HNX - Your way to start up!

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

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The Hochschule Niederrhein publishes serious gaming app "Quest of Gelduba"

According to a survey by the German Information and Telecommunications Industry Association (Bitkom), more than half of all people in Germany regularly play digital games. Be it on a games console, on a PC or on a cell phone.

There is good news for all game enthusiasts: The Hochschule Niederrhein is launching its first own serious game today with the gaming app "Quest of Gelduba". The special thing about a serious game is that players are not only entertained, they also learn something about idea development and start-ups. The game can now be downloaded from the Google Play or Apple App Store.

"The idea for the serious game "Quest of Gelduba" was born during the lockdown at the beginning of the corona pandemic in order to reach students and employees in a playful and digital way and to raise awareness of the topics of creative idea development and business start-ups in a low-threshold way. We are incredibly proud to be the only university in Germany to take this innovative approach," says project manager Stephanie Bienefeld from the HNX team at The Hochschule Niederrhein.

In "Quest of Gelduba" - the game name is inspired by the Roman garrison site of Gelduba on the Lower German Limes - players take on the role of an apprentice magician. They must find a way to save their family and friends from the curse of Lethargika. To do this, the heroine or hero needs support - and mana. Can a being from a strange parallel world perhaps help?

The fantasy adventure journey challenges the players with many different mini-games. These must be mastered in order to unlock the required items and expand their knowledge. At the same time, the players learn a lot of things that are important when it comes to good ideas for solving earthly problems. Because this game offers more than just entertainment: you learn a lot about brainstorming, developing ideas and founding a start-up.

The game was developed over a period of almost two years by Dortmund-based game developer Fabula Games.

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