Prof. Dr. Marina Wachs

Hochschule Niederrhein. Your way.

Design theory with specialisation in textiles and fashion

Bachelor's degree programme Design Engineer

  • Textile and Costume History
  • Design history and theory
  • Art History
  • Sketching the sustainable future - analog and digital

Master's degree programme Textile Products - Design

  • Intercultural Design
  • Design Management
  • Cultural Visual Language
  • Communicate Fashion + Textile Design Sustainably / Fashion and Textile Design Sustainably

Bachelor's degree programme Textile and Clothing Management

  • Design Theory
  • Color Theory
  • Fashion Theory
  • Sketching the sustainable future - analog and digital

Publications / Presentations incl. Open access
Prof. Dr. Marina-Elena Wachs, Hochschule Niederrhein Fb Textile and Clothing Technology, Mg,


PUBLICATIONS until today

Shaping the Impact of Design Practice and Education Within Human & AI Collaboration - A Question of Control and Risk?’Wachs, Marina-Elena, 1, Balbig, Gesa2, Chuang, Yani2 , Holmø-Bojesen, A
1 Hochschule Niederrhein, Germany
2 Balbig, G (NL); Chuang, Y (NL), Holmø-Bojesen, A. (DK).

Time-As Essential Factor To Modify Lectures Of 'Gestalt-Theory' - Sdg 4 In Europe And Re-Writing Design History, 1. author: Wachs, Marina-Elena, (Hochschule Niederrhein - University of Applied Sciences, Germany) 2. authors: Prof. Dr. Andreas Hoffmann, CEO Bucerius Kunst Forum, Hamburg, Germany, Conference EPDE 2023 - International conference on engineering and product design education 07-08 september 2023, Elisava School of Design and Engineering University Barcelona, Spain.

Cross Cultural Co-Designing For Innovative Sustainable (Textile) Design Solutions - Questioning SDG's 9, 12 + 17 , 1. author: Wachs, Marina-Elena, (Hochschule Niederrhein - University of Applied Sciences, Germany) together with mentees 2. authors: Weber, Charlotte, Student of Hochschule Niederrhein, Conference EPDE 2023 - International conference on engineering and product design education 07-08 september 2023, Elisava School of Design and Engineering University Barcelona, Spain.

'Art experiences as disruptive impulse, and mentoring for new design engineering education strategies', 1st author: Wachs, Marina-Elena, (HN, FB 07), Conference EPDE 2022 - International conference on engineering and product design education 08-09 september 2022, London South Bank University, London, DOI: 10.35199/EPDE.2022.6.

'A Pan-European Transformation to Bridge the Gap between Tangible Experience and Virtual Ideating Spaces', 1st author: Wachs, Marina-Elena, (Hochschule Niederrhein - University of Applied Sciences, Germany) together with mentees: 2nd author: Theresa Scholl - Textile Design Engineer, Germany; Giulia D'Aleo - Master student of digital and interaction design Politecnico di Milano, Italy, Conference EPDE 2022 - International conference on engineering and product design education 08-09 September 2022, DOI:10.35199/EPDE.2022.7

Post doc thesis in English 02/2022:
"Design Engineering - sustainable and holistic": Avedition, ISBN: 978-3-89986-362-8 Themes : Design Research about: Design History - Design Theory - Design Education (History) in Europe,Creative Learning Landscapes and Design Didactic Approach, 'Sketching' the Future together sustainable and holistic. Case Study: interactive gestalt methodologies via manual and digital tools: 'materialising the immateriality',- Marina-Elena Wachs, available as e-book for libraries: 2023/24.

'Self-confidence & self-expression through sketching - the significance of drawing in 'primary education' & the next generation of engineering', 1st Author: Wachs, Marina-Elena, (HN, FB 07), EPDE 2021 - International conference on Engineering and Product Design Education,9th of September 2021, Via Design, Via University College, Herning, Denmark. Author: Wachs, Marina-Elena
Series: E&PDE Institution: Hochschule Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, Germany Section: Industrial Involvement in Design and Engineering Education DOI number: 10.35199/EPDE.2021.3 ISBN: 978-1-912254-14-9

"TEXTILE ENGINEERING SURFACE: Surface Design from Tactile to Graphic to Tactile Experience in Design Engineering of the Future" ISBN:978-3-95908-450-5 Doi: https: // - Article No 201 Conference, Dresden, 17. June 2021: EEE Design - Develop - Experience, Product Development and Design,: 1. Author: Wachs, Marina-Elena, (HN, FB 07) 2. Scholl, Theresa (textile designer, freelance) 3. Balbig, Gesa, (textile designer, freelance), 4. Grobheiser, Katharina (textile designer, freelance).

"DRAWING AS A WORLD DESIGN: analog + digital - The importance of drawing in primary education with a view to design engineering in Europe." ISBN:978-3-95908-450-5 Doi: https: // - Article No 665 Conference, Dresden, June 17, 2021: EEE Entwerfen - Entwickeln - Erleben, Produktentwicklung und Design,: 1st Author: Wachs, Marina-Elena, HN, FB 07.

"Status of German Fashion 2021", Fashion Council Germany (ed.), the first major German, and funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, study "Status of German Fashion". The study was prepared by the Fashion Council Germany e.V., in association with textile and fashion representatives, together with the Oxford Economics Institute and 50 representatives of the industries.

Advisory board member of the FCG (Fashion Council Germany) in the committee of 50 experts of the textile and fashion industry in Germany - only university representative: Prof. Dr. Marina-Elena Wachs

- European Driving Range - Innovative Landscapes For A Tangible, Non-Hierarchical Learning Space Within A Material And Immaterial Togetherness, Marina-Elena Wachs (1) together with Ashley Hall (2), from RCA London, International Conference On Engineering And Product Design Education13th of September 2019, Department Of Design, Manufacture And Engineering Management, University Of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

- The Entrepreneurial Power Of Design Schools - Like Bauhaus - As Driver For Business Models For Industry Yesterday And Tomorrow - Case Studies: Profitable Partnerships In Architecture And Textile, Annual Design History Society Conference 2019: "The Cost in Design",6th of September 2019, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK

- Fashioning Furniture Future - lecture and workshop - European Initiative for Non-Hierarchical Cross Cultural Learning Landscapes by Marina Wachs, 09 / 2019, Royal College of Art, School of Design, London, UK.

published in: >Building Community: Design Education for a Sustainable Future<, Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London, UK - The 20th International Conference on Engineering & Product Design Education<: 6/7 September 2018.

- "Sustainable Design Models - Sustainable thinking and acting in design and in design
education: A question of cultural value",
analog and digital December 2017, in: t-experimental,
Hochschule Niederrhein, ISBN: 978-3-98154669-3-4.

- "The Beauty in Design - Aesthetics and Functions Caused by Combining Analogue with Digital Processing - Case Studies of Fashion Engineering and Automotive Design", ISSN: 2169-0316, October 2016, in: Industrial Engineering& Management, open access.

- "CHANGE - The next blue: smart and sustainable spaces in fashion and (interior-) architecture", cooperation project of EPSON GmbH Germany and Hochschule Niederrhein, exhibition catalog in German and extended digitally in English, 3 films on the website:

- "The German Look at Design - advanced TEXTILE solutions", July, 2015 - 3 languages: German, English, Italian, Hochschule Niederrhein, ISBN: 978-3-9815469-2-7

- "Re-Design - More a Social and Industrial Evolution than a Question of Luxury on Demand", ISSN: 2165-8064, May 2014, open access publication in: Journal of Textile Science and Engineering.

-"You have to be inspired by...", Wachs, Marina-Elena in: Leydecker, Sylvia (ed.), Designing Interior Architecture: Concept, Typology, Material, Construction,, Birkhäuser Verlag, London, April 2013. ISBN 978-3-0346130-0-2.

-"Nachhaltiges Textiles Design / Sustainable Textile Design" - Texte und Designstatements herausgegeben von Hochschule Niederrhein, Marina-E. Wachs and Ellen Bendt, u. further authors, 2013, Schaff Verlag, Hamburg, ISBN 978-3-944405-00-1.

-"Textile Codes # 2 - Knitted Wool Couture " - Publication of the series Textile Codes of the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology, Ed.: Hochschule Niederrhein, Ellen Bendt and Marina-Elena Wachs, 2012, ISBN 978-3-9815469-1-0

- "Textile Codes # 1" - Analog and digital design statements using the example of the fold and the pleat", first publication of the series Textile Codes of the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology, ed.: Hochschule Niederrhein, Ellwanger- Mohr, Marion and Wachs, Marina-Elena, 2012, ISBN 978-3-9815469-0-3

- "Promovieren im Design - ein Kinderspiel / Writing a PhD in Design - a cakewalk?" in cooperation with Prof. D. Weinlich, 2011, Blumhardt Verlag, Hannover, ISBN 978-3-932011-84-9

- "Perspectives #1 Female Professors of The Hochschule Niederrhein", 2012, magazine, designed by students of Fb Design, Hochschule Niederrhein, Prof. Kemsa. ISBN978-3-86206-152-5

- Green Design - Greenwashing - NachHALT in Design, 2011 in: Loffing, Christina and Verleysdonk-Simons, Sigrid (eds.), Gestalt geben Bedürfnissen - Verantwortung Gestalt geben, Schriftenreihe des Faculties of Applied Social Sciences, vol. 52, Hochschule Niederrhein.

- Design and Therapy - The Importance of Material in the Design of Psychotherapeutic Spaces, 2010 in: Opening hours - Papers on design science, Designlabor der FH Lübeck, 24/2010.

- On the relationship between anthropology and design/science, 2010, in: Romero-Tejedor, Felicidad and Jonas, Wolfgang (eds.), et al. Authors, Positions on Design Science, Kassel Campus Press.

- On the legibility of things - the cultural and especially sociological meaning of artifacts in the context of a new cultural studies discussion. 2009, in: Opening hours papers on design science, DesignLabor der Fh Lübeck, 23/2009, pp. 47 - 53.

- Material Codes and Material Narration in Design, Art and Architecture, in: Book of the 4th International Workshop of Design & Semantics of Form & Movement, hfg of Main ,11/2008.

- Smart Materials - smart usable?!, in: Publication for the congress "Smart Textiles - Technology and design" at the University College of Borås - The Swedish School of Textiles, Sweden, 03/2008.

- Material Mind - Neue Materialien in Design, Kunst und Architektur, 2008, Dr. Kovac Verlag, Hamburg (also interdisciplinary doctoral thesis, HBK Braunschweig).

- imperfectio: music and design - synaesthetic aspects for the design process, 2000, self-published, Braunschweig.

- Des1gnbuch, 1997, Wachs, Marina-Elena et al, ed.: Braunschweig University of Fine Arts, Appelhans Verlag, Braunschweig.

- Future of Sustainable Materials - Hypes and Trends...between yesterday and tomorrow,
Speaker at Fashion Revolution Night, November 6, 2018, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Düsseldorf.

- TEXTILES TRACES and Industrial Design Culture - a transdisciplinary look at working conditions, industrial changing and the question of identification of producing and designing people as drivers for textile culture, Manchester School of Art - Conference >textile and place<: 13 April 2018.

- TEXTILES TRACES and Industrial Design Culture a transdisciplinary look at working conditions, industrial changing and the question of identification of producing and designing people as drivers for textile culture , lecture and publication at the conference "textile and place" at Manchester School of Art - Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, 13.04.2018.

- Writing a PhD in Design and Knowledgetransfer - Interdisciplinary Design Education (case study Textile Engineering + Design), presentation and publication at the International Conference of Enigineering and Product Design Education, at Loughborough University, Design School, Loughborough, UK, 03.09.2015.

- Fashion(s) - Material - Gender: fashion theoretical discourses and material behavior in design and architecture, Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensse, Berlin, 12/14/12.

- "MaterialFormMemory - vestimentary codes and envelopes in fashion and architecture", Offenbach University of Design (HfG), 15.10.12.

- "Sustainable de-folding in the mediation of material culture", Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, 04.05.12.

- "Leadership in the context of creative processes", FH Hannover, Faculty of Design, Media and Information, 04.01.2012.

- "(Master-) Chances in Textiles- and Fashion- Design and -Management", Academy of Fashion and Design Düsseldorf, 06.07.2011.

- "Green Design - Greenwashing - NachHALT im Design", Hochschule Niederrhein, Krefeld, Faculty of Design, Competence Centre Social Design, 24.06.2010.

- "Material Memory and Cultural Heritage", lecture at the University of Applied Sciences Cologne, Institute for Restoration and Conservation Sciences, 09.11.2009.

- "Deconstructivism in Textiles and Fashion," Hochschule Niederrhein, Krefeld, Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology, 09.10.2009.

- "How to do research in design and architecture - and how to integrate these results into practice - for example technical textiles", 4a-Architekten, Stuttgart, 15.06.2009.

- "naturally sustainable! - new structures (in) the use of materials in art, design and architecture", Hamburg University of Fine Arts, 15.05.2009.

- "Material Codes and Material Narration in Design, Art and Architecture", 07.11.2008, DeSForM, 4 Intern. Workshop of Design & Semantics of Form & Movement, hfg of Main.

- Cultural Codes in Design - especially in Fashion- and Textiles Design, 03.11.08, University College of Borås - The Swedish School of Textiles, Sweden.


Lectures until 2025:

"Weltweite Kooperationen in der Textil-Kreislaufwirtschaft: Recycling und Ressourcen im Textil-Design von Morgen - Deine Verantwortung und Mitgestaltung."
09.12.2024: Vortrag im Kunstmuseum Krefeld:

DGTF – Gesellschaft Für Design-Theorie Und -Forschung, (27-04-2024)
Jahrestagung: Thema Hazarding Design, School Of Design – Hochschule Luzern, Schweiz

EPDE 2024 Conference (in verschiedener Konstellation): 05. September 2024 at Aston University:
26th International conference on engineering and product design education
5-6 September 2024, Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom

‘Embodied Design Experiences First - Before Designing With(In) Ai.’

Wachs, Marina-Elena,



New form of presentation and publication: VISUAL PAPER:

Wachs, Marina-Elena, 1, Balbig, Gesa2, Chuang, Yani2 , Holmø-Bojesen, A2
Hochschule Niederrhein, Germany
2 Balbig, G (NL); Chuang, Y (NL), Holmø-Bojesen, A. (DK).

‘The role for AI in a COIL project involving fast fashion, personal floatation devices, and a LMIC community.’

Wachs, Marina-Elena, 1, Fairburn, Sue2, Powell, John3
Hochschule Niederrhein, Germany
2 Wilson School of Design, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Canada
Bournemouth University / The Royal National Lifeboat Institution, United Kingdom

'Self-confidence & self-expression through sketching - the significance of drawing in 'primary education' & the next generation of engineering'.

Conference EPDE 2021 - International conference on engineering and product design education

09th of September 2021, via design, via university college, herning, Denmark.
1st author: Wachs, Marina-Elena, (Hochschule Niederrhein - FB 07)

see publication with Doi and ISBN.


"DRAWING AS A WORLD DESIGN: analog + digital

- The importance of drawing in primary education with a view to design engineering in Europe."

Conference, Dresden, June 17-18, 2021: EEE Entwerfen - Entwickeln - Erleben, Produktentwicklung und Design: 1. Author: Wachs, Marina-Elena, HN, FB 07 (see publication and pdf presentation: ISBN:978-3-95908-450-5.

Doi: - Article No 665)


"TEXTILE ENGINEERING SURFACE: Surface design from tactile to graphic to tactile experience in design engineering of the future".

Conference, Dresden, June 17, 2021: EEE Entwerfen - Entwickeln - Erleben, Produktentwicklung und Design: 1. Author: Wachs, Marina-Elena, (HN, FB 07) 2. Scholl, Theresa (textile designer, freelance) 3. Balbig, Gesa, (textile designer, freelance), 4. Grobheiser, Katharina (textile designer, freelance) (see publication and film: ISBN:978-3-95908-450-5.

Doi: - Article No 201)


"green materials in product / fashion / automotive / interior design",Keynote at materials cologne - Interzum Fair Cologne, 4th - 7th of May 2021, digital fair, more about at:


"Drawing as world design - the significance of de/sign: design in the age of knowledge(schaft)s and education management", September 17, 2020, Free University of Bolzano - Faculty of Educational Sciences, public lecture.


-"European driving range - innovative landscapes for a tangible, non-hierarchical learning space within a material and immaterial togetherness", 12th of September 2019: EPDE Conference, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
(Marina Wachs together with Ashley Hall, RCA, London)


-"The entrepreneurial power of design schools - like Bauhaus - as driver for business models for industry yesterday and tomorrow - case studies: profitable partnerships in architecture and textile", 6th of September '19: DHS Conference >The Cost of Design - The Business of The Bauhaus<, University of Northumbria (Newcastle), (Marina Wachs)

"Technology - Textile and Textile Technology Yesterday and in the Future: on Renaissance Fashion after Matthäus Schwarz," Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum Braunschweig, July 25, 2019.

  • "The Future of Sustainable Materials - Hypes and Trends...between yesterday and tomorrow",
    Fashion Revolution Night Düsseldorf, Marina-Elena Wachs, 06 November 2018, Düsseldorf
  • "Driver for Sustainable (Industrial) Design Culture - The DESIGN SHIFT." London Conference: annual EPDE - Engineering and Product Design Education, 6 September 2018, Dyson-University London.
  • Textiles Traces - Industrial Design Culture - a transdisciplinary look at working conditions, industrial changing and the question of identification of producing and designing people as drivers for textile culture, Manchester Conference "textile and place", 13 April 2018, Manchester School of Art.
  • Writing a PhD in Design and Knowledgetransfer - Interdisciplinary Design Education (case study Textile Engineering + Design), presentation and publication at the International Conference of Enigineering and Product Design Education, at Loughborough University, Design School, Loughborough, UK, 03.09.2015.


  • Design Science of the Future - Research Processes and Recommendations for Action at Universities for Doctoral Studies in Design, lecture at DESIGN PF - Pforzheim University - Faculty of Design, 18. 06. 2014.


  • Mode(n) - Material - Gender: modetheoretische Diskurse und Material Behaviour in Design und Architektur, Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensse, Berlin, 14.12.12.


  • "MaterialFormMemory - vestimentary codes and envelopes in fashion and architecture", Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG) Offenbach, 15.10.12.



  • "Sustainable de-folding in the mediation of material culture", Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, 04.05.12.


  • "Leadership in the context of creative processes", FH Hannover, Faculty of Design, Media and Information, 04.01.2012.


  • "Krefeld speeches talk about.... Samt und Seide", in the series "Krefelder reden über..." Speech about velvet and silk + moderation of the evening at the Krefeld Theater, 08.11.2011.


  • "(Master-) Chances in Textiles- and Fashion- Design and -Management", Academy of Fashion and Design Düsseldorf, 06.07.2011.


  • "Green Design - Greenwashing - NachHALT im Design", Hochschule Niederrhein, Krefeld, Faculty of Design, Competence Centre Social Design, 24.06.2010.


  • "Material Memory and Cultural Heritage", lecture at the University of Applied Sciences Cologne, Institute for Restoration and Conservation Sciences, 09.11.2009.


  • "Deconstructivism in Textiles and Fashion", Hochschule Niederrhein, Krefeld, Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology, 09.10.2009.


  • "How to do research in design and architecture - and how to integrate these results into practice - for example technical textiles", 4a-Architekten, Stuttgart, 15.06.2009.


  • "naturally sustainable! - new structures (in) the application of materials in art, design and architecture", Hamburg University of Fine Arts, 15.05.2009.


  • "Material Codes and Material Narration in Design, Art and Architecture", 07.11.2008, DeSForM, 4 Intern. Workshop of Design & Semantics of Form & Movement, hfg of Main.


  • Cultural Codes in Design - especially in Fashion- and Textiles Design, 03.11.08, University College of Borås - The Swedish School of Textiles, Sweden.




