Registration for SophosHomePremium

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

To use SophosHomePremium, you must register on the Sophos site.

You will receive the link to the registration page by email.

On the Sophos site, you must first authenticate with your student email address. You can then register using your student email address or your private email address.


Registration with student email

Authorization is done via the student e-mail address, followed by registration also via the student e-mail address.

After leaving the university, the license expires.

Sophos can no longer be used.

Registration with private email

Authorization is done via the student email address, followed by registration via the private email address.

After leaving the university, the license for SophosHomePremium expires.

However, this is automatically transferred to a license for SophosHome, which can continue to be used free of charge.

Request registration link

Request registration link
