As an offer of Prof. Dr. Marina-Elena Wachs the master students could discuss together with Prof. Dr. Andreas Hoffmann, managing director of the Bucerius Kunst Forum (BKF), archaeologist and curator - next to Prof. Dr. Annette Haug - of the exhibition "The New Images of Augustus" on site. A fantastic exhibition, which is about new findings of the media variety and power demonstration of Augustus and wife Livia and a change of times, which also finds references to today.
In a technically super versed guided tour by Tom Lippmann - leading in the 6th generation - we delved into the textile technology of the ropemakers and "Reeper": on the longest "Reeperbahn" in Europe: on 347 m length we could observe how much expertise has been working over the decades of this trade until today to perfectly manufacture ropes for the most different, international fields of application.
Afterwards, lighting planner and industrial designer Ulrike Brandi told us insights of her decade-proven sustainable lighting design, e.g. of the Elbphilharmonie, which we followed in the evening while having a drink on the plaza of the Elbphilharmonie HH.
Art and design museums followed: Museum für Angewandte Kunst und Gewerbe: exhibition "Die Sprache der Mode" (title borrowed from Roland Barthes) and in the Kunsthalle Hamburg, where e.g. the German and French Impressionists were compared pictorially and again the exact perception by drawing exercises was in demand.
Finally, we would like to thank Prof. Greule of HAW Hamburg in the Department of Media Technology, where the students designed interactively in VR and AR and were able to discuss the textile possibilities of the media of the future in an interdisciplinary way with other experts.
Many experiences and insights of the "power of media and textile techniques of the past and the future" will be followed up in the subjects Intercultural Design and Design Management in the Master TP-Design with exercises and discussions on the semester assignment.
We would like to thank all the experts for this insightful excursion.
1. Bucerius Kunst Forum: Students and Prof. Dr. M.-E. Wachs and Prof. Dr. Andreas Hoffmann (Managing Director BKF HH)
2. Seilerei Lippman German Ropes GmbH & Co.Kg, students and Prof. Dr. M.-E. Wachs with company senior Klaus Lippmann and junior (grandson) Tom Lippmann
3. Students and Prof. Dr. M.-E.E. Wachs with lighting designer / industrial designer Ulrike Brandi
4. Elbphilharmonie Plaza: students and Prof. Dr. M.-E. Wachs
5. Kunsthalle Hamburg: students and Prof. Dr. M.-E. Wachs - drawing exercises
6. HAW Hamburg Dept. Media Technology: students, Prof. Dr. M.-E. Wachs and Prof. Roland Greule.
Photos: students and Prof. Dr. Marina-Elena Wachs, 2022.
Contact person
Designer: Prof. Dr. M.-E. Wachs