do I have?

To avoid a suspension period, you should register as a jobseeker three months before the end of your studies. You are entitled to unemployment benefit I if you have been employed subject to compulsory insurance for at least twelve months in the last two years before becoming unemployed (and registering).

Help with the application documents ?

Do I have the opportunity to submit my application documents for review?

Yes, the Career Service also offers support with this. If you are not sure whether your wording matches the job application or your personality, or if you need help preparing for an interview, you are welcome to contact the Career Service.

Dissatisfied with my studies ?

Many students have doubts during the course of their studies as to whether they should continue and whether they have chosen the right course. Around a quarter of each year group ends their studies before completing their degree. This early exit is often experienced as failure and is often delayed. If you find yourself in this situation, you should not make any hasty, spontaneous decisions. You should think carefully about dropping out or changing your course beforehand.

The Hochschule Niederrhein has been offering various advisory services for years, which you can use if you are dissatisfied with your studies or have doubts about your choice of studies.
The "Next Step Niederrhein" project was added in 2018. Here you will be supported in your personal decision-making process if you are thinking about dropping out of university. Further information:

Options after dropping out of university?

What options do I have after dropping out of university?

There are many alternatives to your studies: Other degree programmes at The Hochschule Niederrhein or at other colleges/universities can be considered. For example, company-based or school-based vocational training or dual degree programmes are available for transitioning into the job market.

For students who have decided to drop out of their studies, The Hochschule Niederrhein offers individual counseling and coaching as part of the "Next Step Niederrhein" study doubt project. Please contact Ms. Kneisel for a personal consultation!

A consultation can also clarify whether it would be beneficial to persevere and whether credits from other studies or from another university can be credited. Or whether it simply makes sense to take a break.

  • Continue studying: Possibly after a break. With new motivation and possibly with optimized time management.
  • Change degree program to a more suitable and interesting subject
  • Transfer to a university with more suitable study conditions. Clarify the crediting of academic achievements/credits beforehand!
  • Drop out of university to start a career, apprenticeship or self-employment. NEXT STEP niederrhein offers a list of regional companies that offer dual apprenticeships and are explicitly open to applications from students dropping out!

Further information can be found on the project website:

Employer and dropping out?

How do employers react to students dropping out?

There are no uniform reactions! Because your CV is a matter of interpretation. If you can give reasonable reasons for dropping out, this "flaw" is usually not a problem. Especially if you drop out at the commencement of studies in the first semesters.

If the student drops out at a later point in time, then in some training occupations, credits already earned (credit points) are also credited towards a corresponding apprenticeship and can lead to a reduction in the training period. Some employers are specifically looking for students who have dropped out. It is important that you know your skills and strengths well and can name them, because every student brings knowledge, skills and experience from their studies that are in demand on the job market.

Ask the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) and the Chamber of Skilled Crafts (HWK) about special programs for drop-outs and make use of the careers advice service at The Hochschule Niederrhein or at your local employment agency. This will support you with placement suggestions in your search for in-company vocational training or dual studies.

The "job exchange" on the website can also help you with your search strategy
