HNX - Your way to start up!

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

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HNX LinkedIn Workshop with Ute Schmeiser

On September 26, the speaker Ute Schmeiser was a guest at the campus Krefeld South Campus at the Hochschule Niederrhein with an informative LinkedIn workshop.

20 participants with different expectations and levels of knowledge were allowed to dive into the enriching world of LinkedIn networking for 3 hours. The workshop had the focus: "Show yourself, your brand, your business and discover the power of networking!".

The workshop had the following specialisation:

>> Deciding: personal or business profile, or both?
>> Active networking with LinkedIn
>> Understanding LinkedIn and using it wisely
>> What is a useful content strategy?
>> Planning and routines create efficiency

Ute Schmeiser found it particularly important to convey that everyone can/should decide for themselves whether and how to use the LinkedIn platform. Don't just do something, but strategically consider with which goal LinkedIn makes sense, what your own "brand" stands for and with whom you want/could/should network.

HNX actively attended the workshop with some team members and came to the following conclusion: "No matter if off- or online: Networking is the A&O in business!".

Many thanks to Ute Schmeiser for these exciting insights and valuable tips.
