HNX - Your way to start up!

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.
HNX Memory Power Workshops "Basic" and "Advanced" with Peter Szczensny

HNX - the team for business start-ups at The Hochschule Niederrhein was the organizer of the Gedächtnispower workshop "Basic" on 22 January in the…

Visit to the Gründungsfabrik in Mönchengladbach

On January 23rd, HNX - the start-up consulting team of the Hochschule Niederrhein visited the Gründungsfabrik in Mönchengladbach. Tim Vennen and Katja…

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Leon Blanckart from The Hochschule Niederrhein wins start-up scholarship for textile technology

Sustainable textile production based on filamentous freshwater algae: Leon Blanckart from The Hochschule Niederrhein has won the city's…

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Review of the successful Niederrhein 2023 start-up week

The HNX start-up advisory team at the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences offered a varied program for (potential) founders from the region…

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HNX and students from Ivory Coast in eager exchange

Meet and greet on November 2nd at the Krefeld South Campus of Hochschule Niederrhein: HNX and students from Ivory Coast in an eager exchange. On…

Registration open: Foundation Week Lower Rhine 13 - 19.11.

Are you ready to let your ideas take root and dive into the world of entrepreneurship? From November 13 to 19, 2023, the time has come - the HNX - the…

StartUp: Octogarn

Mönchengladbach. Swim trunks on, into the water, out again with dry trunks - sounds utopian, but could soon become reality. The trio of founders of…

Video Workshop - Speaking in front of the camera with director Sara Imhoff

Speaking in front of the camera has to be learned and practiced. How do I optimize my media presence?

StartUp: eeden

Eeden is revolutionizing the textile industry: high-quality fibres are created from used textiles.

From lecture hall idea to start-up!

HNX LinkedIn Workshop with Ute Schmeiser

On September 26, the speaker Ute Schmeiser was a guest at the campus Krefeld South Campus at the Hochschule Niederrhein with an informative LinkedIn…

HNX as a guest at the network meeting at the Ruhr-West University of Applied Sciences

HNX met again for a lively exchange with other start-up consulting teams from Ruhr-West University of Applied Sciences, Düsseldorf University of…

HNX at the Digital Demo Day in Düsseldorf

That was it, the last DIGITAL DEMO DAY on 17.08.2023 at AREAL BÖHLER - The Innovation and Trade Fair Location in #Düsseldorf!

Hey, don't worry this…

HNX as guest at the subsidy day of Krefeld Business

HNX - Your way to start up presented itself on 11.08.23 at the funding day of Krefeld Business. At The Hochschule Niederrhein, HNX stands for the…

2nd HNX Founders' Roundtable at The Hochschule Niederrhein

For the second time, the HNX Gründer:innen Stammtisch, formerly NEW Blauschmiede Stammtisch, took place on 05.07.2023 with numerous participants. HNX,…

Yvonne Grein Hochschule Niederrhein Faculty of Design
HNX presents itself at the career fair "Design professions call" at FB02

On 24.05.2023 #HNX was allowed to present itself at the career fair "Designberufe rufen!" at the Faculty of Design of the Hochschule Niederrhein.

Yvonne Grein Hochschule Niederrhein Campus Fest
HNX at the Campusfest at The Hochschule Niederrhein

We had a booth at the Campusfest at Niederrein University of Applied Sciences and our motto was: Move now!

NEW Blauschmiede regulars' table becomes HNX regulars' table

Passing of the baton in the NEW Blauhaus at the Mönchengladbach campus

StartUp: Autaro GmbH

Autaro offers clever lighting for everyday life. Based on Björn Ullmann's master's thesis, the start-up strives for practical lighting solutions to…

Yvonne Grein HNX Hochschule Niederrhein
HNX Teamwork and Jour fixe at the campus Mönchengladbach

"Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships." - Michael Jordan

HNX at the status meeting of the German StartUpLabs in Munich

On March 15 and 16, the status meeting of the German StartUpLabs took place in Munich. Among the 35 universities present were of course also HNX…

Yvonne Grein Hochschule Niederrhein HNX Krefeld Business wfmg Jan Schnettler Jörg Siemes Peter Godulla Christian Peitz Gordon Gemein
Creative network meeting with partners from the region

Startup and start now!

The startup consulting team #HNX of the Hochschule Niederrhein met today in the Monforts Quartier together with some regional…

Inter-university network meeting at Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences

Today we had an inspiring day full of networking and exciting insights on the campus of the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences.

Design Thinking in the HONOUR-Programmm on 27.02.2023 with HNX

Service Learning is the core of the new HONOUR program from the HNX team. 27 students from 9 different faculties are currently undergoing the HONOUR…

HNX Yvonne Grein Hochschule Niederrhein Christoph Sommer NEW Group Blauschmiede -Blauhaus
HNX meets NEW in the Blauschmiede at the campus Mönchengladbach

On Tuesday 31.01.2023, the start-up consulting team HNX of the Hochschule Niederrhein met together with representatives of the NEW Group in the…

StartUp: Masasana GmbH

Jonas Becher ventured into self-employment during his studies at HSNR, specializing in AI solutions for various sectors!

Inter-university start-up idea pitch competition on 01.12.2022 in Düsseldorf

On Thursday, December 1, the first cross-university start-up idea pitch competition including a wide-ranging start-up fair took place at Super7000…

Here is a YouTube video. Click on it to watch. The data protection regulations of google apply!

Please click on the video

The Hochschule Niederrhein publishes serious gaming app "Quest of Gelduba"

According to a survey by the German Information and Telecommunications Industry Association (Bitkom), more than half of all people in Germany…

Lower Rhine Foundation Week 2022

The Lower Rhine Foundation Week was a complete success for our HNX team. Planning had been going on for a long time and the anticipation was great.

Gruppenfoto der Gewinner, der Jury und den Organisatoren der Veranstaltung. Alle freuen sich. Die Gewinner halten ihren übergroßen Check in der Hand.
That was the BATTLE OF IDEAS 22

Student Alexandra Plewnia has won 20,000 euros in the BATTLE OF IDEAS '22, The Hochschule Niederrhein's ideas competition. With her innovative idea,…

Tim and Marius
StartUp: Laminar Solutions UG

Improving the work of others! Marius Janssen and Tim Schmitz founded a company for software solutions in testing while still studying for their…

StartUp: Yoshi Nama - Little Tokyo Dry Gin

Maximilian Bergfried: From automotive mechatronics technician to bartender. Founder of "Yoshi Nama - Little Tokyo Dry Gin". An unconventional path to…

Leon Blanckart and the "Algatex" idea

Textiles made from algae! Leon Blanckart is researching sustainable textiles made from algae threads at the HS Niederrhein.

StartUp: LESSS

Anja Wezel, Gero Schmidt and Andras Kolenbrandner founded "LESSS" (LeSS Sugar) for nutritional education and solutions for healthier sugar…

Team 1
StartUp: Stitchmaiden - patterns with a story

Faye Lee and Anjuli Erkens, HSNR graduates, are reviving past centuries in modern everyday clothing with their start-up.
