HNX - Your way to start up!

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

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StartUp: LESSS

Anja Wezel, Gero Schmidt and Andras Kolenbrandner founded "LESSS" (LeSS Sugar) for nutritional education and solutions for healthier sugar consumption.

"Education is an important goal, and we are trying to give people the solution to the problem with an online store and the right products at the same time," explains Wezel, who is studying nutritional sciences at The Hochschule Niederrhein. "We want people to shop consciously without realizing it," says Wezel. After all, diabetes has long been a widespread disease, and sugar can also promote cancer and have a negative impact on Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.

The project is picking up speed. A GmbH was founded in February, and "LESSS" has also launched a crowdfunding campaign. The aim is to finance the first product range. The store is due to go online soon, and a local store in Hamburg is a long-term goal.

"And at some point we might even want to start our own production," says Wezel. Other plans include an app, a blog on the website, a podcast and lots of information on social media.

As determined as the founding trio is, the work can be grueling. There were and still are small stumbling blocks. "You imagine it to be a bit easier because you have no idea what can happen," says Wezel, who emphasizes, however, that setbacks weld you together: "If you work towards your goal with the right team, you always find a solution." Important: The Hochschule Niederrhein helps with the "HNX" team, "as an advice center when we have problems," explains Wezel.

But money is also an obstacle. So far, the trio has financed everything out of their own pockets. Networking is therefore important in this context, says Wezel: "You know someone who knows someone who can help. And preferably free of charge."

The biggest challenge: there is no guarantee of success. Important factors for a start-up are therefore "a lot of courage and a lot of perseverance", says Wezel. You have to be able to deal well with setbacks, "always think positively, always have the goal in mind". Achieving it is ambitious, but important. Because the figures are alarming.



