We can look back with great satisfaction on a successful week of outstanding events. We offered 10 events for both university members and external guests.
Here is an overview:
Startup-Checkup: Startup coaching compact in 6x60 minutes (Stefanie Kutsch)
Workshop - Founder Personality '22/'23 - New and Proven (Jörg Siemes)
Workshop - Founding as a career path (Zerrin Börcek)
Panel Talk - Innovation needs Diversity (Zerrin Börcek)
The 1st F*ckup Night @HSNR edition (Petra Worms)
Workshop - Strong surname - Strong appearance! (Gregor Rotter)
Workshop - Discover your intrinsic motivation (Zerrin Börcek)
Pitch ideas competition - BATTLE OF IDEAS "22
Workshop - Design Thinking Quickie (Axel Minten)
Workshop - Successful Pitching (Axel Minten)
The program was varied. There were different formats such as workshops, panel talks, pitch competitions, lectures and the topics around founding varied greatly.
In total, over 200 people attended our events.
The photos provide an insight.
We are already looking forward to the highlight week in 2023.