The Niederrhein Technology and Start-up Center is an imposing building on Industriering Ost in Kempen. How can such a building be brought up to date in terms of energy technology and thus achieve climate adaptation in practical application? These questions are now also part of a joint project with the SWK E² - Institute of Energy Technology and Energy Management at The Hochschule Niederrhein: students are to find out what options are technically feasible and economically viable for the building in the context of the energy transition and climate protection. "With this project, we want to find a way to modernize the TZN, gradually adapt it to climate change and make it fit for the future," says Dr. Thomas Jablonski, Managing Director of the Viersen District Economic Development Corporation (WFG), which is responsible for the technology center.
The study is being led by Prof. Joachim Schettel. "The TZN was built in 1995 and is already equipped with many modern facilities. We now want to investigate: What is good, what can be done better?" says Prof. Schettel. To this end, a group of students including Sarah Luther, Hannah Daldrup, Julia Jansen and Jannis Müllers are currently inspecting the building shell of the TZN as a first step. Maike Probst is already one step ahead. For her master's thesis in energy management engineering, she is investigating the TZN's heat supply and wants to identify ways in which the building can be operated more sustainably. The TZN is currently supplied by a gas-powered combined heat and power plant.
Energy, rainwater, insulation, façade greening and charging columns are the points that are to be examined step by step in this long-term interdisciplinary project with annually changing student groups. The question in each case is: What is technically and economically feasible and sensible about the buildings? And: What regulations hinder modernization? The project is supported by the TZN's support association, chaired by Michael Aach.
"The investigation for this project is different from that for classic old buildings," says Prof. Schettel: "There is usually a clear direction: many modernization measures pay for themselves quickly, sometimes demolition and new construction is even better." But this is not what is to happen at the now 28-year-old TZN. Other existing buildings are to be examined as part of the project. These include parts of the district building in Viersen, the Haus der Wirtschaft in Viersen and an apartment building belonging to the Gemeinnützige Wohnungsgesellschaft (GWG). "Well over 90 percent of houses in Germany are existing buildings. With these studies, we want to make progress on the question of how climate adaptation can be implemented in such buildings," says Dr. Jablonski.
Incidentally, the student group has already investigated the frequently asked question about the lack of a photovoltaic system on the large roof areas of the TZN. A look at the old building files has shown that the statics do not permit the construction.
The Niederrhein Technology and Start-up Center in Kempen
The Niederrhein Technology and Start-up Center in Kempen was built in 1995. It has around 5500 square meters of variable office and assembly space, primarily for innovative, small and medium-sized companies. The approximately 60 tenants also include a branch of Fontys University and a branch of the Viersen District Adult Education Center. The TZN is also a modern conference center with various conference and meeting rooms. The TZN is a "Recognized Innovation Centre" of the Federal Association of German Innovation, Technology and Start-up Centres (BVIZ). Renovations and conversions are carried out regularly to increase the attractiveness of the building.
The Hochschule Niederrhein's SWK E² - Institute of Energy Technology and Energy Management
The SWK E², headed by Prof. Dr. Jörg Meyer, trains future managers in the field of energy. Professors with different specializations from the various faculties of the university work here, supported by numerous academic staff and students. The specialization is on the analysis and optimization of energy systems and thus the implementation of the energy transition in companies and municipalities.