Institute for Energy Technology and Energy Managem

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Welcome to SWK E²!

Institute for Energy Technology and Energy Management of The Hochschule Niederrhein

Converted into an institute in 2017, SWK E² is headed by Professor Dr.-Ing. Jörg Meyer and offers interdisciplinary research and teaching expertise in the field of energy by professors with different specialisations from the university's various faculties, supported by numerous academic and student staff. The institute was founded in 2012, but initially as an interdisciplinary competence centre, even then already in cooperation with our long-standing and reliable partner, SWK-Stadtwerke Krefeld.

SWK E² Institut für Energietechnik und Energiemanagement


Partner and references

A very special day: Students from Côte d'Ivoire at the SWK E² - Institute of Energy Technology and Energy Management meet professional soccer players

Krefeld/Leverkusen. Ten students from Côte d'Ivoire in West Africa have been guests at The Hochschule Niederrhein for a good two months at the SWK E²…

Inspiring day at the "Sales Forum West" of Siemens AG in Essen

The focus topic of the event was Energy Efficiency - and our professor Jörg Meyer from the SWK E² - Institute of Energy Technology and Energy…

Lecture by Prof. Andreas Seeliger Member of the SWK E² - Institute of Energy Technology and Energy Management at the University of Oxford

Prof. Andreas Seeliger from the SWK E² Institute of Energy Technology and Energy Management gave a lecture entitled "German Industrial Gas Demand -…

The Hochschule Niederrhein's SWK E² - Institute of Energy Technology and Energy Management travels to Rwanda again

In the period from 21.08. - 01.09.2023, Lisa Schmitt, research assistant at the SWK E² Institute of Energy Technology and Energy Management, was a…

Research for society and business

The core research areas of our institute are the analysis and optimization of energy systems and processes holistically from a technical as well as economic point of view. The energy systems considered are mainly from the fields of renewable energies, conventional heating, cooling and power plant technology as well as industrial energy systems. Since our approach is interdisciplinary, we always consider the economic and ecological aspects.

Since the foundation of our institute, numerous publicly funded projects as well as projects in cooperation with companies and regional SMEs have been successfully completed. The interdisciplinary structure of our institute is also reflected in the versatility of the projects we work on. Technical expertise and extensive communication between the thematic clusters are the keys to our successful project implementation.

Many of our projects with industrial partners are subject to confidentiality. Therefore, we can only present a selection of publicly funded projects here:

Your partner for research questions.

SWK E² Institut für Energietechnik und Energiemanagement


Current projects (selection)

Completed projects (selection)

Practical orientation in teaching for the engineers of tomor

Besides research, teaching education with a practical emphasis / orientation is the second important pillar of the institute. The seven professors of the SWK E² Institute impart competencies in a wide range of courses, from the theoretical foundations in thermodynamics and fluid mechanics, to application-oriented internships in the laboratories, to software-supported simulation and optimization of energy technology systems. The inderdisciplinarity and proximity to companies from the economy, such as the Stadtwerke Krefeld, form the foundation for a successful start into professional life. SWK E² is regularly looking for student assistants to support current research projects, and also offers the opportunity to write research-oriented theses.

Student Projects

Part of the teaching education are several interdisciplinary projects, in which the students work together in groups of up to 5 persons to solve an energy engineering problem. Below you will find a selection of student projects.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Schettel
Power Engineering
Group photo SWK employees
The SWK E² team

The SWK E² under the direction of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Meyer is a dedicated team of experienced research professors and young goal-oriented academic staff from the fields ofengineering andBusiness Administration and Economics with extensive expertise.

Directions SWK E²
Site plan and parking

The SWK E² Institute is located on the Krefeld South Campus in Building J. There is a large parking lot directly in front of the building, accessible from both Obergath and Reinarzstraße.

Note for deliveries:

Deliveries can be made directly to the building door or to the institute's technical center next door.

If you have any further questions, please contact us, we will be happy to help you.

Contact address

SWK E² Institut für Energietechnik und Energiemanagement



Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Meyer
Institute Director SWK E² Energy supply and energy use in industrial companies and buildings Energy management systems & energy audits Resource efficiency
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arne Graßmann
Deputy Director of the Institute Aerodynamic optimization of components High-energy (transonic) flows Energy storage Failure analysis (aerodynamic) in steam power plants
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Alsmeyer
Energy systems engineering and systems process engineering: Analysis of large amounts of data, Optimization with statistical and phenomenological calculation models
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marc Gennat
Automation Engineering
Prof. Dr. Joachim Schettel
Rotor dynamics and sealing technology for turbomachinery failure analysis, power plants and processes
Prof. Dr. Andreas Seeliger
Energy industry
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Shichang Wang
Energy Efficiency in buildings, plants and production facilities Cooling from heat - absorption chiller and energy efficiency Crystallization from solutions
Marius Madsen, M.Eng.
Academic staff SWK E²
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Charlotte Newiadomsky, M.Sc.
Research assistant SWK E²
Lukas Saars, M.Eng.
Academic staff SWK E² - Institute of Energy Technology and Energy Management
Lukas Spengler, M.Sc.
Academic staff SWK E²
Christiane Stegers
Assistant to the Institute Director SWK E²
Laura Schriefers, M.Sc.
Research assistant SWK E²
Maurice Görgen, M.Eng.
Academic staff SWK E²
Lisa Schmitt, M. Eng.
Research assistant SWK E² - Institute of Energy Technology and Energy Management
Thomas Leidenbach, M.Sc.
Academic staff SWK E²