Application-oriented research has a high priority at the Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology. It is an important driver of intensive cooperation with industry as well as high-quality apprenticeship, especially in the Master's degree programmes.
Overcoming boundaries
The research and development projects handled are as diverse as the courses offered. In terms of organization, these range from large externally-funded projects to a large number of concrete innovations in companies as part of theses. In terms of content, the entire textile chain is covered, from the fiber to the finished textile and its marketing. True to the mission statement of the Hochschule Niederrhein "Overcoming Boundaries", the faculty uses its broadly based competencies to produce new developments at the particularly interesting interfaces between disciplines.
Research fields
Here are a few examples of research fields.
- Innovative new textile structures are being developed to realize increased protective functions with the aid of three-dimensionally shaped fabrics. Three-dimensional knitted, warp-knitted and woven fabrics are being integrated into clothing that supports learning.
- Nanotechnological finishes help fabrics achieve unimagined functionalities. Luminous elements and coatings give them amazing functions and aesthetics.
- Tailor-made clothing in the difficult field of women's outerwear follows the trend of increasing individualization. RFID technology is revolutionizing the logistics of garment manufacturing.
- Computer-aided design and simulation of the product have become indispensable.
- New technologies at the point of sale and in eBusiness bring products to the customer in new ways.