As part of the project Climate-neutral and competitive food industry by 2030 funded by the Association of German Industrial Engineers (VWI), this guide to decarbonizing process heat supply for companies in the food industry was created. It provides support in the selection of technologies and the evaluation of their sustainability and economic viability.
The final report can be here downloaded from the VWI website.
On this page you will also find the additional material described in the report. This consists of an Excel tool for decarbonizing your own business. The tool contains
- the creation of a greenhouse gas balance (according to the GHG protocol)
- a process technology matrix for selecting suitable technologies
- a benefit analysis to compare possible technologies
- a profitability assessment of the technologies
- A dashboard with all results
Further information can also be found in the book by Prof. Jörg Meyer.
Rational use of energy in the food industry
Jörg Meyer, Martin Kruska, Heinz-Georg Kuhn, Bernd-Ulrich Sieberger, Peter Bonczek
Vieweg+Teubner, 2000
ISBN-13: 9783528031732
We hope you enjoy reading this book and wish you every success in reducingCO2 emissions in your own company!