With the IIDES-NSC / SECO (Sustainable Efficiency Council Office) project, the SWK E² - Institute of Energy Technology and Energy Management and the Université NANGUI ABROGOUA (UNA) aim to help sensitize Ivorian companies to the sustainable use of resources.
In order to help companies develop effective measures in the areas of sustainable development, Energy Efficiency and circular economy, a series of activities will be carried out with the participating companies as part of the one-year project. A total of three one-day workshops will be held between June and December 2023 to teach the foundation course, develop potential measures and implement and evaluate them in the companies with the help of the project team. At the end of the year, with our support, the companies will be able to create documentation of the results achieved and use them for commercial or other purposes, e.g. to attract sponsors, promote a better external image in order to assert themselves on the market or make themselves more attractive to applicants.
In addition, meetings were again held with representatives of the German Embassy and the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) in Abidjan, not only to report on the progress of the project, but also to identify further project-related overlaps and develop future project ideas.
There was also the opportunity to meet the students of the newly developed Master's degree program from the IIDES-NSC project and to exchange ideas with them before they come to The Hochschule Niederrhein for a semester in August.
The IIDES-NSC (Industry Integrated Dual Engineering Studies in a North-South Collaboration) project is also sponsored by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) with funds from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in the "Practical Partnerships between Universities and Companies in Germany and in Developing Countries" sponsorship program with up to around €700,000 over a project period of four years. The project partner is the NANGUI ABROGOUA University in Abidjan. Wilo SE and Euregio-Solarzentrum GmbH are two industrial partners supporting the project. Wilo's branch in Abidjan offers the opportunity to serve as a link to the local economy for the project.
The SECO project is being sponsored as a follow-up approval to the IIDES-NSC project with approximately €50,000 over a project duration of one year. The partner here is also the NANGUI ABROGOUA University in Abidjan.
Related links:
SECO project page: https://www.seco.iides-nsc.org/
IIDES-NSC project page: http://www.iides-nsc.org/de
Link to TV report on SECO (French): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFNMp08rDPQ
GTAI article: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/activity-7083500847539580928-qbYW/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
Article in the Africa Business Guide (GTAI): https://www.africa-business-guide.de/de/meldungen/nachhaltigkeitsbuero-in-cote-d-ivoire-1017064