SWK E² Publications
Institute for Energy Technology and Energy Mgmt.

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Energy-efficient and CO₂-free process heat
Short study
J. Meyer, L. Zaubitzer, F. Alsmeyer, M. Madsen

EU ETS 2: An effective, cost-efficient and socially fair EU-wide emissions trading system for the building and transport sector?
M. Gerlach-Günsch, A. Seeliger
SWK E² Working Paper 2/2024

Bureaucracy costs due to information obligations for the energy industry
A. Seeliger
ew Magazin für die Energiewirtschaft, Vol. 123, No. 2, pp. 13-15

Role of Flexible Operation of a Wastewater Treatment Plant in the Reduction of Its Indirect Carbon Dioxide Emissions - A Case Study
N. Topuz, F. Alsmeyer, H. C. Okutan, H. Roos
Water 2024, 16(3), 483; https://doi.org/10.3390/w16030483

The electrification of Rwanda and the impact on energy poverty
L. Pfaff
SWK E² Working Paper 1/2024

LNG terminals in Germany? A model-based scenario analysis EUGAS
A. Seeliger
SWK E² Working Paper 4/2023

German industrial gas: Crisis averted, for now
A. Seeliger
Oxford Energy Insight 137, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

Modeling Ridepooling Offers with Different Service Level Agreements
L. Ciecierski, M. Gennat
SWK E² Working Paper 3/2023

Modeling Natural Gas Markets with MAGELAN2: Model Description
A. Seeliger
SWK E² Working Paper 2/2023

Modeling Natural Gas Markets: Could We Learn from our Mistakes in the Past? -A Reality Check for MAGELAN
A. Seeliger
SWK E² Working Paper 1/2023

Winter is coming? Can the German industry overcome the looming gas scarcity?
A. Seeliger
Oxford Energy Insight 126, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

Climate-neutral and competitive food industry by 2030 - A guide to decarbonizing process heat supply
VWI Focus Topic 2021 Volume 04
J. Meyer, S. Möhren, L. Saars, M. Reichert, M. Johnen, M. Scheef, T. Stapel, A. Ehren, T. Breuer
ISBN: 978-3-00-073533-2

Energy policy - economic foundation courses on economic efficiency, security of supply and environmental compatibility
Specialist and textbooks
A. Seeliger
ISBN: 978-3-8006-6897-7
Vahlen: Munich, 2nd edition

Development of a key figure to identify potential for improvement in transport infrastructure
M. Madsen, L. Spengler, M. Gennat
Proff, H. (eds) Transforming Mobility - What Next?. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden

A simultaneous approach for integration of thermal energy storages in industrial processes using multiperiod heat integration
S. Möhren, C. Schäfer, J. Meyer, H. Krause
Energy Storage and Saving, Volume 1, Issue 2, DOI: 10.1016/j.enss.2022.04.002

Development and adaptation of optimization algorithms for on-demand transport in local public transport
M. Görgen, M. Gennat
SWK E² Working Paper 1/2022

Energy saving by integrating latent thermal energy storage into industrial processes using multi-period heat integration
Conference paper
S. Möhren, J. Meyer, H. Krause, S. Wang
17th Symposium Energy Innovation, Graz, long version

Determining travel resistance with automated transfer detection
M. Madsen, M. Gennat
Heike Proff (ed.), Making Connected Mobility Work, Springer Books, 2021, pp. 855-870

Determining travel times in urban areas using Google API
L. Spengler, M. Gennat
Heike Proff (ed.), Making Connected Mobility Work, Springer Books, 2021, pp. 839-853

Calculations of material data and phase equilibria with Excel-VBA
Application in rectification, reaction and evaporation

Textbooks and reference books
S. Wang, W. Schmidt
ISBN: 978-3-527-34104-7, Wiley-VCH-Verlag, 2021, 512 pages

A multiperiod approach for waste heat and renewable energy integration of industrial sites
S. Möhren, J. Meyer, H. Krause, L. Saars
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 148(2021), DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2021.111232

Including Heat Losses into Multiperiod HeatIntegration
Conference paper
S. Möhren
Promotions-Kolleg NRW, Ressourcen-Wissen, 4th doctoral oral examination

A Simultaneous Approach for integration of thermal energy storages in industrial processes using multiperiod heat integration
Conference paper
S. Möhren
16th SDEWES Conference - Dubrovnik 2021

Energieberatung Express
J. Meyer, P. Meidl
Interview on the online service "Energieberatung Express" in the Journal 1/21 of Stadtwerke Düsseldorf

Integration of Thermal Energy Storages in Industrial Processes Using Multiperiod Heat Integration
Poster presentation
S. Möhren, J. Meyer, H. Krause
15th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference, IRES 2021

Influence ofCO2 feed-in according to BEHG on the costs of heat supply and use of waste heat in German industrial companies
S. Möhren, J. Meyer, A. Seeliger
Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft (ZfE), Vol. 45, Issue 1

Environmental economics and environmental policy
Specialist and textbooks
A. Seeliger, E. Feess
Vahlen: Munich, 5th edition


Travel Time Estimation by means of Google API Data
J. M. Wagner, M. Eschbach, K. Vosseberg, M. Gennat
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2020, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 15434-15439

An Interval Arithmetic Approach for Multilevel Converter Harmonic Minimization Using Parseval's Theorem
M. Gennat, B. Tibken
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2020, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 13430-13435

Design of an Electric Bus Fleet and Determination of Economic Break-Even
M. Madsen, M. Gennat
Operations Research Proceedings 2019, Proceedings Dresden 2019, 25.09.2020, (ISBN: 978-9-030-48439-2)

A Simultanious Approach for Multi-Period Synthesis of Heat Exchanger Networks and Utility Systems including Thermal Energy Storages and Selected Active Technologies for Waste Heat Utilization
Conference paper/presentation
S. Möhren, H. Krause, J. Meyer
15th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), 01.-05.09.2020

Processing and calibration of traffic data using Google Maps API
S. Scholz, J. Wagner, D. Lal, M. Gennat
Buch Duisburg 2019, Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität 2019, Neue Dimensionen der Mobilität, 19.05.2020 (ISBN: 978-3-658-29745-9)

Design of an electric bus fleet and determination of the economic break-even point
B. Kuphal, M. Madsen, M. Gennat
Book Duisburg 2019, Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität 2019, Neue Dimensionen der Mobilität, 19.05.2020 (ISBN: 978-3-658-29745-9)

Female technology graduates in research and teaching education
C. Newiadomsky
Article in "Weiblich, erfolgreich, MINT", p.36-39 , 01.03.2020

Economic feasibility study of an electric bus fleet with maximization of electric operating kilometers
Conference paper/presentation
M. Madsen, M. Gennat
16th Symposium Energy Innovation EnInnov2020, Graz/Austria, 12.-14.02.2020

Climate change and its impact on electricity generation costs
Conference paper/presentation
C. Newiadomsky, A. Seeliger
16th Symposium Energy Innovation EnInnov2020, Graz/Austria, 12-14.02.2020

Ways to a climate-neutral and cost-efficient heating and cooling supply for industrial sites
Conference paper/presentation
S. Möhren, H. Krause J. Meyer
16th Symposium Energy Innovation EnInnov2020, Graz/Austria, 12-14.02.2020

Development of an energy performance indicator system for corporations by combining a top-down and bottom-up approach
Conference paper/ presentation
L.Saars, J. Meyer
16th Symposium Energy Innovation EnInnov2020, Graz/Austria, 12.-14.02.2020

Development of bureaucratic costs in the course of the German energy transition
A. Seeliger, M. Grief
Proceedings of the IEWT 2019: "Freedom, Equality, Democracy: Blessing or Chaos for Energy Markets?", Vienna

Environmental effects of using LNG in international maritime shipping
A. Seeliger, T. Breuer
gwf Gas + Energie, Vol. 160, Issue 7-8, pp. 52-57

Bureaucracy costs and compliance costs of the energy transition
A. Seeliger, S. Michalik, J. Roller, D. Kühlhenrich
Wirtschaft und Statistik (WISTA), Issue 6, p. 59-72

Overall report CHP-Inno.Net Krefeld Work package 3.1, Potential analysis and district selection for CHP expansion in eleven municipalities in North Rhine-Westphalia
Final report
J. Bruchmann, F. Alsmeyer
Krefeld: SWK E² - Institute of Energy Technology and Energy Management, Hochschule Niederrhein, 2019

Final report CHP-Inno.Net Krefeld work package 3.3, Economic and ecological potential analysis for urban areas without a gas grid using alternative fuels
Final report
C. Newiadomsky, F. Alsmeyer
Krefeld: SWK E² - Institute of Energy Technology and Energy Management, Hochschule Niederrhein, 2019

Final report CHP-Inno.Net Krefeld work package 3.4, Economic and ecological potential of innovative technologies: Combined heat, power and cooling systems using the example of the energy supply of the Krefeld fire station
Final report
M. Hurtado Martinez, C. Schäfer, J. Bruchmann, F. Alsmeyer
Krefeld: SWK E² - Institute of Energy Technology and Energy Management, Hochschule Niederrhein, 2019

Final report CHP-Inno.Net Krefeld work package 3.5, optimization of the methods developed in the detailed concept for the potential analysis for the city of Krefeld based on the data collection of the test plants from work package 2
Final report
A. Färber, F. Alsmeyer
Krefeld: SWK E² - Institute of Energy Technology and Energy Management, Hochschule Niederrhein, 2019

KWK-Inno.Net work package 3.1 Arnsberg: Extension of the neighborhood selection for potential analysis for other municipalities in NRW - application to the city of Arnsberg
Final report
J. Bruchmann, F. Alsmeyer
Krefeld: SWK E² - Institute of Energy Technology and Energy Management, Hochschule Niederrhein, 2019

KWK-Inno.Net work package 3.1 Grevenbroich: Expansion of the neighborhood selection for potential analysis for other municipalities in NRW - application to the city of Grevenbroich
Final report
J. Bruchmann, F. Alsmeyer
Krefeld: SWK E² - Institute of Energy Technology and Energy Management, Hochschule Niederrhein, 2019

KWK-Inno.Net work package 3.1 Herdecke: Extension of the neighborhood selection for potential analysis for other municipalities in NRW - application to the city of Herdecke
Final report
J. Bruchmann, F. Alsmeyer
Krefeld: SWK E² - Institute of Energy Technology and Energy Management, Hochschule Niederrhein, 2019

KWK-Inno.Net work package 3.1 Kerpen: Extension of the neighborhood selection for potential analysis for other municipalities in NRW - application to the city of Kerpen
Final report
J. Bruchmann, F. Alsmeyer
Krefeld: SWK E² - Institute of Energy Technology and Energy Management, Hochschule Niederrhein, 2019

KWK-Inno.Net work package 3.1 Kleve: Expansion of the neighborhood selection for potential analysis for other municipalities in NRW - application to the city of Kleve
Final report
J. Bruchmann, F. Alsmeyer
Krefeld: SWK E² - Institute of Energy Technology and Energy Management, Hochschule Niederrhein, 2019

KWK-Inno.Net work package 3.1 Cologne: Extension of the neighborhood selection for potential analysis for other municipalities in NRW - application to the city of Cologne
Final report
J. Bruchmann, F. Alsmeyer
Krefeld: SWK E² - Institute of Energy Technology and Energy Management, Hochschule Niederrhein, 2019

KWK-Inno.Net work package 3.1 Lüdenscheid: Extension of the neighborhood selection for potential analysis for other municipalities in NRW - application to the city of Lüdenscheid
Final report
J. Bruchmann, F. Alsmeyer
Krefeld: SWK E² - Institute of Energy Technology and Energy Management, Hochschule Niederrhein, 2019

KWK-Inno.Net work package 3.1 Marsberg: Expansion of the neighborhood selection for potential analysis for other municipalities in NRW - application to the city of Marsberg
Final report
J. Bruchmann, F. Alsmeyer
Krefeld: SWK E² - Institute of Energy Technology and Energy Management, Hochschule Niederrhein, 2019

KWK-Inno.Net work package 3.1 Mönchengladbach: Extension of the neighborhood selection for potential analysis for other municipalities in NRW - application to the city of Mönchengladbach
Final report
J. Bruchmann, F. Alsmeyer
Krefeld: SWK E² - Institute of Energy Technology and Energy Management, Hochschule Niederrhein, 2019

KWK-Inno.Net work package 3.1 Troisdorf: Extension of the neighborhood selection for potential analysis for other municipalities in NRW - application to the city of Troisdorf
Final report
J. Bruchmann, F. Alsmeyer
Krefeld: SWK E² - Institute of Energy Technology and Energy Management, Hochschule Niederrhein, 2019


How To Choose An Appropriate Distribution Scheme For Water And Energy
Conference paper/presentation
C. Newiadomsky, A. Seeliger
5th PhD Day of The Hochschule Niederrhein, Krefeld, 21.02.2018 - Poster presentation

KWK-Modellkommune Krefeld, Ergebnisse der Hochschule Niederrhein
J. Bruchmann, C. Newiadomsky
Lecture series: Energiewende mit Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung? at The Hochschule Niederrhein, Krefeld, 09.01.2018

Energy Policy - An Introduction to the Foundation Course in Economics
A. Seeliger
Vahlen: Munich

How climate change affects electricity prices: An analysis on transport logistics and electricity production costs
C. Newiadomsky
Energiewirtschaftliches Forschungsseminar des Fachgebietes Energiewirtschaft der BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Cottbus, 22.05.2018

Development of sector-specific bureaucracy costs in the course of the energy transition
A. Seeliger, M. Grief
AWV-Informationen, Vol. 64, Issue 6, pp. 8-11

Energy Cadastres as Planning Tools for Sector Coupling
Conference paper
M. Madsen, J. Bruchmann, F. Alsmeyer
ISEneC 2018, Nuremberg, 17-18.7.2018


Thresholds of Energy Consumption Profiles for an Efficient and Economic Application of Trigeneration
J. Bruchmann, F. Alsmeyer
The 7th International Conference & Workshop REMOO-2017 'Energy for Tomorrow', Book of Abstracts, pp.09-121, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-9818275-2-1

Contribution of Renewable Energy to the Availability of Electricity and Water in Africa: Approaches for Sustainable Development?
Conference paper/presentation
C. Newiadomsky, I. Tietze
Walter Leal Filho (ed.): Innovation in Sustainability Research - A Contribution to the Implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Springer Spektrum, Wiesbaden, pp. 39-59, 2017, Print ISBN: 978-3-662-54358-0, Electronic ISBN: 978-3-662-54359-7, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-54359-7_3

Vulnerability of Electricity Prices to Logistics and Climate Change
Conference paper/presentation
C. Newiadomsky, A. Seeliger
The 7th International Conference & Workshop REMOO-2017 'Energy for Tomorrow', Book of Abstracts, pp.09-121, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-9818275-2-1

Vulnerability of Electricity Prices to Logistics and Climate Change
Conference paper/presentation
C. Newiadomsky, A. Seeliger
The 7th International Conference & Workshop REMOO-2017 'Energy for Tomorrow', Proceeding, p.09.121.1 - 09.121.12, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-9818275-5-2

E-Mobility in Local Public Transport - The Next "Big Thing" of the "Energiewende"?
A. Seeliger
Mobility in a Globalized World 2016, pp. 217-223, University of Bamberg

Climate Change And The Energy-Water Nexus: Do We Have To Reconsider Our Distribution Systems?
Conference paper/presentation
C. Newiadomsky, A. Seeliger
Water Security and Climate Change Conference, Book of Abstracts, Cologne, 18 - 21.09.2017

CHP-Inno.Net work package 3.1 Düsseldorf: Extension of the district selection for potential analysis for other municipalities in NRW - application to the state capital Düsseldorf
Final report
F. Alsmeyer, J. Bruchmann, C. Newiadomsky
Krefeld: SWK E² - Institute of Energy Technology and Energy Management, Hochschule Niederrhein, 2017

Final report CHP-Inno.Net work package 3.2: Addition of the owner community interest group to the profitability analysis
Final report
F. Alsmeyer, J. Bruchmann, C. Newiadomsky
Krefeld: SWK E² - Institute of Energy Technology and Energy Management, Hochschule Niederrhein, 2017


Development of a Holistic Assessment Method for Trigeneration
Conference paper/presentation
J. Bruchmann, F. Alsmeyer
ISEneC 2016, Nuremberg, 11-12.7.2016

KWK-Modellkommune Krefeld - KWK-Inno.Net Krefeld - Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung: Krefeld auf dem Weg zur energieeffizienten Kommune
J. Bruchmann
VHS Krefeld Naturwissenschaftliche Vorträge, in cooperation with the VDI Niederrheinischer Bezirksverein - Bezirksgruppe Krefeld, 24.05.2016.

Security of Energy Supply: Will it stand the test of climate change - and what will it cost?
C. Newiadomsky, A. Seeliger
Electrical Engineering, 98(4), 385-393, DOI: 10.1007/s00202-016-0439-5

What do you think of the premium for electric cars?
A. Seeliger
IHK Magazine, July 2016, p. 34

Energy transition and greater energy self-sufficiency - can both be achieved?
A. Seeliger, S. Strunz, E. Gawel, H. Barth, S. Steuwer
ifo Schnelldienst, Vol. 69, Issue 15, pp. 3-16

Lessons to Learn? Looking back on 10 years of the "shale gas revolution" in the USA and taking stock for Europe
A. Seeliger
Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft (ZfE), Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 159-170

Diversely sustainable - good advice is expensive ... Charlotte Newiadomsky in conversation
C. Newiadomsky
Electronic newspaper Schattenblick, July 18, 2016, p. 10 - 13

Electric buses in public transport - an important component of the energy transition or a niche product?
Working paper
Ökonomenstimme.org, April 26, 2016

Electric buses in public transport - A technical and economic analysis taking into account practical examples of implementation
Working paper
A. Seeliger, S. Jeschull, B. Krönauer, S. Limberg, C. Schreiner, M. de Souza, M. Verza
Discussion papers of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering at Hochschule Niederrhein, Volume 9

Requirements on a Service Tool to Foster Demand-Side-Management Under Changing Climate Conditions
Conference paper/presentation
C. Newiadomsky, I. Tietze
2nd Karlsruhe Service Summit Research Workshop, KIT, 25 - 26.02.2016

Industrial adaptation to climate change - curse or blessing?
Conference contribution/presentation
C. Newiadomsky
17th VDI Congress Women in the Engineering Profession, Berlin, 11.06.2016

A (hypothetical) German shale gas boom as a savior for German gas-fired power plants?
Conference paper/presentation
A. Seeliger
Energy for our Europe, proceedings of the 14th Symposium Ennergieinnovation (EnInnov2016), TU Graz

Contribution of renewable energies to the availability of electricity and water in Africa: Approaches for sustainable development?
Conference paper/presentation
C. Newiadomsky, I. Tietze
Symposium "Innovation in sustainability research: a contribution to the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals", Hamburg, 13.06.2016

A Model for Forecasting short-term Electricity Prices for Electric Utilities
Conference paper/presentation
I. Tietze, C. Newiadomsky, G. Vossen
Dieter Hertweck, Christian Decker (Eds.): Digital Enterprise Computing 2016, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, 2016, pp. 175 - 186

The Prophecy of Energy Security - Self-Fulfilling or Self-Defeating?
Conference paper/presentation
C. Newiadomsky
Abstract volume iSEneC 2016, Nuremberg, 11 - 12.07.2016

KWK-Inno.Net Krefeld - KWK-Inno.Net Krefeld - Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung: Krefeld auf dem Weg zur energieeffizienten Kommune
C. Newiadomsky
Final event of the AKZENTE project at Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Oberhausen, 26.10.2016


Through the legal jungle with excellent energy management
J. Meyer
Liquid fruit, Oberhonnefeld 82nd year, issue 6, pp. 263-265

Energy-efficient hospital
J. Meyer
P.E.G. aktiv und Reha - Der Informationsservice für Mitglieder, Issue 4, p. 44-45

Energy-efficient storage and cooling technology
C. Newiadomsky, J. Bruchmann, C. Schäfer, S. Wang, F. Alsmeyer
Final event of the Green² project, Venlo, 12.03.2015

Calculations in chemistry and process engineering with Excel and VBA
Reference and textbooks
S. Wang, W. Schmidt
ISBN: 978-3-527-33716-3, VCH-Verlag, 2015,462 pages

Neighborhood selection for CHP projects in the city of Krefeld - Decision support for the implementation of efficient CHP projects
J. Bruchmann, I. Tietze
BWK Vol. 67 (2015) No. 9, pp. 51-54.

Dynamic energy register - Part I: Inventory of the initial energy situation in Südweststadt, Krefeld
Final report
J. Bruchmann, F. Alsmeyer
Krefeld: SWK-Energiezentrum E² der Hochschule Niederrhein, Hochschule Niederrhein, 2015

What do you think about solar energy?
A. Seeliger
IHK Magazine, September 2015, p. 22

Dynamic energy register - Part II
Final report
J. Bruchmann, F. Alsmeyer
Krefeld: SWK-Energiezentrum E² der Hochschule Niederrhein, Hochschule Niederrhein, 2015

Climate Change and Its Impact on Cooling in Power Plants
Conference paper/presentation
C. Newiadomsky, I. Tietze
Dresden Nexus Conference, Dresden, 25-27.03.2015

Der Sonnendieb - Auswirkungen eines solarenergetischen Defizits auf regenerative Energien
C. Newiadomsky
Science Slam - Wissenschaft mal anders!, Krefeld, 18.05.2015

What energy has to do with every dissertation
C. Newiadomsky
Presentation of the Commerzbank Lower Rhine Dissertation Prize, Krefeld, 03.11.2015

Final report of the project Green² - Green Logistics in Agrobusiness
Final report
H. Beckmann, F. Alsmeyer, J. Bruchmann, S. Gruner, R. Heereman von Zuydtwyck, N. Köppen-Spielmann, J. Kreetz, F. Krehl, C. Newiadomsky, C. Schäfer, K. Tißen, T. Waaden, S. Wang
Krefeld: Hochschule Niederrhein, 2015

Final report Green² work package III - Energy-efficient storage and cooling technology
Final report
F. Alsmeyer, J. Bruchmann, C. Newiadomsky, C. Schäfer, S. Wang
Krefeld: SWK-Energiezentrum E² der Hochschule Niederrhein, Hochschule Niederrhein, 2015


Systematic analysis of energy evaluation methods for combined heat, power and cooling plants
Conference paper/presentation
J. Bruchmann, C. Newiadomsky, S. Wang, F. Alsmeyer
ProcessNet-Thermodynamik-Kolloquium 2014, Stuttgart, 22-24.10.2014

Energy Efficiency in Agrology - the Green2 project
F. Alsmeyer, C. Newiadomsky, C. Schäfer, S. Gruner, S. Wang
Working Green theme day, Venlo, 25.09.2014

Myths of energy saving
C. Schäfer, C. Newiadomsky, S. Gruner, F. Alsmeyer
Thementag Working Green, Venlo, 25.09.2014

Resource efficiency in the food industry to increase competitiveness, presentation of the study "Resource efficiency in the food industry"
J. Meyer
Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Agriculture, Nature Conservation and Consumer Protection: Information event "Resource efficiency in the food industry" Düsseldorf, December 10, 2014

Energy cost management in the jungle of paragraphs
J. Meyer
Zentralverband Deutscher Milchwirtschaftler e.V. (ZDM): 107th ZDM Association Day, "Energy Management" symposium, Potsdam, September 26, 2014

Current developments in energy and climate policy
J. Meyer
BVE Committee for Environmental, Climate and Energy Policy, Berlin, May 15, 2014

Zuckerfabrik gut beraten
J. Meyer
Building up. The employee magazine of the Building Technologies Division, Zug (Switzerland), March 2014, p. 10-11

Suiker Unie - energy-efficient and sustainable thanks to Siemens
J. Meyer
Light+Building News 2014, article in the trade fair newspaper of Siemens AG, Frankfurt a.M., March 30, 2014, p. 9

Sugar-sweet energy and cost savings, lead article
J. Meyer
E-World News, published by E World of Energy, Essen, issue 1,February 11, 2014, p. 1-2

Filtration Performance of Particulate Air Filters for General Ventilation, Lab Testing vs. Real Life
Conference paper/presentation
S. Heap, S. Wang, et. al.
Intern. Conf. on Indoor Air, July 7-12. 2014, Hong Kong

The absorption chiller as a technological extension of combined heat and power generation - From student project to doctoral concept
Conference paper/ presentation
J. Bruchmann, S. Wang
16th VDI Congress Women in Engineering, Nuremberg, July 19, 2014

Optimization of the forecast for energy extraction from the MSWI plant
Final report
J. Bruchmann, J. Schettel
Krefeld: SWK-Energiezentrum E² der Hochschule Niederrhein, Hochschule Niederrhein, 2014

Further development of the Hourly Price Forward Curve - final presentation December 2014
C. Newiadomsky, I. Tietze, G. Vossen
Krefeld: SWK-Energiezentrum E² der Hochschule Niederrhein, Hochschule Niederrhein, 2014


Modern online measurement techniques as a support for process optimization
Conference paper/presentation
F. Alsmeyer
3rd Symposium Process Optimization, Knapsack, 21.02.2013

Environmental economics and environmental policy
Reference and textbooks
A. Seeliger, E. Feess
4th edition, Munich

The shale gas boom in the USA and the economic impact on Germany
A. Seeliger, F. Müsgens
ifo Schnelldienst, Vol. 66, Issue 24, pp. 3-5

Principles of gas pricing and their impact on the market for gas cars in Germany
A. Seeliger
Jan Werner et al., Mobility in a Globalized World 2012, Bamberg, pp. 37-45

Non-conventional natural gas deposits in the USA and their impact on the European energy market
A. Seeliger, F. Müsgens
World Energy Council (ed.), Energy for Germany 2013, pp. 7-31, Berlin

Fracking in Germany and Europe - hype or opportunity?
A. Seeliger, F. Müsgens, K. Westphal, S. Ladage, H. Andruleit, M. Kosinowski
ifo Schnelldienst, Vol. 66, Issue 24, pp. 3-10

Financing Energy Efficiency in the Western Balkans - Public finance options to fund the Second NEEAP
Working paper
A. Seeliger
WBIF/IFI-Coordination Office Food for Thought Paper, Brussels

Energy efficiency potentials and barriers to implementation in industry
K. Barzantny, M. Haverkamp, E. König, J. Meyer, U. Niehage, V. Orioli
Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, Essen, 2013, No. 11, p. 16 ff.

20% less energy costs
J. Meyer
Maintenance, December 2013, p. 48-49

Influence of economic conditions to the specific costs of cooling by chilling machines
Conference paper/presentation
J. Bruchmann, S. Wang
SHC 2013, International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry, September 23-25, 2013, Freiburg, Germany

Water Management in Santiago de Chile, Chile
Conference paper/presentation
C. Newiadomsky
Lobbrecht, A.; Price, R. (eds.); Proceedings of the International Water Week Amsterdam Young Scientist Workshop 2011 - Water Challenges of Urbanization, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, the Netherlands, pp. 17-25, 2013. (ISBN 9789073445277)

The energy transition on the Lower Rhine
I. Tietze, C. Newiadomsky
IHK information event, Krefeld, 25.09.2013

Energy efficiency analysis of the Neuwerk hospital "Maria von den Aposteln"
Final report
F. Alsmeyer, C. Newiadomsky
Krefeld: SWK-Energiezentrum E² der Hochschule Niederrhein, Hochschule Niederrhein, 2013


Fully automatic calibration of infrared measuring points
Conference paper/presentation
T. Tervooren, F. Alsmeyer
ProcessNet Annual Conference 2012, Karlsruhe, 10-13.09.2012

Fully automatic calibration of infrared measuring points
F. Alsmeyer
Bruker User Meeting 2012, Ettlingen, 14.11.2012

Method for stopping a turbo set (EN) / Verfahren zum Abfahren eines Turbosatzes (DE)

A. Graßmann, C. Musch, H. Stüer
Siemens May, 3 2012: WO 2012/055702t

Relevance of oil prices for mobility today and in the next decades
A. Seeliger
Jan Werner et al. (eds.), Mobility in a Globalized World, Bamberg, pp. 35-44

Using energy-efficient pumps and motors in combination: Energy management systems and pump audits
J. Meyer, O. Weckerle
cav - Chemie, Anlagen, Verfahren, LeinfeldEchterdingen, No. 7, 2012, pp. 28-30

Guide to efficient energy use in the textile industry
Technical and textbooks
A. Schubert, J. Meyer, M. Wisse
EnergieAgentur NRW, 2012

Process design of absorption chilling machines using ionic solutions for efficient energy conservation
Conference paper/presentation
S. Wang, V. Strehmel, M. Wieschalla
lecture at Achema Conference, 22nd. June 2012. Frankfurt, Germany


Fully automatic calibration of infrared measuring points
Conference paper/presentation
T. Tervooren, F. Alsmeyer
ProcessNet Annual Conference 2012, Karlsruhe, 10-13.09.2012

Fully automatic calibration of infrared measuring points
F. Alsmeyer
Bruker User Meeting 2012, Ettlingen, 14.11.2012

Method for stopping a turbo set (EN) / Verfahren zum Abfahren eines Turbosatzes (DE)

A. Graßmann, C. Musch, H. Stüer
Siemens May, 3 2012: WO 2012/055702t

Relevance of oil prices for mobility today and in the next decades
A. Seeliger
Jan Werner et al. (eds.), Mobility in a Globalized World, Bamberg, pp. 35-44

Energy Costs in Germany - Developments, Drivers and International Comparison
A. Seeliger, J. Perner, C. Riechmann, N. Trhal, M. Fürsch, S. Nagl, D. Lindenberger
Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft (ZfE), Vol. 35, Issue 1, pp. 43-52

Bureaucratic burdens on the energy industry - a review
A. Seeliger, C. Riechmann, M. Schorn
Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, vol. 61, issue 3, pp. 64-67

Using energy-efficient pumps and motors in combination: Energy management systems and pump audits
J. Meyer, O. Weckerle
cav - Chemie, Anlagen, Verfahren, LeinfeldEchterdingen, No. 7, 2012, pp. 28-30

Guide to efficient energy use in the textile industry
Technical and textbooks
A. Schubert, J. Meyer, M. Wisse
EnergieAgentur NRW, 2012

Process design of absorption chilling machines using ionic solutions for efficient energy conservation
Conference paper/presentation
S. Wang, V. Strehmel, M. Wieschalla
lecture at Achema Conference, 22nd. June 2012. Frankfurt, Germany


Personnel micro-blogging for workflow support in conceptual design
Conference paper/ presentation
M. Wiedau, F. Alsmeyer, A. Harwardt, W. Marquardt
In: S. Pierucci and G. Buzzi Ferraris (Eds.): 20th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Ischia, Naples, Italy, 6-9.6. 2010

Automatic classification of gas chromatograms
Conference paper/presentation
D. Engel, A. Schocker, F. Alsmeyer, W. Marquardt
Analytica 2010, Munich, 23.-26.03.2010

Mixing device for mixing water and water vapor in a diversion station (EN). / Mixing device for mixing water and water vapor in a diversion station ( DE)

A. Graßmann, C. Musch
Siemens Aug, 5 2010: WO 2010/086199

Coating for Vapor Condensers
R. Gensler, A. Graßmann, M. Waidhas
United States Patent Application Publication, US 2010/0129645 A1, 27.05.2010

20100101234 Evaporative cooler and use thereof and gas turbine system featuring an evaporative cooler 29.04.2010

B. Heimberg, W. Stamm, R. Nies, K. Halberstadt, J. Birkner, W. David, R. Gensler, A. Graßmann, B. Kocdemir, J. Schürhoff

Guideline: Operational energy management. With a practical emphasis / orientation for medium-sized companies
Reference and textbooks
J. Meyer, A. Schubert, M. Wisse
Ed. Dienstleistungsgesellschaft der Norddeutschen Wirtschaft mbH, Hanover September 2010

Lesson 1: Energy Efficiency as an element of corporate strategy
Reference and textbooks
J. Meyer, A. Trautmann, A. Schubert
Euroforum Verlag GmbH (ed.): Contracting, Schriftlicher Managementlehrgang in 7 Lektionen, Düsseldorf, 2010


Alanda for Configuration-Free Analysis of Process Data
Conference paper/presentation
M. Soemers, F. Alsmeyer
15th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Saint-Malo, France, July 6-8, 2009

Analytics and Data Analysis
D. Engel, W. Marquardt, F. Alsmeyer
Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 2009, 57(5), 559-560

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and gas storage
Reference and textbooks
A. Seeliger
Kompaktwissen Erdgaswirtschaft- Lektion 4, Düsseldorf

Global Gas Demand Prospective: Is the End of Gas Boom in Sight?
Conference paper/presentation
A. Seeliger, J. Perner
TU Berlin (ed.), Conference Documents of 8th Conference on Applied Infrastructure Research, Berlin

Utilization of renewable energies
J. Meyer, A. Schubert
Der Umweltbeauftragte , Düsseldorf, 17. Jahrgang,München, November 2009, p. 11

Technical, economic and fiscal assessment of the energy situation
J. Meyer, A. Schubert
Der Umweltbeauftragte, Düsseldorf, 17. Jahrgang, München,September

Energy saving in steam generation
J. Meyer, T. Voßen, A. Simon-Tönges
Der Umweltbeauftragte, Düsseldorf, 17. Jahrgang, München,August 2009, p. 12

Organizational measures to increase Energy Efficiency
J. Meyer, A. Simon-Tönges
Der Umweltbeauftragte, Düsseldorf, 17. Jahrgang, München,Juli 2009, p. 11

Saving energy in the recycling industry
J. Meyer, A. Schubert, A. Trautmann
UmweltMagazin, 39th year, June 2009, p. 56f.

Measurements create transparency
J. Meyer
Der Umweltbeauftragte, Düsseldorf, 17. Jahrgang,München, June 2009, p. 11

Energy concept for the recycling industry
J. Meyer, A. Schubert, A. Trautmann
Der Umweltbeauftragte, Düsseldorf, 17. Jahrgang, München, Mai 2009, p. 11

Energy saving in refrigeration
J. Meyer, A. Simon-Tönges
Der Umweltbeauftragte, Düsseldorf, 17. Jahrgang, München, April 2009, p. 11

Guide to Energy Efficiency for the Recycling Industry
Technical and Textbooks
J. Meyer, A. Schubert, A. Trautmann, C. Kausch
Aachen, 2009

Energy savings in compressed air supply
J. Meyer, A. Simon-Tönges, A. Schubert
Der Umweltbeauftragte, Düsseldorf, 17. Jahrgang, München, März 2009, p. 11

Energy concept for the paper industry
J. Meyer, A. Simon-Tönges
Der Umweltbeauftragte, Düsseldorf, 17. Jahrgang, München, Februar 2009, p. 11

Optimization of energy use in mineral water companies
J. Meyer
Der Mineralbrunnen, Bonn, 2009, No. 2, pp. 42-44


Fully automated indirect hard modeling of mixture spectra
F. Alsmeyer, E. Kriesten, A. Bardow, W. Marquardt
Chemometr. Intell. Lab. Syst., 2008, 91, 181-193

Identification of unknown pure component spectra by indirect hard modeling
F. Alsmeyer, E. Kriesten, C. Minnich, L. Greiner, W. Marquardt
Chemometr. Intell. Lab. Syst., 2008, 93, 108-119

An open platform for data-based applications
Conference paper/presentation
F. Alsmeyer
5th Symposium Information Technologies for Development and Production, Aachen, April 3-4, 2008

Panel discussion "Data-based applications - from PIMS to model"
Conference paper/ presentation
F. Alsmeyer, F. Hanisch, M. Hollender, H. Meder, U. Piechottka, G. Reinig
5th Symposium Information Technologies for Development and Production, Aachen, April 3-4, 2008

Configuration-free analysis of process data
Conference paper/presentation
F. Alsmeyer
EuroPACT 2008, Frankfurt, 22-25.4.2008

Indirect HardModeling for Spectroscopic Calibration
Conference paper/ presentation
W. Marquardt, E. Kriesten, F. Alsmeyer
EuroPACT 2008, Frankfurt, 22-25.4.2008

Indirect Hard Modeling for simplified calibration of spectroscopic measurement techniques in production
Conference paper/ -presentation
D. Engel, F. Alsmeyer, E. Kriesten, W. Marquardt
ProcessNet Annual Conference 2008, Karlsruhe, 07-09.10.2008

Condenser for the water-steam cycle of a power plant
T. Ellsel, A. Graßmann
EP 1 777 477 B1, European Patent Specification, Patentblatt, 10.12.2008

Energy controlling - regular analysis of energy data helps to save energy
J. Meyer, A. Schubert
Der Umweltbeauftragte, Düsseldorf, 16. Jahrgang, München, Dezember 2008/ Januar 2009,p. 19

Energy Efficiency in Juice Manufacturing
J. Meyer, A. Simon-Tönges, P. Bonczek
Fruit Processing,Strassenhaus, November/ December 2008, No . 6, p. 298f.

Optimization of energy use in the beverage industry
J. Meyer, A. Simon-Tönges
Der Umweltbeauftragte, Düsseldorf, 16. Jahrgang, München, November 2008, p. 11

Guide to Energy Efficiency in the Paper Industry
Technical and Textbooks
M. Vogt, O. Slum, S. Kirschbaum, B. Meyer, J. Meyer, A. Schubert
Duisburg, 2008

Energy efficiency in fruit juice production
J. Meyer, A. Simon-Tönges, P. Bonczek
liquid fruit, Straßenhaus, 2008, No. 11, p. 552f.

Saving costs when purchasing energy, Liberalized energy markets
J. Meyer
Molkerei-Industrie, Bad Breisig, October 2008,No. 2, p. 44f.

Sonderfonds Energy Efficiency - Zuschüsse für Energieberatungen
J. Meyer, A. Schubert
Der Umweltbeauftragte, Düsseldorf, 16.Jahrgang, München, October 2008, p. 11

Savings potential of ventilation and air-conditioning systems
J. Meyer, A. Schubert
Der Umweltbeauftragte, Düsseldorf, 16th year, Munich, September 2008, p. 11

Developments on the energy market
J. Meyer, D. Saager, A. Schubert
Der Umweltbeauftragte, Düsseldorf, 16th year, Munich, August 2008, p. 11

Heat recovery saves energy and costs
J. Meyer, A. Schubert
Der Umweltbeauftragte, Düsseldorf, 16. Jahrgang, München, Juli 2008, p. 11

Rational use of energy through energy management
J. Meyer, A. Schubert
Der Umweltbeauftragte, Düsseldorf, 16. Jahrgang, München, Juni 2008,p. 11

Saving energy costs by reducing power peaks
J. Meyer, A. Schubert
Der Umweltbeauftragte, Düsseldorf, 16th year, Munich, May 2008, p. 12

Economy and Energy Efficiency through Combined Heat and Power Plants
J. Meyer, A. Schubert
Der Umweltbeauftragte,Düsseldorf, 16. Jahrgang, München, April 2008, p. 11

Rational use of energy in retirement and nursing homes
Specialist and textbooks
J. Meyer,A. Schubert, J. Nowak, L. Meyer, S. Herbergs
Leitfaden für Heimleitung und Haustechnik, Wiesbaden, 2008


Consistent use of process data in the life cycle of process plants
F. Alsmeyer
atp - Automatisierungstechnische Praxis 49, 7/2007, 58-63

Reduction of calibration effort for noninvasive measurement techniques in production processes
Conference paper/presentation
F. Alsmeyer, E. Kriesten, W. Marquardt
GVC Technical Committee Process and Plant Engineering, Karlsruhe, 11-13.2. 2007

Integrating an external shortcut method into flowsheet simulation with Aspen Plus
Conference paper/presentation
F. Alsmeyer, A. Jones, C. Wallert, L. von Wedel
Aspen User Group Meeting, Frankfurt, 24.4.2007

Consistent use of process data in the life cycle of process plants
Conference paper/ presentation
F. Alsmeyer
GMA Congress 2007, Baden-Baden, 12-13.6.2007

Ad-hoc data analysis - offline and online
Conference paper/ presentation
F. Alsmeyer
GVC/DECHEMA Annual Conference 2007, Aachen, Germany, 16-17.10.2007

New calibration procedure ensures consistently good results
F. Alsmeyer, E. Kriesten, W. Marquardt
LaborPraxis, 2007, 5, 64-65

Quick to the point
F. Alsmeyer, E. Kriesten, W. Marquardt
Process, 4/2007, 104-105

Brush Seal Porosity Modeling - Applicability and Limitations, Proceedings of ETC7
Conference paper/presentation
M. Neef, F. Hepermann, N. Sürken, J. Schettel
7th Conference on Turbomachinery, 4th - 9th March 2007, Athens, Greece, pp. 911-920

Condenser for the water-steam cycle of a power plant
T. Ellsel, A. Graßmann
EP 1 777 477 A1, Offenlegungsschrift, Patentblatt, 25.04.2007

New ways of procuring gas
A. Seeliger, S. Becker, C. Butterweck
VIK Mitteilungen, No. 4/2007, pp. 32-33

New gas procurement options for municipal utilities
A. Seeliger, A. Böhm
Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen (et), Vol. 57, No. 9, pp. 50-55

Opportunities for increasing energy efficiency in textile machinery
Conference paper/presentation
J. Meyer
st Aachen Dresden International Textile Conference, Aachen, November 30, 2007

Benchmark studies
J. Meyer, A. Schubert
Der Umweltbeauftragte, Düsseldorf, 15th volume, Munich, September 2007, p. 11

Current information on emissions trading
J. Meyer, S. Birger, A. Schubert
Der Umweltbeauftragte, Düsseldorf, 15th year, Munich, August 2007, p. 11

Energy savings in the food industry
J. Meyer, A. Schubert
Der Umweltbeauftragte, Düsseldorf, 15th year, Munich, July 2007, p. 11

Savings opportunities through optimized energy purchasing
J. Meyer, A. Schubert
Der Umweltbeauftragte, Düsseldorf, 15th year, Munich, June 2007, p. 12

Energy Efficiency for the Plastics Processing Industry
A. Trautmann, J. Meyer, A. Schubert
Der Umweltbeauftragte, Düsseldorf, 15. Jahrgang,München, SSN 1613-0634,Mai 2007,p. 12

Using Energy Efficiency for Emissions Trading
J. Meyer, B. Simon, A. Schubert
Der Umweltbeauftragte, München, 15. Jahrgang, April 2007, p. 11

Climate protection: Plan B - National energy concept by 2020
Reference and textbooks
K. Barzantny, S. Achner, J. Meyer, A. Böhling
Greenpeace e.V. Hamburg (ed.), 2007

Energieeinsparungen in der Gebäudetechnik
J. Meyer, A. Schubert
Der Umweltbeauftragte, München, 15. Jg.,Februar 2007, S. 12


Avoiding overcompression in process historians
Conference paper/ presentation
F. Alsmeyer
ACHEMA 2006, Frankfurt, Germany, 16.5.2006

NAMUR panel discussion "Performance Monitoring"
Conference paper/ presentation
F. Alsmeyer, M. Estler, H. Grieb, K.-U. Klatt, U. Piechottka, P. Thüring, C. Vermum
ACHEMA 2006, Frankfurt, Germany, 16.5.2006

Automatic adjustment of data compression in process information management systems
Conference paper/presentation
F. Alsmeyer
16th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering and 9th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 9-13.7.2006

Avoiding compression losses in data archives of the process industry
Conference paper/presentation
F. Alsmeyer
GVC/DECHEMA Annual Conference 2006, Wiesbaden, Germany, 26-28.9.2006

Improved data quality in PIMS through intelligent adaptation of compression rates
S. Strand, R. Mühlhaus, F. Alsmeyer
4th Degussa PLS Symposium, Marl, 21.6.2006

Better use of better data using wavelets
F. Alsmeyer
Total APC Workshop, Paris, 22-23.6.2006

Indirect Hard Modeling of Spectra: from research to application
F. Alsmeyer, E. Kriesten
Dow virtual chemometrics seminar series, 31.8.2006

Avoiding overcompression in process historians
F. Alsmeyer
Total PI Users Meeting, Paris, 9.11.2006

Model-based analysis of gap excitation in steam turbines
Schettel, Joachim
Dissertation, Shaker , Aachen, 2006

Development of global natural gas supply until 2030 - A model-based forecast of global production, transportation and international trade as well as an analysis of the procurement cost situation of selected importing nations
Fach- und Lehrbücher
A. Seeliger
Schriftenreihe des Energiewirtschaftlichen Instituts, Band 61, München

Effects of higher oil prices on energy supply and demand
Reference books and textbooks
A. Seeliger, D. Lindenberger
Cologne/Basel (with Dietmar Lindenberger et al.)

Development of the global LNG supply by 2030 - A model-based analysis
A. Seeliger
Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft (ZfE), Vol. 30, Issue 2, pp. 91-101

Natural gas - secure future energy or scarce resources?
Working paper
A. Seeliger, D. Boethe
EWI Working Paper 06-2, Cologne

Sector energy concept for the textile industry
J. Meyer, A. Trautmann, A. Schubert
Der Umweltbeauftragte, München, 14.Jg.,Dezember 2006/ Januar 2007, S.10

Sector energy concepts - learning from others! - Significant energy savings through systematic operational analysis
J. Meyer, A. Trautmann, A. Hoffmann
VDI (ed.): Energy Efficiency Opportunities for the Future, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 2006 {=VDI-Berichte 1951), pp. 11-23

Rational energy use through industry energy concepts
J. Meyer, A. Schubert
Der Umweltbeauftragte, München, 14.Jg., Oktober 2006, p. 10

The challenge of emissions trading
J. Meyer, M. Kruska, B. Simon
bwk, Düsseldorf, Vol. 58, 2006, No. 10, pp. 26-27

Emissions trading keeps the affected companies on tenterhooks
J. Meyer, M. Kruska, B. Simon
Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, Essen,56. Jg.,2006, Nr. 10, S. 59-60

Cost reduction through energy saving
J. Meyer, A. Schubert
Der Umweltbeauftragte, Munich, 14th Vol., September 2006, p. 10

Sector energy concept for the recycling industry
A. Schubert, J. Meyer, A. Trautmann
Der Umweltbeauftragte, München, 14. Jg ., März 2006,p. 5


Identification of Nonlinear Spectral Phenomena in Liquid Mixtures. Statistics in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Conference paper/ presentation
E. Kriesten, F. Alsmeyer, A. Bardow, W. Marquardt
South Hadley, MA, USA, July 17-22, 2005

Trend-based Treatment of Process Data: Application to Practical Problems
Conference paper/presentation
F. Alsmeyer
World Congress of Chemical Engineering 2005, Glasgow, UK, July 10-14

Rotordynamic Coefficients of Labseals for Turbines - Comparing CFD Results with Experimental Data on a Comb-Grooved Labyrinth
Conference paper/ -presentation
Schettel, J., Deckner, M., Kwanka, K., Lüneburg, B., Nordmann, R
Proceedings of ASME Turbo EXPO, Power for Land, Sea & Air, Reno-Tahoe, Nevada USA, June 6-9, 2005

Rotordynamics of turbine labyrinth seals: validating an integrated thermo - rotordynamic design procedure
Conference paper/presentation
Lüneburg, Bernd; Schettel, Joachim; Nordmann, Rainer
4th EDF/LMS Poitiers Workshop: Advanced Topics and Technical Solutions in Dynamic Sealing Systems, Poitiers, October 6, 2005

Size measurement of very small spherical particles by Mie Scattering Imaging (MSI)
A. Graßmann, F. Peters
Part. Part. Syst. Char., 21 (5) 379-389, 2005

The development of the energy markets up to the year 2030
Reference and textbooks
A. Seeliger, W. Schulz
Energiewirtschaftliche Referenzprognose (Energiereport IV), Munich

Interdependencies between electricity generation and natural gas supply under consideration of a European CO2 certificate trade: Selected results of an iterative model coupling
A. Seeliger, M. Bartels
Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft (ZfE), Vol. 29, Issue 2, pp. 135-144

Ice cold for the heating market
A. Seeliger
Energie & Management, No. 17/2005, p. 10

Interdependencies between electricity generation and natural gas supply under consideration of a European CO2 certificate trade
Conference proceedings
A. Seeliger, M. Bartels
TU Wien (ed.), Energiesysteme der Zukunft: Herausforderungen und Lösungspfade, Tagungsband der IEWT 2005, Vienna

Forecasting European Gas Supply - selected results from EUGAS model and historical verification
Working paper
A. Seeliger, D. Boethe
EWI Working Paper 05-1, Cologne

Formulas instead of figures,Reference value formulas for the energy assessment of production plants
A. Pauksztat, ? Kuperjans, J. Meyer
Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, Essen, 55th Vol., 2005, No. 6, pp. 374-376

Emissions trading - software helps with monitoring
J. Meyer
Wirtschaftliche Nachrichten der HK Aachen, Aachen, 2005, No.7/8, p. 16

Product-related reference values for Energy Efficiency and C02 emissions
A. Pauksztat, ? Kuperjans, J. Meyer
Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, Essen, 55th Vol., 2005, No. 6, pp. 374-376

Open solution. Monitoring of emissions
J. Meyer, B. Simon, A. Simon-Tönges,I. Häfner, S. Harms
Energie Spektrum, Gilching, 2005, No. 3, pp. 36-37

Proposals for more efficient emissions trading. Necessary steps
S. Meilinger, N. Steinbrecher, J. Meyer
Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, Essen, 55. Jg.,2005, Nr. 1/2, S. 45- 48


Indirect spectral hard modeling for the analysis of reactive and interacting mixtures
F. Alsmeyer, H.-J. Koß, W. Marquardt
Appl. Spectrosc., 2004, 58(8), 975 - 985

Automatic generation of peak-shaped models
F. Alsmeyer, W. Marquardt
Appl. Spectrosc., 2004, 58(8), 986 - 994

Indirect Hard Modeling - A Method for the Analysis of Peak-shaped Signals of Reactive and Interacting Mixtures
Conference paper/presentation
E. Kriesten, F. Alsmeyer, W. Marquardt
Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry, Lisbon, Portugal, September 20-23, 2004

Indirect Hard Modeling - A Method for the Analysis of Peak-shaped Signals
Conference paper/presentation
E. Kriesten, F. Alsmeyer, W. Marquardt
DECHEMA/GVC-Jahrestagungen, Karlsruhe, Germany, October 12-14, 2004

Trend-based processing of process data - application to practical problems
Conference paper/presentation
F. Alsmeyer, W. Marquardt
DECHEMA/GVC-Jahrestagungen, Karlsruhe, Germany, October 12-14, 2004

Rotordynamics of turbine labyrinth seals: a comparison of CFD models to experiments
Conference paper/ -presentation
Schettel, Joachim ; Nordmann, Rainer
Eighth International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery : 7 - 9 September 2004, University of Wales, Swansea, UK Professional Engineering Publ. , Bury St Edmunds 2004

Modeling flow induced forces in turbine labyrinth seals
Conference paper/presentation
Schettel, Joachim ; Nordmann, Rainer
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Flow-Induced Vibration, FIV 2004, Paris, France, 6-9 July 2004

Prospects of gas supplies to the European market until 2030 - results from the simulation model EUGAS
A. Seeliger, J. Perner
Utilities Policy, Vol. 12/4, pp. 291-302

Data on the development of the cost and earnings situation of the mineral oil industry in the Federal Republic of Germany in 2003
A. Seeliger, D. Schmitt, D. Lindenberger
Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft (ZfE), Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 183-190

The European natural gas supply in transition
Working paper
A. Seeliger
EWI Working Paper 04-2, Cologne

Energy consumption under the microscope. Practical guide promotes rational energy use in the food industry
J. Meyer
Energy, special publication of ChemManager, Darmstadt, 1st Vol., May 2004, No. 1, pp. 20-21

Preparing for European emissions trading - the most important steps
N. Steinbrecher, ? Häfner, J. Meyer, M. Kruska, M. Klein
Gaswärme International, Essen, 53rd Vol.,2004, No. 1,pp. 13-16


New Measurement and Analysis Methods for the Determination of Vapor-Liquid Equilibria in Reacting Systems
F. Alsmeyer
Dissertation, Published in Fortschritt-Berichte VDI: Reihe 3, Nr. 787. VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 2003

A new method for phase equilibrium measurements in reacting mixtures
Conference paper/presentation
G. Olf, F. Alsmeyer, W. Marquardt, R. Dohrn, O. Pfohl
ESAT 2003 - 20th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, Lahnstein, 9.-12.10.2003

Experimental and theoretical rotordynamic coefficients of labyrinth seals: a comparison of SEAL2D/3D and CFX-Tascflow models to experiments
Conference paper/presentation
Schettel, Joachim; Nordmann, Rainer
Second M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, June 17-20, 2003

Size determination of small, dispersed droplets with an imaging scattered light method: Mie Scattering Imaging
A. Graßmann
Dissertation University of Duisburg-Essen. Shaker Verlag, 2003

Application of the Mie Scattering Imaging method to the investigation of spherical solid particles with a diameter between 2.5 and 20 μm
Conference paper/presentation
A. Graßmann, F. Peters
11th GALA 2003 Conference on Laser Methods in Flow Measurement Technology, Braunschweig: 48.1-48.5, Fischer Druck, Peine, 2003

Improving small laser light sheets by means of a diffractive optical element
F. Peters, A. Graßmann, H. Schimmel, B. Kley
Exp. Fluids, 35: 4-7, 2003

Data on the development of the cost and earnings situation of the mineral oil industry in the Federal Republic of Germany in 2002
A. Seeliger, D. Schmitt, W. Schulz
Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft (ZfE), Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 209-223

Impacts of a gas cartel on the European gas market - selected results from the supply model EUGAS
A. Seeliger, J. Perner
TU Berlin (ed.), Conference Documents of 2nd Workshop on Applied Infrastructure Research, Berlin, pp. 487-520

Supply options for the European natural gas market: Selected results of the EUGAS model up to 2025
Conference paper/presentation
A. Seeliger
TU Wien (ed.), Die Zukunft der Energiewirtschaft im liberalisierten Markt, Tagungsband der IEWT 2003, Vienna

Supply options for the European natural gas market: Selected results of the EUGAS model up to 2025
Working paper
A. Seeliger
EWI Working Paper 03-1, Cologne

The importance of industrial energy system technology against the background of current energy and climate policy developments
J. Meyer, M. Kruska
VDI-Gesellschaft {Hrsg.): Fortschrittliche Energiewandlung und -anwendung 2003, Tagung Stuttgart,March 11-12, 2003, Düsseldorf, 2003, pp. 49 - 64 (= VDI-Berichte 1746)

Industry energy concepts in North Rhine-Westphalia - When entire industries rationalize their energy use
J. Meyer, M. Kruska, A. Trautmann, P. Bonczek
VDI Gesellschaft (ed.): Betriebliches Energiemanagement, Tagung Cottbus, 06/07 March 2003, Düsseldorf, 2003, pp. 89 - 100 (= VDI Reports 1761)

Sector energy concept for the plastics processing industry
A. Trautmann, J. Meyer, A. Tönges
Gaswärme International Essen 2003 No. 1,p. 13ff


A new method for phase equilibrium measurements in reacting mixtures
F. Alsmeyer, W. Marquardt, G. Olf
Fluid Phase Equil., 2002, 203, 31-51

New Approaches to Determine Phase Equilibria in Spontaneously Reacting Systems
Conference paper/presentation
F. Alsmeyer, W. Marquardt, G. Olf
GVC-DECHEMA-Jahrestagungen, Wiesbaden, 11.-13.6.2002

Mie Scattering Imaging - A method for measuring the size and refractive index of spherical droplets
Conference paper/presentation
A. Graßmann, F. Peters, S. Schulte
10th Symposium GALA 2002 Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, Rostock: 22.1-22.7, Universitätsdruckerei Rostock, 2002

Homogeneous nucleation rates of n-propanol in nitrogen measured in a piston-expansion tube
A. Graßmann, F. Peters
J. Chem. Phys., 116 (17): 7617-7620, 2002

Data on the development of the cost and earnings situation of the mineral oil industry in the Federal Republic of Germany in 2001
A. Seeliger, D. Schmitt, W. Schulz
Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft (ZfE), Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 155-170

Das Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungs-Gesetz - Einige kritische Anmerkungen aus ökonomischer Sicht
A. Seeliger
Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen (ZögU), Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 40-53

Small costs per concept
A. Trautmann, J. Meyer, A. Tönges
UmweltMagazin, Düsseldorf, 2002, No. 12, p. 52ff

Sector energy concepts in NRW
J. Meyer
Wirtschaftliche Nachrichten der HK Aachen, Aachen, 2002, No. 12, p. 14

Evaluation of the current discussion on emissions trading and flexible instruments against the background of experience in pilot projects in Hesse, Schleswig-Holstein and Bavaria
M. Kruska, J. Meyer, N. Steinbrecher
VDI-Gesellschaft (ed.): Flexible Mechanismen zur C02-Minderung, Düsseldorf, 2002, pp. 109-123 (= VDI-Berichte 1725)

What does bad air cost?
J. Meyer, M. Kruska, A. Schubert, et al.
Marktplatz Energie, Herrsching, April 2002, No. 2, pp. 36-40

International Energy Efficiency Benchmarking of Industrial Companies - Methodical Approaches and Case Studies
Conference proceedings
J. Meyer, A. Trautmann, M. Kruska, M. Schreiber
VDI Conference Energy Management for Companies and Public Institutions as part of the E-World of Energy Congress February 15, 2002, Essen (conference proceedings)

The significance of international climate protection agreements for companies in the manufacturing sector
Conference proceedings
M. Kruska, J. Meyer, A. Schubert
VDI Conference Energy Management for Companies and Public Institutions as part of the E-World of Energy Congress, Essen, February 15, 2002 (conference proceedings)


A new principle for phase equilibrium measurements in reacting systems
Conference paper/presentation
F. Alsmeyer, W. Marquardt, D. Müller, G. Olf
6th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Melbourne, Australia, 23-27.9.2001

The liquid temperature in diffusion controlled vapor condensation: analysis and experimental verification
F. Peters, A. Graßmann
Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 44: 3147-3153, 2001

Determination of droplet size in droplet clouds by a Mie scattering effect
Conference paper/presentation
A. Graßmann, F. Peters
9th Symposium GALA 2001 Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, Winterthur: 17.1-17.6, Shaker Verlag, 2001

Retaining customers with discounts and bonuses
A. Seeliger
myWork, Issue 7-8, pp. 58-61

The Clean Development Mechanism - Opportunities for Technology Export, CDM Policy Dialogue Roundtable
Conference proceedings
M. Kruska, J. Meyer, A. Schubert
TÜV Akademie GmbH & ITUT GmbH, Munich, December 14, 2001 (conference proceedings)

Standardization to reduce transaction costs, expert discussion on CO2 emissions trading
Conference proceedings
J. Meyer, M. Kruska, A. Schubert
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Umweltfragen e.V.,Berlin, 28 November 2001 (conference proceedings)

Rational use of energy in the textile industry - the "Sector Energy Concept for the Textile Industry" project
Conference paper/presentation
M. Tai, A. Trautmann, J. Meyer, M. Kruska, M. et al.
DWI-Report, Aachen, December 2001

Rational use of energy in the textile industry. Guidelines for practical application
Textbooks and textbooks
J. Meyer, M. Kruska, A. Trautmann, et al.
Braunschweig/ Wiesbaden: Vieweg, ISBN 3-528-03178-6, November 2001

The Hessian simulation game on C02 emissions trading
J. Meyer, M. Kruska, A. Schubert, et al.
Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, Essen, 51. Jg.,2001,Nr. 10,S. 630ff

The extra portion of energy
J. Meyer, P. Bonczek, A. Tönges
UmweltMagazin, 2001,No. 9/10, p. 67f

Energy consumption under the microscope
J. Meyer
Lebensmittel Zeitung, Frankfurt a.M.,No. 19 of May 11, 2001,p. 62

Rational use of energy in the food industry
J. Meyer, et al.
Fleischerei Technik, München, 17. Jg.,2001,Nr. 4,S. 27

Rational energy use in the food industry - a cross-industry approach
M. Kruska, J. Meyer, P. Bonczek
VDI-GET (ed.): Betriebliches Energiemanagement, Düsseldorf, 2001,pp. 59-71 (=VDI reports 1593)

Rational energy use in the food industry - a cross-industry approach
J. Meyer, M. Kruska, P. Bonczek
VIK Verband der ndustriellen Energie- und Kraftwirtschaft e.V. (ed.): VJK-Mitteilungen, Essen,51. Jg.,2001,Nr. 2, p. 30ff

Measures to reduce energy costs and C02 emissions in industrial companies
Conference paper/presentation
J. Meyer
E-world of energy/ VDI-Konferenz (ed.): Energieanwendung in Industrie und Kommune, Essen,February 2001


Measurement of Phase Equilibria in Reacting Systems
Conference paper/ -presentation
F. Alsmeyer, W. Marquardt, H.-J. Koss, M. Roth, H.W. Siesler, D. Müller, G. Olf, G. Ronge
GVC Technical Committee "Thermal Decomposition of Gas and Liquid Mixtures", Wernigerode, April 5-7, 2000

Homogeneous nucleation rates of n-pentanol in nitrogen measured in a piston-expansion tube
Conference paper/presentation
A. Graßmann, F. Peters
J. Chem. Phys., 113 (16): 6774-6781, 2000

Measurement of homogenous nucleation rates in supersaturated vapors with a CCD-camera
Conference paper/ -presentation
A. Graßmann, F. Peters
9th Int. Symp. on Flow Visualization, Edinburgh, UK, 2000

A CCD camera based measurement method for determining the number concentration of condensing droplets
Conference paper/ presentation
A. Graßmann, F. Peters
8th Symposium GALA 2000 Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, Freising: 51.1-51.5, Shaker Verlag, 2000

Effects of the CHP Act on the grid usage prices of German grid operators
A. Seeliger, T. Böhmer
Elektrizitätswirtschaft (ew), Vol. 99, Issue 26, pp. 8-18

Has the association agreement on electricity grid utilization failed?
A. Seeliger
Wirtschaftsdienst, Vol. 80, No. 11, pp. 661-665

Rational use of energy in the food industry
Reference and textbooks
J. Meyer, M. Kruska, H.-G. Kuhn, B.-U. Sieberger, P. Bonczek
Braunschweig/ Wiesbaden: Vieweg, ISBN 3-528-03173-5, 2000

Simulation of a recycling plant
M. Starke, J. Meyer, M. Schreiber, M. Haug
UmweltWirtschaftsForum, Berlin, 8. Jg.,2000, Nr. 4,S. 40f

Design and evaluation of energy systems from an ecological, economic and technical point of view
J. Meyer, ? Kuperjans, J. Esser, O. Donner
UmweltWirtschaftsForum, Berlin, 8. Jg.,2000, Nr. 3, S. 53-58

Rational use of energy in the food industry
J. Meyer, M. Kruska, P. Bonczek
Energieagentur NRW (Hrsg.): Energiever(sch)wendung: Handbuch zum rationellen Einsatz von elektrischer Energie, 1st ed.,Essen: Klartext, 2000, p. 310 ff.

Calculating the best operating point
M. Starke, J. Meyer, M. Schreiber, M. Haug
Umwelt Magazin, Würzburg, 2000, No. 6, p. 74

Textile: Industry energy concept to reduce energy costs
J. Meyer, A. Trautmann, M. Sturm, M. Kruska, N. Elsasser
avr - Allgemeiner Vliesstoff-Report, Heusenstamm, 2000, No. 3, p. 45ff

Industryenergy concept for reducing energy costs in the textile industry (Part II)
J. Meyer, M. Sturm, A. Trautmann, M. Kruska, P. Weber, N. Elsasser, T. Mac
Melliand Textilberichte, Frankfurt a.M.,81st Vol.,2000, No. 6,p. 532ff

Industry energy concept for reducing energy costs in the textile industry (Part 1)
J. Meyer, M. Sturm, A. Trautmann, M. Kruska, P. Weber, N. Elsasser, T. Mac
Melliand Textilberichte, Frankfurt a.M.,81. Jg.,2000, Nr. 5, S. 419ff

Significantly reducing input and costs, in: Fleischwirtschaft
J. Meyer
Frankfurt a .M.,80. Jg.,2000, Nr. 5, p. 34ff

Process simulation to optimize the use of energy in a recycling plant
J. Meyer, M. Starke, M. Schreiber, M. Haug
wlb - Wasser, Luft und Boden, Mainz, 2000, No. 4, p. 61ff

Energy concept: Evaluation of the Germany-wide company survey
J. Meyer
Fleischerei Technik, Munich, 16. Jg.,2000, Nr.1-2, p.41ff

Inoculation passport: Cyclic grain size fluctuations in mass crystallizers
J. Widua, G. Hofmann, S. Wang, W. Wöhlk
Chemie-Technik, 8(2000), p.42 ff.


Experimental investigation of heat conduction in wet sand
A. Graßmann, F. Peters
Heat and Mass Transfer, 35: 289-294, 1999

Consequences of phasing out nuclear energy - A critical comparison of existing studies
A. Seeliger, E. Feess
Zeitschrift für angewandte Umweltforschung (ZAU), Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 400-407

Investments in the German electricity industry after liberalization
A. Seeliger
Elektrizitätswirtschaft (ew), Vol. 98, No. 26, pp. 40-44

Zero-Discharge Waste Water Treatment
S. Wang
Water and Waste Water", 2(1999)

before 1998

Strategic international marketing in Southeast Asia using the example of a medium-sized company in the capital goods industry
Diploma thesis
Schettel, Joachim
Diploma thesis, UGH Siegen 1998

Particle size analysis
Conference paper/presentation
S. Wang
Contribution to the industry seminar at Haus der Technik Essen between 1994 and 1996

The Initial Size Dependent Growth Rate Dispersion of Attrition Fragments and Secondary Nuclei
S. Wang, A. Mersmann
Chem. Eng. Sci. 6(1992)47, 1365-1371

Verification of the Constant Crystal Growth Model for Attrition Particles and its Relationsship to the Modeling of Crystallizers
S. Wang, A. Mersmann
Journal of Crystal Growth, 99(1990)1104-1107

Effective Size of Attrition Fragments with Respect to Nucleation and Growth Rate Dispersion
S. Wang, A. Mersmann
Proc. of the 11th. Intern. Symp. on Industrial Crystallization", ed. A. Mersmann, 18-20th. Sept. 1990, Garmisch, Germany, p. 367-372

General Prediction of Mean Crystal Size
A. Mersmann, M. Angerhöfer, T. Gutwald, R. Sangl, S. Wang
Proc. of the 11th. Intern. Symp. on Industrial Crystallization", ed. A. Mersmann, 18-20th. Sept. 1990, Garmisch, Germany, p. 47-52

The Relationship between the Constant Crystal Growth (CCG-) Model and the Size Dependent Gowth for Crystallization from Solution
S. Wang, A. Mersmann
Proc. of the inter. Symp. on functional Materials and Industrial Crystallization, Aug. 1989, Osaka, Japan, p. 117-121
